Chapter 46

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Lilith's POV

"What do I do?" I ask as I walk to the car attempting not to draw attention to myself more than I already do.

"I'm not sure." Crimson says. I sigh. I'm tempted to look back and see if they're looking at me. I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly glance over my shoulder and see a person in a uniform approaching me. Shit. I feel my eyes go red. I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder.

"Excuse me Ma'am Have you any chance seen a girl with long black hair and piecing silver eyes?" He asks. I tense up slightly.

"Try to talk in your old accent." Crimson says.

"Can't say I have." I say putting on my old American accent. I feels so forgien to me.

"Are you sure ma'am?" He asks again. I hold back an eye roll.

"Positive." I reply before making my way to the car. I feel his and come onto my shoulder once again.

"Why aren't you facing me Ma'am?" He asks. Fuck. What the hell do I say?

"I must get to work. I'm in a hurry." I lie quickly before shrugging his hand off. I continue to make my way before he spins me around. Oh no. His eyes widen obviously recognizing me.

"You are her!" He says while he grabs my elbow and starts pulling me closer to the others. Think Lilith. Think.

I quickly elbow him in the stomach, causing him to fall on the ground. I squat down and quickly rips his heart out. While my hand is in his chest. I watch the life drain from his eyes. I pull my hand out of his chest and drop his heart on the ground. I glance down and see he has a gun in the waist band if his pants. I quickly grab it and sprint to my car. There's no way in hell they're taking me back. No fucking way.

I open the car door open quickly before inserting the key and slamming down on the gas. The wheel screech as I speed away. I set the gun on the seat next to me before glancing into the reveiw mirror and see a bunch of sports cars following me. Fuck.

"There's no way in hell you're going to out run them. But you can throw them off." Crimson informs.

"How the hell do I throw them off?" I ask while I quickly glance into the review mirror and see the cars are a couple of feet behind me.

"Drive like a bat straight out of hell." Crimson replies. I nod my head before glancing to my left seeing an alley. I quickly turn the wheel while flooring the car. I fly through the alley quickly before I know it I'm at the end. I turn the wheel to the right while lifting my foot up slightly. The car drifts slightly before straightening out.

I glance into my review mirror as I have been doing for the last hour. I see the same cars tailing behind me once more. I thought I lost them already. Why are the tailing me again? I set on the gas causing the car to speed up. I glance to my right and see a highway. I quickly turn the wheel hard causing the wheels to screech.

I weave in and out of cars trying to loose the trackers. I glance into the review mirrow as I have been doing. I lift my foot up slightly.

"Keep speeding." Crimson demands. I roll my eyes before slamming on the gas and weave through cars again.

I have been on the highway for about an hour and a half. Going god knows where. I have been constantly checking the review mirror. They haven't caught up to me. Hopefully they don't.

I glance in my review mirror and see black cars following me. What do I do?

"Shoot at them and kill them." Crimson says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm in the highway. There's to many people around." I say while glancing in the review mirror only to see the cars are getting closer to me.

"Just fucking do it." He demands. I grab the gun from the passenger seat and cock it.

"Shadows hold the wheel." I command and a black figure grabs the wheel. I quickly roll the window down and lean out.

I shoot at one of the cars wheels causing them to spin out. I quickly aim for the drivers head causing them to drive right into traffic. I watch as the other black car helplessly rams into the other. I smirk lightly. They're off my tail.

"Get to the airport. They'll be send reinforcements to find you." Crimson informs. I get back into the car and roll the window up before snapping my fingers causing the shadow to fade. I grip the wheel as I get off at an exit to a city that I hope has a airport.

"Walk around. They think you're in a car, not on foot." Crimson says. I nod my head and park the car before getting out. I grab only bag because I believe they don't allow guns on planes. I quickly slam the door and get onto the side walk.

I walk by a window and catch my reflection. No wonder they found me. My clothes are ridden with hole. I glance around for a store and find one across the street. I quickly jog across the street not even looking for on coming cars.

I push open the door and grab a random pair of pants and shirt before heading to the dressing room. I quickly change into the clothes and look into the mirror. The shirt is a plain blood red long sleeved shirt, while the pants were plain leggings. Lovely.

I grab q black beenie as I walk up to the cashier. Once I arrive I set every thing on the counter. The clerk rings every thing up. "Your total is $19.56." He says. I hand over a i twenty.

"Is there an airport around here?" I ask while grabbing the bag from him.

"About four miles south." He replies before I walk back into the changing room and change into my new clothes.

I walk down the streets with a black Beenie on my head. Out of the corner of my eye I see a black hair drive my by. I'm only about a mile away from the airport. Only a mile. I start walking a little quicker when I see the same black car drive past me again.

I walk into the airport and I can't help but to let out a sigh or relief. I walk up to the person in the front.

"Is there a flight to England?"

Hey loves, sorry about the late update I've been busy lately

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Hey loves, sorry about the late update I've been busy lately. I plan to edit this later tonight. This may be weird but if you're from the UK please comment or DM me, I have a few questions.

I'll see you guys next week!

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