Chapter 58

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3rd person POV

“I don't understand why she got two punishments.” Deimos says looking out a window with his brother next to him.

“She stole and punched an old man.” Phobos also known as Blondie says.  

“What did she steal anyways?”

“An Apple.” Phobos says causing Deimos to turn to him with a glare.

“An apple. She stole a fucking apple and you throw knives at her?”

Phobos rolls his eyes. “Don't act like you care about her.” He says causing Deimos to look down at his feet.

“When you threw her outside, she was bleeding.” Deimos states, changing/Avoiding  the topic.

Phobos rolls his eyes again. “Probably just a graze and how did you know?”

“There was a wet spot on her shirt and it was on her side, but I'm guessing it was blood.” Deimos says looking out the window with a far away look in his eyes. Blondie lets out a sigh before starting out the window as well.

“What's that?”  Blondie asks as he squints, trying to make out the object in the distance.

“Is that...A person?” Deimos asks squinting as well.  Blondie's eyes widen slightly before quickly walking to the door that he threw lilith out of before walking out, with Deimos following behind.

Deimos's eyes widen when he recognizes the  person as Lilith. He quickly bends down before lifting up her shirt slightly, only to reveal a deep gash along her side. Deimos turns to his brother.

“Just a graze,huh?” Deimos asks sarcastically with a slight glare before quickly standing up and punching his brother across the jaw, causing Blondie's head to snap to the left.

Lilith's POV

“So...Crimson is your favorite color?” Crimson asks with a smirk,

I roll my eyes. “Nope.” I lie causing crimson to roll his eyes before looking down at his watch.

“You're lying, but whatever.”

“Why do you always check your watch?” I ask and he shrugs.

“Seeing how much time you have left in here, speaking of which, you will only have to be in here for a day.”

“Speaking of which, why am I here?” I ask, mocking him slightly.

“You're not dead, but close. You're bleeding out as we speak.”

“It was much more than a mere graze wasn't it?”

“More like a stab wound.”

“It was Blondie's knife wasn't it?” I ask with an annoyed sigh. “I swear he's out for my blood.” I say under my breath.

“It seems so, I'm bored.” Crimson says with a slight sigh at the end causing me to raise my eyebrows at him.

“Can't help you with that, but I have a question.” I say before standing up and walking closer to him.

“How did you die?” I ask and He sighs.

“It was during a match, It was against a werewolf. I thought I had it in the bag, but I was wrong dead wrong. It was an alpha, a fucking alpha. How is that fai- Anyways,  long story short, The wolf was bleeding out on the ground and I started to get cocky. I started to circle around it and The alpha jumped up. It bit my hand off.” Crimson pauses to look at his left hand. “I have never in my life felt so much pain. I ignored the pain the best I could before ripping the Alpha’s head off. I collapsed on the ground as blood pours out of my hand-or where my hand was. As I was bleeding out, I looked up to the blue sky and mouthed ‘Forgive me’ Before dying.” I stare at him with wide eyes.

“Why did you mouth that?” I ask and he lets out a bitter chuckle.

“So I didn't have the same fate as my father, but that didn't work out.” Crimson says with a bitter smile.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don't want to be Damned. But turns out that I've been damn since the first time I shot a gun.” Crimson says, still smiling bitterly before looking down at his watch.

“How old were you?”

“The ripe age of six and I'm afraid that you have to go.”  Crimson says before snapping his fingers.

I sit up and quickly look around before I feel a needle in my arm. I look and see an I.V in my arm. I rip it out as the door opens and in walks in Deimos with concerned look on his face.

“Where am I?” I Ask, getting up from the white bed.

“The hospital and sit down, you're going to rip your stitches.” Deimos says, I hold back an eye roll.

I sit on the bed and Deimos lets out a sigh. “I'll live.”

“Recruits please report to the training grounds, immediately.” A voice rings throughout the small room. I get up and walk out of the room, leaving Deimos behind.

I stand in the line as Blondie walks down the rows, as always. Blondie stops in front of me and raises an eyebrow at me.

“Aren't you supposed to be resting?”

“Yes, but I'm fine.” I say and he shrugs before walking back towards. Blondie observes everyone last before

“Today we will learning how to avoid enemy fire, with paintball guns.” Blondie states as people hoot and holler.

“You will revive you gun when we arrive at our location, I would give gun to kill each other with but they wouldn't me.” Blondie says before walking without saying anything else.

I stand in the forest with a paintball gun my hand, the others standing around as stands in the front.

“Shoot your paintball guns as if they were real and the person you're shooting at is your target.” Blondie shouts.

“There's a prize for the person who doesn't get shot, your time starts now.” Blondie shouts before I turn my heel and run deeper into the dense forest.

“Don't play nice, Shoot them all without mercy.’’

Hey loves, Sorry about the late update, but hey at least I updated

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Hey loves, Sorry about the late update, but hey at least I updated. Anyways I'm sorry that this chapter was a bit boring. I'm still coughing but not as bad.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!!! 😘

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