Chapter:0 (prologue)

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???? POV

The Moon was shining brightly above me as I sped through the Twilight forest.

My breath was ragged and blood was oozing out of my chest.

[*pant* *pant* ] (Me)

I'm pretty sure they have stopped following me but I'm not taking the risk, there's too much on my hands.

My lungs felt like they were trying to kill me.

The fate of the entire Silver Daemons tribe is up to me now.

Out of the corner of my eyes, a green blob jumped at me. My reflexes were quick and I immediately slashed it away with my Copper Shortsword.

It was slime and I didn't have time to worry about it so I continued my Escape without trying to kill it. The slime still gave chase to me.

Damn It! I don't have time for this. I have to tend to my wounds and search for the princess. Who knows what she is going through right now since everyone was annihilated.

[*pant* *pant*] (Me)

I had lost the slime and was no in a strange clearing. There was a lake in front of me that was reflecting the serene moonlight.

I took off my robe and starting inspecting the wound on my chest. The cut was deep and it Pained greatly like hundreds of thorns inside your chest, slowly grinding your flesh away.

I walked up to the lake and sat beside it.

The lake was still and clear, I looked into it and my face was reflected with the moonlight.

Silver/Whitish hair in a shabby state, sweat everywhere and clear crystal light blue colored eyes that had a magical blue hue to it. I took some water and splashed my face with it.

After that, I started washing my wounds slowly and carefully with a clean rag I had.

After a few minutes of great pain, I realized the amount of blood loss and concluded that my chances of surviving were slim to none.

I ripped apart my robe and started using it as a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding.

And I was finally hit with all the exhaustion at the same time as my body refused to move anymore.

I laid down right there and started talking to myself to raise spirit even if it would do nothing.

[I, Reid Sord........hereby swear....... that if I survive..........I will become princess Luna's knight.........and protect her from all........until she can lead just like her father...........Until then I only wish to be alive.........just till then......Please.....] (Me)

My words fell on deaf ears as the night became silent again.

Truth be told, The only thing I heard after that was death knocking on my door

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