Chapter 48

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Lilith's POV

I gasp before I open my eyes. There's a heavy weight from my waist down. I look down at the weight on my waist and my eyes widen. A plane wing. A fucking plane wing on my waist. I sit up which wad more difficult than you would think. I try to lean forward and push the wing off my legs so I can get as far as I can. I try to lean forward and barley Reach the wing. I fall back onto the ground with a groan. I need to leave now.

"Use the Shadows." Crimson says. I face palm myself.

"Shadows remove the wing." I command as shadows start to appear one by one. They lift the wing off me and I automatically stand up but I stumble slightly before straightening out. I look around and see the plane a good hundred yards away on fire. I look all around at the dead bodies, some still clutching to their loved ones. I look to my left and there lays a single person laying therir with their mouth wide mouth open as if they are screaming. I look down at my own and hands sees that its covered in burns. The flesh bubbled up and and red. Oh, crimson wasn't kidding. Tires screech in the distance and my eyes widen.

"Get your ass out of there." Crimson demands and I roll my eyes before walking a way from the Tragitiy.

I walk down the dark road in the middle of no where. I have been walking what feels like hours. No cars have driven past me. None. I have no clue where I'm going or what waits for me. The only light I'm getting is from the moon, which is a very dull light. I have to get out of the country. The search team will more than likely will find me if I don't leave the country as soon as I can. I stop walking and sit down on the side of the road. I let out a sigh. I'm lost in the middle nowhere, the plane I was in crashed and everyone died. I don't know what do do anymore.

"It's your chose, Lilith" Crimson says and I sigh again.

"I don't know where I am." I state as I stare down at once burnt hands. I stand back up and contuines my way to God knows where.

I walk through a random town as the bright sun shines down onto me. I Still don't have any clue where I am but I found a town. I walk into a random store and I automatically get greeted by someone.

"Where am I?" I ask as I approach the counter and the Older man grins at me.

"Maine ma'am." He informs. Maine. I have made it from where ever the hunters had taken me and made it to a different state.

"Thank you." I say before walking out quickly. I walk down the sidewalk and from the corner of my eye I see vibrant blie water. I walk over quickly not caring about the cars that are honking at me. I walk closer to and he of the cliff and look down. Only to see vibrant blue water. The ocean, a step closer to freedom. I jump off the cliff without second thought. I plundge into the freezing water. The air leaves my lungs as a kick my way back up to the surface. I gasp once my head is above the surface. I look around before noticing a boat. I start swimming towards the dock, where the boat is tied at.

I climb onto the vacant dock and observe the empty boat. I walk aboard the small boat and open the door and see the keys are on the seat. As if someone placed them there.

"Just go." Crimson demands. I roll my eyes before inserting the key. Shit, I don't know how to work a boat.

"Pull the leaver and speed away before the owner returns. "

I quickly do what crimson says before taking a seat and pressing my foot on the gas. The boat starts to pull away from the deck slowly. Oh god, I don't know where I'm going.

"Just keep going straight, you'll run into something at some point." Crimson says as I add more pressure on what I believe is the gas and the boat starts to speed up. I glance behind me and see a man jumping up and down on the dock looking directly at me. This is probably his boat. Well was, his boat.

I have been driving the boat for a couple hours. The engine starts making a weird noise before it stops all together.

"You're out of gas." Crimson informs. I sigh. I'm so dumb, why didn't think of getting gas. I get up from the chair and go to the small deck. I look around me and only see water. There's no noise besides the waves against the boat. Am I stuck in the middle of the ocean?

"Yep." Crimson says. I sit down in the small deck and sigh. I'm fucked. Why do all these terrible things keep happening to me? First the plane I was on crashed and now I'm stranded in the middle of ocean. I lay back and look at the blue sky that doesn't have a single cloud.

I pace in the small cabin. I need to get to land and there's no way in hell I'm swimming. I stayed onto the deck until the sun set. No boats passed me like no cars passed me when I was on that dark road. I walk out onto the small deck again and see a light in the distance. I start jumping up and down while waving my arms around in an attempt to get their attention. The light gets closer and closer until I can make out the shape.

The boat pulls beside me, a light shines down on me. "Is everything alright ma'am?" Someone asks asks with an accent as look up and force a frightful expression on my face.

"No sir, I need help." I say as I force tears into my eyes.

"Boys! Help the poor lady aboard!" Someone Dude barks with the same accent as they let down a strange ladder which I climb up. Someone helps me onto the ship and I notice they're all in uniforms.

"What's your name?" Someone asks from the left of me.

"Vivian. Vivian Moore." I say as I keep my eyes on the floor of the ship.

Hey Loves, I'm sorry about late update

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Hey Loves, I'm sorry about late update. I was going to update yesterday but something came up. But anyways do you guys want to time skip or contuine with Lilith's journey?

I'll see you guys next week!

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