Chapter 9

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Lilith's POV

I wake up laying flat on my back in my cell, I didn't die! I look over at Breanna, only to see her already looking at me with wide eyes. I go to say something but the cell door swings open before I can. I  sit up and whip my head around only to see the yellowed toothed man grinning madly with a burnt steak in his hand.

"How is the soon to be champion?" He tosses the steak onto the dirty ground. "Don't get used to it." He sneers before slamming the door and walking away. It's an automatic lock, they're not stupid enough to leave it unlocked.

I reach over and grab the steak and rip in half with ease surprisingly. I hand the bigger half to Breanna, her hollow face lights up as she takes it. She needs it more than me.

"Thank you," She says softly as a smile grows on my face.

"You're welcome."

We both eat in silence and I let her take the thin cot for tonight. I must've been out for hours because now it's almost pitch black outside. I eventually fall into a peaceful sleep for once.

The door swings open and I'm getting dragged out before I can react. The yellow toothed man drags me down the same hallway he did yesterday and pulls me into the same, overly sterile room.

"Stand and sit in the chair." He orders. I rise to my feet as I feel something shift within me, something I've never felt before I sit in the chair. He quickly straps my wrists and ankles before stepping to the side as the white door swings open. The same doctor with the same cart walks in. Is this going to become an everyday thing?

The woman picks up the needle with a black substance and flicks it a couple times before shoving it into my forearm without warning, making me wince. I watch as she drains the needle into me. The room starts to spin as my left hand starts to twitch again before yanking up against the restraint again and again, almost as if something else is controlling it again. What the hell are they doing to me? My hand breaks free from the restraint before I pass out.

That's how it went for years, I lost count of the days after 412. Everyday the yellowed toothed man would come get me, drag me to that room, I'd get injected but there's always a new doctor everyday for some reason. After I pass out, I'd wake up in the arena then something would take over my body then wake back up in my cell. It's a never ending cycle. I'm nothing but a bag of bones, I'm skinnier than I was back at the Blue Moon Pack because I actually ate at least once a day there.

I wake up in my cell, flat on my back as usual. I look over to my left only to be met with emptiness. I slowly sit  up, where is Breanna? She's always here and it's not like she goes out into the arena. Soon, the door swings open and there stands another man.
"For being the champion, I thought you would be bigger." The man muses with a smile that shows his two missing teeth. I simply stare at him, there's no point in answering him. He grabs my matted hair roughly before dragging me out into the hallway and towards the same white room. Apparently he doesn't like being ignored.

He pushes the door open before practically throwing me into the room and before I know it, I'm being strapped into a chair with silver chains for some reason that doesn't burn like it should. It's probably because of the years I spent fighting in the arena, it's made me numb to the pain and it probably doesn't help that if I've ever come close to winning a match or if I somehow killed my opponent too quick, I'd get whipped until I passed out.

I try to rock in the chair and it doesn't even budge even in the slightest unlike the times before I've tried, it has to be bolted into the floor. It's not too much later when the yellowed tooth man and the other one return, one pushing a cart with what looks like torture utensils on top. Well I haven't seen those in a while.

The two men both pick up a simple knife and walk towards me as I feel something shift in me that I've never felt before. Are they really going to torture me? What have I done this time?

"What the hell are you?" The yellowed tooth man asks with a snarl as I just stare at him. I can't answer him because I don't even know the answer anymore. I haven't heard or even felt Genesis, Alison, and Maddison in years.

"Answer us, bitch." The other one growls out and when I don't answer, he drags the knife along the side of my face starting from the corner of my mouth up to the center of my cheek. I feel the blood start to trickle down my face but nothing besides that. The yellowed tooth man grabs what looks like a throwing knife off the cart and starts to throw them at me but none of them even get close to me.

When he's done having his fun, the other man grabs my face roughly and makes me look at him. "So it's going to be this way slut?" He snarls as I suddenly feel something cold go into my gut soon followed by the feeling of warm liquid seeping through my shirt. Did he seriously stab me? If he's going to torture me, he shouldn't do stupid shit like that.  Before I know it, black dots take over my vision and I feel my body grow cold. Am I dying? Like this? I don't even know what happened to Breanna yet, she could be dead right now or suffering. It's so strange that I'm not feeling any pain right now like a normal person right now and before I know it, everything goes completely black.

I open my eyes and blink a couple times. I look around and I'm met by a giant TV with some pornogrphic video or should I say videos that makes me scrunch my nose up in disgust. Why the hell are they showing me this? Is this really their attempt at finding out what supernatural I am? Because if that's the case, this is seriously pathetic.

"Oh Oliver!" The girl gasps out grabbing my attention, making me raise my eyebrows at the screen, the blonde woman has her nails in the guys back with her eyes rolled back. Why the hell are they showing me this? Is this really their pathetic attempt at trying to break me? Apparently since the physical way didn't work, now they're trying to do it mentally but this, definitely isn't it. What do they want me to do? Cry and give them an answer I don't even have all because my abuser is having sex with another woman like he probably has been for years? It's not going to happen because he deserves the most painful death imaginable.

It goes on all night long, showing him with different girls. The videos finally stop when the large door opens and the yellowed toothed man and the other one walks in dragging something more like someone behind them who's just covered in bruises. Here we go again...

The person lifts their head and I automatically recognize... Breanna stares at me with pure terror in her big blue eyes as beads of blood roll down the side of her face.

Hey my loves, this isn't going to be a long note but buckle up, you guys are in for a hell of a ride

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Hey my loves, this isn't going to be a long note but buckle up, you guys are in for a hell of a ride.

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