Chapter 52

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Lilith's POV

One year and eleven months later

I walk down the wet streets of London as the bitter wind blows against my cheeks. I have been here for about two years and I go to college for an art degree, I also work at a cafe. I finally have something I have always wanted. A normal life, with normal friends.

I  set the key into the door before pushing the door open and see my best friend also who happens to be my  roommate,  Leo. He must have heard me and glances up before smiling at me.

"Hey Viv, How was work today?" He asks as his bright blue eyes stare at me and I smile at him.

"It went great, how about yours?" I ask as I bend down and unzip my black boots that stop at the knee.

"You know how it went." Leo says with annoyance clear in his voice. I can't help but to laugh.

"What did another toddler puke on you?" I ask with a snicker as I step out of my boots and look at Leo, who glares at me.

"Don't even joke about that, Vivian Moore." Leo says As he hardens his glare. I quickly set my light grey coat onto the coat hanger.

"I'm not Leo Smith." I say with a grin. About a year and half ago I regained my emotions. It feels nice that people don't depend on me anymore or that I have kill to survive.

Leo rolls his eyes before he grins at me. "There's a gala this saturday, want to go?" He asks and I rolls my eyes.

"Why don't you take your boyfriend?" I ask as I take a seat next to him. Yes he's gay, Who cares he still a person at the end of the day.

"He has to go visit his parents in Yorkshire." Leo says rolling his eyes before grinning at me again.

"So will come?" He asks with a hopeful smile on his face and I sigh.

"I'll think about it." I say with a sigh and Leo hugs me with a grin.

"Thank you, thank you!" He says as I push him away with a small smile. 

"Whatever." I say punching him playfully on the arm and he fake winces.

"Where is this Gala?" I ask and he start to jump up and down in his seat like a child.

"The old castle in Manchester." Leo Informs with a grin.

"How formal is it?" I ask with a sigh.

"Extremely formal and if you go, I promise I'll buy you a dress!" He says with a certain look in his eye.

"I'll go." I mumble and his eyes widen.

"You'll what?!" He asks excidly.

"I said I'll go the dumb gala." I say rolling my eye and he stands up before pulling me to my feet.

"Yes!" He says before picking me up and jumping up and down.  I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around him before I shove him away. But he still grins.

"I promise you you'll have so much fun!" Leo practically shouts and I roll my eyes playfully at him.

"Now Don't you be late!" He says shaking his finger at me.

"We live together Dumbass." I say with a small grin. Who knew having emotions could feel so good.

Leo fake gasps at. "Go to your room." He says in a fairly high pitched voice and I roll my eyes.

"Fine what ever you say 'mother' " I say before I walk down the small hall before I enter my room that has drawings covering the walls. I shut the door and lock it.  I go over to my vanity and stare at my reflection. A lot has changed since I got that offer that is sitting under my clothes in my dresser. I got my hair fixed so it's even now and brown as well.  I finally found a place that sells colored  contacts. The combination of the brown hair and brown contacts practically make me unrecognizable.

I quickly pop the contacts out and set them into the container they belong in. I quickly wipe the makeup off my scar. Two years ago I discovered this thing called 'YouTube.' And it showed me how to cover a scar. Which made my made my life of covering my scar easier. I strip out of my clothes before changing into a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeved shirt before I climb into bed. I lean over and click my small lamp off before I close my eye and eventually fall asleep.

I wake to banging at my door

"Get up Vivian, we're going to be late!" Leo says before he continues to bang on my door.

"I'm  awake Leo!" I say loudly before scramble out of bed and quickly walk over to my vanity. I quickly pop the brown contacts in and cover my scar. Which doesn't take long.  I quickly slip on a random pair of black leggings and a sweater before I walk to my door and open it. There stands Leo tapping his foot as he waits.

"Took you long enough." He says shaking his head. 

"Oh hush." I say rolling my eyes.

"We're going shopping after class." He informs with a grin.

"I have work today and neither of us have a car." I point out and he sighs before grins at me.

"After work, but first let's get to class." Leo says before he sits down on small couch. I walk over where I left my shoes and slip them on before I Put my grey coat on.

"Ready to go?" I ask and he stands up again.

"Of course." Leo says before double check that my keys are in my pocket. Which they are before I walk out of the small apartment.

I open the door to the class and automatically my art teacher glares at me.

"You're late Vivian." She deadpans before she goes back to showing us how to draw realistically.

Hey loves, I'm sorry that the chapter is a bit boring

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Hey loves, I'm sorry that the chapter is a bit boring. The reason for the time skip is the plot needs to get moving. But don't worry the action will return next week ;) 

I'll see you guys next week.

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