Chapter 88

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Lilith's POV

I walk into the Kitchen and lays on the table is a pair of keys, just as Crimson said there would be. I grab the keys off the table before making my way towards the garage that Xavier showed me last night. I doubt that he remembers because he was absolutely wasted.

I walk into the garage, there's possibly hundreds of exotic cars in here. before clicking a button and a sleek white Mercedes Benz headlights go on. I walk over before opening the door and getting in.

I speed down an all to familiar road. God I hate this place.  The school was nearly as hellish for me as the pack house was. I regret nothing except the fact I shouldn't have Made Harriet's death so painless. But I won't fail twice, I will make their deaths so painful that they'll wish that they I killed them when I killed Harriet.

I walk into the all to finials school. I look around at the lockers as I walk towards the Art room. The halls are Empty and Silent. It's so peaceful without any of the students. I have about an hour before school begins.

I finally arrive to the art room and it's so white and bleak. There's about six tables spread out all throughout the room with four chairs at each. There's also a counter with about four chairs in front  the shelves.  Then there's my little desk area, with a bunch of new supplies piled on the desk.  I quickly walk over and there's a note on top. I quickly grab it before reading it.

Dear Ms. 'Moore',

I apologize for the way I acted towards you on the plane, I realize that I cannot tell what to do. So as I said before, I apologize for that. I got all the supplies you could possibly need. Don't ask how I got them so quickly and so much.

I stare at his perfect signature, This is the first time that I've seen his handwriting and it's so elegant. He used his real name, the name he absolutely loathes because of his Father. It's quite sweet of him to buy supplies even though he didn't have to. I don't care about the whole trying to boss me around thing anymore, I can't hold a grudge against him anymore. It's sad but true.

I finish writing the date on the white board in front of the room as the students talk amongst themselves. I quickly finish writing Ms.Moore on the borax before walking back towards my desk and I grab the attendance.

"Can I have your attention, please." I say as some quiet down causing the rest to the same.

"Wonderful, Anyways. I know some of you are are wondering who I am. Well, I'm Ms.Moore and I'm your new Art teacher, obviously." I say as I watch someone looks about eighteen bite their lip before raising her hand. 

"Where are you from? I absolutely love your accent."

I smile at her, "Well Thank you, I'm from London." I state as Another hand goes up. I nod towards him.

"Are you sin-" He starts but gets cut off by the door opening and soon followed by loud footsteps. I watch as almost all the students bow there heads as The one, the only, Oliver Fucking Walker. His eyes widen as he freezes mid step.

"Lilith?" He asks with confusion as I hold back an eye roll.

"I'm sorry, but no." I lie as he frowns before shrugging and continuing towards me. What a fucking Moron, like come on. If Someone looks almost identically to someone who wants to end your bloodline but much younger, you should be suspicious.

Oliver stops in front of me with a kind smile, god I want to rip all his teeth out with a pair of pliers as he screams at me to stop.

"I'm Oliver Walker." He sticks a hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Vivian Moore." I state as I force a smile onto my face before grabbing his hand and shaking it. I could rip his arm off if I wanted to without a problem...

I quickly let go of his hand in order to prevent me from ripping him limb from limb. "It's nice meeting you Oliver, but I have a class to teach." I say as he nods, still with that god awful smile on his unpleasant face, his green eyes glazed over. He's mind linking someone...

"Right, well it's been nice." He says before quickly walks out the room.

It's nearly the end of the day and everything has gone smoothly all throughout the day.

"-And I'm twenty-two." I finish with a smile as some of the kindergartens Smile back at me. They're all so cute. I'm not twenty-two obviously, I'm about twenty-four.

"Lockdown, I repeat lockdown. This is not a drill." A voice comes through the speaker. I see some of the kids pale.

"Rouge attack..." One mumbles to another as a shrill scream is heard from outside of the door. Fuck. I run over before locking it and back towards the desk. I grab a very sharp pair of scissors before grabbing the phone and dialing Crimson's number in.

He picks up not even a ten seconds later. "Hello?"

"I have a problem, Crimson." I breathe in deeply as a kid sobs loudly after hearing yet another Scream from outside of the window. "The school is under attack and I don't trust myself to not ki-"

Crimson cuts me off, "I'll be there in a minute, Lil. Don't worry. I'm assuming that you're with a bunch of children. Just stay put and whatever you do don't do what you really want to do to A." He says as I hear rustling in the back ground.

"I'm not going to kill Oliver." I mumble into the phone. He said Oliver's name in Latin.

"I know but I'm on my way." He states before hanging up. I quickly look at the children who are all staring at me.

I have finally calmed all the children down, they're all sitting at their tables coloring quietly. There's a tap at the window that no else appears to hear. Odd. I walk over before slowly lifting the shade, only to reveal Crimson who's grinning at me with a bit of blood splatter on his face and a throwing knife in hand.

"Told you I would solve the problem." He says but it sounds very muffled for some odd reason.

I smile before glancing over at the Kids who are still coloring. "You did indeed, Thank you."

"You're welcome, I'll see you when you get home, Lil." He says with a sly wink before running towards the forest.

Hey loves, I'm sorry the late update

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Hey loves, I'm sorry the late update. I've been busy studying for my exams that are coming up very soon. I plan to edit this later tomorrow as always. Who's POV do you guys want next week?

As I always say, I'll see you guys next week!

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