Chapter 110

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Third Person POV (Warning above.)

"Remember how I told you that you weren't going to get tortured? Well I lied." Lilith smirks as Stephanie stops fighting with horror and fear written on her face.

"W-What?" Stephanie stutters out, all the color from her face gone.

"You heard me, Don't make me repeat myself." Lilith gets up and grabs Stephanie's hair before dragging her back towards her friend's dead bodies. Stephanie fights desperately, kicking and flailing all around while screaming. She accidentally kicks Crimson and he doesn't even flinch but Lilith stops dead in her tracks with concern on her face.

"Are you okay?" She asks as Crimson nods.

"I'll live but I can't say the same for her." He shrugs as Lilith nods in agreement before she continues to drag a flailing Stephanie towards her chair.

"Let me go!" Stephanie screams as Lilith rolls her

"Ironically that's I screamed all those years ago, so shut the fuck up." Lilith snarls as she holds Stephanie down in the chair as Crimson ties her to it.

When Crimson is done, He walks away to get a few more torture devices. Lilith looks at Stephanie and and crosses her arms, patiently waiting for his return.

"What'd you do it to me and don't give me the 'We were kids and we didn't know better.' Bullshit."

Stephanie bites her lip and actually thinks about her response, unlike the others. "We thought you deserved to be punished for killing your parents." She says without stuttering, accepting her fate.

"That's so fucked up, Stephanie. I was six, fucking six years old and you beat on me because you thought a weak, defenseless child killed her own parents. You threw me down those stairs and broke my neck, I nearly died that day."

Stephanie looks down before looking back up with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry I did all those awful things to you, Lilith."

Lilith rolls her eyes, "You talk as if you weren't the one who made the abuse ten times worse. You single handily turned that pack against me and within days, I was beat, name called, and wasn't treated as a person. I was degraded every fucking day and the second I get strong and powerful, everyone wants forgiveness but that's not going to happen." She shrugs as tears start to full down Stephanie's cheeks, she looks up at the ceiling and closes her eyes for a brief moment, almost as if she's praying to the moon goddess above for mercy. Crimson comes back with a little bag in his hand, he quickly opens it before handing Lilith another scalpel, the only difference is that it's made out of genuine silver, laced with wolfsbane.

Without wasting anytime, Lilith puts it against Stephanie's forehead and it makes almost a sizzling sound against her skin, it's burning her incredibly painfully. Making Stephanie let out a small scream as a smirk forms on Lilith's face.

"This is only the beginning, Stephanie." Lilith pulls the scalpel away before stabbing into her stomach, making her scream a bit louder this time. It's twenty times more painful than what Tessa had to go through due to the silver and wolfsbane. The two are werewolves greatest weaknesses in the world.

Crimson hands Lilith a butchers knife and she smiles at him as she grabs Stephanie's hand. Stephanie tried to get her hand free from Lilith's death grip, but there's no luck. Lilith holds the knife up in the air before bringing it down onto Stephanie's wrist, making her scream out in complete agony. Blood squirts onto Lilith and Stephanie's hand lays on the ground.

"Kill me! Please end this!" Screams Stephanie as Lilith chuckles.

"No can do, you created a living hell for me and now I'm returning the favor." She shrugs as she hands the knife back to Crimson. She leans over and whispers something in his ear and he nods before walking away.

Stephanie continues to scream her heart out as tears stream down her face.

"End me!" Stephanie screams out as Lilith rolls her eyes.

"Too simple. Besides, don't you remember carving words like; 'Murder', 'Worthless,' 'Slut,' 'Unloveable,' Into my skin when I was fucking seven years old? Well, I'm very tempted to repay the favor but there's a chance that you could bleed out before I even finish. So I fortunately for you, I can't do that." Lilith lifts her shirt up and on her stomach is a bunch of words scarred over.

Stephanie lets out a sigh of relief, her face a deathly pale. She's slowly falling into Hypovolemic shock. "I-I'm sorry."

"Oh I know you are but that's not going to make your death any easier. Do remember telling me how I would never have a mate and that no one will ever love me? You were right about one of those things."

"Who's your mate?" Stephanie asks as Lilith grits her teeth and grabs the scalpel that's still in Stephanie's stomach.

"That fucker Oliver Walker." She starts to turn the knife and Stephanie lets out another scream.

"WHAT WOULD HE THINK IF HE KNEW YOU WERE DOING THIS TO ME?!" Stephanie screams as Lilith continues to turn the scalpel in her stomach.

"I don't care what he thinks because I will have his blood on my hands in a bit, along with my brother's. He's not my mate, I'd rather kill myself a thousand times than to be with him. Besides, I'm with Crimson, who I love." Lilith shrugs as she pulls the knife only to stab her again, making her scream louder than before.

"Stop it love, or you're going to kill her." Crimson says as he walks over with a gas can. He quickly hands it off to Lilith who dumps a lot of it on Stephanie before making a trail leading away from Stephanie.

Crimson tosses Lilith a zippo lighter He always has on him and she flips it open.

"Prepare the car." She says as she watches the flame dance.

"Already did, Love." He smiles as he walks over and stands next to her.

"Great." She smiles back before she drops the lighter onto the path of gasoline and gets into the car, Crimson does the same. He puts the car in reverse before staring to pull out. The fire travels along the path before finally reaching Stephanie. Within seconds, she engulfed in flames and she lets out a heart wrenching scream as the two Monsters drive off into the night.

 Within seconds, she engulfed in flames and she lets out a heart wrenching scream as the two Monsters drive off into the night

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Hey loves, sorry about the late update, I've been very distracted lately. I plan to edit this later tonight as always. I have unfortunately news, this story is coming to it's end within a few weeks because I can't keep drawing this story out.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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