Chapter 53

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Lilith's POV.

I walk out of the small cozy cafe. As I walk out I see a figure start to approach me from the corner of my eye. I roll my eyes. Its Leo, he always tries to scare me.

"Nice try Leo." I say with fake sympathy and he groans.

"How did you see me?" Leo asks as he walks next to me.

"Sharp eyes."  I say with a shrug and he sighs.

"Ready to go shopping?" He asks with a grin.

"Lets get this over with." I grumble before Leo grabs my elbow and pulls me in the other direction.

"What about this one?" Leo asks as he holds a blush pink dress up.

"You know I don't wear pink." I say before I walk towards the other of the store away from Leo. As I walk around a black, familiar dress catches my eye. I walk up to it. It has long sleeves and has a turtle neck. I believe this is the dress Crimson shot Harriet in. I grab the price tag that reads twenty thousand. I quickly drop the tag before I walk back towards Leo. Maybe I shouldn't have Thrown dresses around. I lost all the money I had with me, I didn't notice until I was here. Which made my few couple days here sheer hell.

I walk up to Leo and he holds up a fairly long black dress.

"How do you like it?" He asks with a glint of hope in his eyes.

"I'll try it on." I say before I grab the dress and walk into the dressing room.

"What's taking you so long?" Leo asks with a groan.

"Be patient." I say as I stare in the mirror. The dress he picked out fits nearly perfect and sleeves hang off the shoulders. Which reminds me of the days I was the queen.

I walk out and right a way Leo's eyes widen.

"I love it." He says with a grin.

"I do too." I grin back at him as he stands up.

"Go change back into your boring clothes." He says and roll my eyes.

"My clothes are not boring." I deadpan.

"They are. They certainly are." Leo says.

"Whatever, Leo." I say before I walk back into the Dressing room.

Leo and I walk down the streets while He holds my dress over his shoulder. 

"Are you going to do your own hair?" He asks

"Yes." I say rolling my eyes.

"I figured." He says with a shrug.

"How are we getting there?" I ask

"I've rented a limo." He informs and I freeze.

"We don't have the money for that." I state.

"I worked extra shifts at the daycare." He says rolling his eyes. 

"You didn't have to get a limo for us." I say with a sigh and he smiles at me.

"See it appreciation for accepting me." Leo says as his smile falters.

"My family disowned me and I lost so many friends for being gay. But you didn't care Vivian. You acted like it wasn't s big deal. But that to me meant everything to me that You didn't treat me any different. And I'm so greatful you didn't." Leo says before beaming at me.

"I know Leo." I say with a grin.

"Let's get back to the flat do we have time to get ready." He says and nod my head.

"Hurry up, Vivian!" Leo says loudly from outside of my door.

"Give me a second!" I shout and I hear him sigh as I fix the red lipstick. I stand up and walk to look at everything to make sure everything looks okay. My straighen hair and my simple smokey eye.

"Fucking hell." He mumbles loudly and get up before I open the door. 

"Be patient." I say rolling my eyes.

"It's difficult when the limo has been waiting for twenty minutes." Leo says rolling his eyes.

"Lets not make the driver wait any longer?" I say with a grin before I walk to the front door and walk out.

The driver hops out of the car and  quickly opens my door. Once we arrived at the Elegant Castle.

I step out of the car and Leo follows not to soon later and offers an arm for me to grab which I do. 

"Are you excited?" Leo asks and I nod my head.

"Yep." I say before I go back to looking at the front of castle. I feel like I've been here before...

As we walk into the Castle I feel people staring at me. I glance around the marble hall as people walk in front of us and behind us.

"Ladies and Gentle men, please go to the ballroom." A voice rings throughout the hall.

"You made us late." Leo says with a playful glare and I return it

"I did no such thing!" I say putting my free hand on my heart.

"Look at that Throne Vivian!" Leo says practically jumping up and down before he starts pulling me closer to the throne with a giant diamond on top. As we get closer the diamond starts to glow bright. So bright it starts to grab the attention of others.

"Get away from that throne now." Crimson demands.  I yank my hand
from Leo's elbow before walking backwards. What the hell was that?

Leo comes walking back Towards me with a confused face.

"Why did you walk away?" He asks still confused.

"I believe the first dance of the night is going to start." I lie and he nods his head.

"Ladies and Gentleman, It's time for the annual Watlz!" Announcer says from god know where. I grab Leo before I start to pull him to the dance floor where other people are already in position.

"One, two, three, one two, three." Leo mumbles to himself and laugh quietly causing him to look up at me with a playful glare.

"Don't laugh at me, Vivian Moore." He says before he spins me off to an old man With Dark eyes. The old man leans closer to my ear.

"Get out of here Lilith." He hisses into my ear and go rigid.

"How do yo-"

"Get out of here Lilith or should I say your Highness." He says put emphasise on Highness.

"They know you're here." He says before letting me go.

"Do as he said, Get out of here." Crimson says before I walk towards an exit calmly trying to attract attention.

Only a couple more feet until I can get out of here. Only a couple feet. Suddenly the Exit is blocked by Eight men who tower of me. Oh no.

"Give me Control." Crimson demand and I do exactly that.

Hey loves, Sorry about that the late chapter

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Hey loves, Sorry about that the late chapter. I plan to edit this tonight,  as I always do. I know this does not have a lot of action, but next week I promise there will be action.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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