Chapter 21

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Lilith's POV

(Two weeks later)

People can't stop talking about what happen at my crowning. The whole red eye, shadow thing probably.

I tap my finger impaciantly. What for this meeting with the counil. They're rambling on about rouges. " Your Majesty you have to go all around the packs."  He says. I arch my eyebrow at him.  "All the packs? So all around the world?" I questioned him. "Yes you leave tomorrow be ready." He said   and than walked out with everyone. I roll my eyes and walk to my office to sign paper work.  I shut my door and lock it.

I take out a cigarette and light it up. I take a drag while signing papers. I blow smoke out.  I read through the papers about packs and problems that they're having.

I'm on my 4th cigarette by now. I got interrupted by knocking. I quickly put out my cigarette and put in the ash tray in one of the draws. I grabbed air freshener and spary it quickly. I put it back in the drawer. I walk up to he door and unlock it. I open the door and stood there Kassandra. "Time for bed your highness." She said while smiling. I nodded and lock my office doors before heading to my wing.

The next day.

I'm all dressed up for this. Dress,makeup and hair. My nails are the same.  I hate it. I walk outside with suitcases for the trip. Everyone is waiting on me. They all bow to me as I walk my putting my suitcases in my car. Which I found out is a 'vintage' Mustang​.  I hear a cough behind me. I spin around and arch an eyebrow.  A person pointing to a whole other car. I shrug and ignore them. I shut my trunk and lock it. I hear a cough. I turn around and the point to a sports car. I nodded and unlock the trunk and take everything out and put it in the other trunk. One of them throw me the keys and I catch them with ease. I get into the black sports car and bring it to life.

Everyone starts getting into there own cars

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Everyone starts getting into there own cars.  They take off. While I'm still trying to understand how to drive this car. It has paddles it's such a werid  car so it's easier. I put it into drive and floor it, trying to catch up to the others. I'm way over the speed limit. I look at the speedometer I'm pushing about 150 miles an hour. I can see the cars in the distance and I let off the gas a little bit and get right behind them.

We've arrived at the pack and the alpha waited outside for us. Everyone got out one by one. I was the last one to get out.  I walk up right in front the alpha. " I'm Ryder Adams and welcome to the blood moon pack." He said and put his hand out for to shake. I take his hand and give a firm squeeze. I let go of his hand at look toward the Luna. I nod at her. "Let us show you to your suite." He says.

Couple hours later

I'm walking around the pack house. Board out of my mind.  I walk past pictures of everyone pack member. I stop at a certain picture that caught my eye. Pick up the picture to get a better look at it. I reconized the girl with out a problem. It's Breanna, she looks clean and sort of healthy. 

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