Large Scale Operation Incoming

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Friday, 25th July 2020
The admiral returned today and gathered almost every HWS at the base with navy soldier type and air force soldier type that is available for battle. I was also called. He then announced that there will be a large scale operation to attack an enemy naval base at Tuesday. Then, he gave us more detail. He divided the HWS into group A, B, C, D, and E. On the day of the operation, group A which consisted of mostly destroyers is tasked to make a short attack on the enemy's base and lure the enemy's main force to the open sea, this is because we want to avoid the enemy getting artillery support from their coastal artilleries and air support from their airports. Group B which consisted of mostly frigates and corvettes is tasked to battle the enemy's main force after group A lured the enemy to the open sea. Group C which consisted of mostly cruiser and battleships is tasked to attack the enemy's main force after group A lured the enemy to the open seas along with group B. Group D which consisted of mostly corvettes and cruisers is tasked to perform reconnaissance and intercept any enemy supplies or reinforcement during the days before the operation, if necessary they will also intercept any enemy reinforcement at the day of the operation. Group E which consisted of mostly corvette is tasked to escort and guard supply ships during the operation. After defeating the enemy's main force which was lured from the enemy base, all groups will resupply from supply ships which will be guarded by group E, afterwards, all HWS still capable of combat will attack the enemy's naval base at the same time. I heard my name when the admiral read out loud the names of the HWS put in group E. Some of the newbie put into group E was disappointed because they thought they got the worse position out of all. But in my opinion, being in group E is the best position because you have the lowest risk of dying. My other allies that is also in group E is Pattimura and Bung Tomo. After the announcement, i went back to my room and got ready to go to sleep. Bung Tomo had an errand to do, i don't know what errand but i don't really care. I'm going to bed.

Saturday, 26th July 2020
I didn't help the engineers today, and i stopped helping the officers to deal with paperworks. Instead, i practiced my battle skills at the training area. It's been some time after my last sortie, so i practiced so that my skill won't be too rusty. At the training area, i saw Cakra training her maneuver skills. She seemed to stop mourning her twin brother's death, good for her. I did went to talk to her, i apologized to her for being unable to save Nanggala that day. she smiled and said that i wasn't my fault. She smiled, but her smile looked like a forced smile. It's probably just me but i saw some tears that she was holding after i mentioned about her twin brother. Maybe i shouldn't have talked about her brother to her. But anyway, i trained myself the whole day. My skill really became blunt after no training for some time, but i sharpened my skill again and i was ready for sortie at Tuesday after i trained. Something hilarious happened though. One of the newbie was practicing in the training area. One of the training bullets hit my head. I turned to look at him and gave him an intimidating stare. Then i started moving towards him slowly but surely. He then ran away from the training area and climbed a tree just to avoid me, he must have thought i was going to beat him. I was about to scare him even further when an officer passed by the tree. I pretended to be passing by the tree too. Then the officer saw the newbie on top of the tree. No one was allowed to climb the tree for any reason. The officer got angry at the newbie and told him to climb down the tree. As soon as the newbie touched the ground, he was scolded for climbing the tree. That didn't went the way i thought i would go, but seeing the newbie get in trouble was hilarious. I shouldn't write anymore, it's really late.

Sunday, 27th July 2020
The operation is coming up in 2 days. I've seen HWS from group D take turn patrolling the sea around the enemy's base. Well, there was a fleet exercise today. I only watched the fleet exercise from a distance, but i saw that most of the HWS with navy soldier type, has really bad anti air capabilities. I could tell by seeing how the fleet exercise went right after a few training drones flew to the battlefield and that most of the HWS with navy soldier type couldn't fire at the aircrafts accurately. I started thinking what might happen if the enemy base had a lot of aircraft carrier. I told what i thought to the admiral, but he said that he thought of it and decided to bring almost all available aircraft at the base to the operation to avoid such a problem. It's good to know that FUO aircrafts won't be a hindrance to the operation's success. By the way, i saw Sigalu at the fleet exercise today, she seemed to be doing better than she did before i gave her Hana's pendant. When i said what i thought to her, she smiled, but not a forced smile like Cakra gave me, i could tell almost immediately. And i think Sigalu got taller again, she is in the middle of growing up.

Monday, 28th July 2020
I have been training in the training area today for tomorrow's operation. It might seem to be not so useful because i was in group E, but you can never be too careful. Today, the colonel said that all HWS should send a message to their family and tell them the current situation their facing. I don't really know what to write for my family though. I lived in Banten, Jawa before the war began. After the sudden attack by the FUO on Kalimantan, TNI(Tentara Nasional Indonesia, translation: Indonesian national soldiers) tried to fortify and hold a defensive stance at all Indonesian province. At that time, HWS hasn't been invented yet, so the defense against the FUO was still weak. As a result, some province including Banten was unable to withstand FUO raids. The raid on Banten caused my parents to die. My little sister is currently in a hospital recovering from the heavy injury she got on the day of the raid. I didn't get much injury on the day of the raid. I was at Binus, my university that day. I was in class until the alarm sounded, Banten was under attack, every one at the university had to evacuate. I managed to evacuate immediately, but my family didn't have enough time. My parents didn't make it, and as for my little sister, i need not mention it anymore. Now that HWS has been invented, the situation in Banten recovered and normal life continued at Banten for now. Even after writing all that, i still don't know what to write for the message to send to my little sister. Well, maybe i'll write after the operation, if i don't die at the operation though.

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