Chapter 51

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Lilith's POV

I close her eyes that starred up at  me while she was in complete agony. I scoot away and lay her head on the ground. Every friend I make dies. Every single one. I can't think to one friend that hasn't died.
I get up with a sigh and go back to the control room. I take my seat again with another sigh.

I slam my head against the wheel with a frustrated sigh. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I'm going.

"Look for a radar."  Crimson says.

"Where would the radar be?" I ask before I start looking around.

"Some where in this room."  Crimson says and I get up I start to look around the room as Crimson said and I find it with a  radio attached. I go to pick it up do I can call for 'help'

"Dispose of the bodies." Crimson says and I let out a sigh. I put the radio back where it was before walking out.

I throw the art of the rapists off the boat. Now there's only Alice left. I don't know how I'm going to get rid of her body. I let out a sigh before going back to where Alice's body lays looking peace besides the blood. I bend down and gently pick her up.  I carry her dead body and set her on a chair before I grab the mattress from the room.

I finish making the bed on the front deck and I gently set Alice in it. I cover her up with the blankets that were in her old room.

"I'm sorry for killing you Alice." I say quietly before I push the mattress into the water and it starts to sink. I sigh before I head to one of the unused rooms and get myself cleaned up.

"Why won't the blood come out?!" I say loudly as I scrub the ends of my hair now blonde hair.

"Cut it." Crimson says and I freeze in the middle of scrubbing.

"No." I say before I go back to trying to get the blood out. Who knew blood could stain hair.

"Cut you hair or I take control and shave it all off." Crimson says and I freeze again.

"I can't Crimson." I say before I go back to scrubbing. I know he's bluffing.

"You can't or you won't?" Crimson asks and I sigh.

"I have never had my hair short, its always been fairly long." I inform before rinse my hair out and look into a mirror. I let out a loud groan.

"I know, Just above your shoulders." Crimson says.

"How would I even cut it?" I ask with a sigh.

"Use a pair of scissors obviously." I crimson says before I walk out of the extremely clean bathroom. I found it while I was searching for people.

I grab a pair of scissors off the table in a random room. I have been searching for these for about twenty minutes.

I hold my hair into a ponytail since I don't have a hair tie. I start cutting through my hair. I wince as I hear the crunching of my hair before It falls off.

I look at all my hair in the sink before glancing in the mirror. My freshly uneven cut makes me look like another person. I quickly walk back out and towards where the Radar and radio is. I quickly pick up the Nick and click the button.

"Help, I'm lost in the middle of the ocean." I say as I force my voice to crack at the end. Making it sound as if I'm distressed.

"What seems to be the problem?" A voice comes through the radio as a smirk makes its way onto my face.

"I'm lost in the middle of the ocean." I say and I make my voice crack at the end.

"We will pinpoint your location and rescue you." The voice says before the line goes silent. What did they mean we'll pinpoint your location?

"Well, if they can be reached on the radio they're not far off ." Crimson informs. I nod my head before I start making my way to the front deck. So I can get off this boat.

I stand on top of the deck looking around for a ship that's heard in the distance. I squint my eyes as I see an approaching figure. As it gets closer I can make it out. Its a boat. Hopefully, the boat I spoke with on the radio. I start jumping up and down while waving my arms. And hopefully its not a bunch a rapists.

The boat pulls up beside me and an old man walks out.

"Everything alright?" He asks with an accent.

"It's an English one, if he offers you a ride to England take it." Crimson says

"My boat ran out of gas, and I have no clue where I am." I say and he nods.

"Well where were you heading to?" He asks.

"England." I say and I start to tap my fingers against my leg.

"Well I was just heading there." The old man informs.

"Like I said before go with him if he offers." Crimson says

"What if he tries something on me?" I ask.

"He's to old and fragile to even try anything." Crimson says and I nod.

"I can take you there if you would like?" He offers.

"That would be lovely." I say before he steps back and I jump on.

"Come, come I'll make you some tea!" He says with age in before walking into the small ship. I follow behind him and it's not to long before we're at the small kitchen. He gesters to a seat. I take a seat before he starts to make the tea.

"You're a fighter aren't you?" He asks causing me to freeze.

"Pardon?" I ask calmly.

"Your scar. It's a give way that you're some sort of fighter." He points out.

"More a less." I say with a shrug.

"So I was right." He says as he places a cup in front of me.

"My name is Albert and I happen to the CEO of an il-of something." He says cutting himself off. I roll my eyes.

"What were you going to say?" I ask leaning forward.

"Nothing." He says quickly.

"You're lying." I deadpan and he pales.

"What are you the CEO of?" I ask

"A CEO of assassins." He says quickly hopping I don't understand a word he said.

"A group of assassins? Interesting." I say leaning back again. He nods at me still a little pale before he slides over a card.

"Indeed." He says as I read over the card. 'You have been selected to join a boot camp of assassins. A rare opertuinty. Will you succeed the brute training or will you fail and be killed?'  It reads.

"Will you join?" Albert asks and slide over the card.

"I'm afraid not, Just take me to England." I say and he sighs.

"Alright but the opertuinty still stands." Albert says and slides the card back to me.

Hey loves, sorry about the late chapter

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Hey loves, sorry about the late chapter. I plan to edit this later on tonight as I always do. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you marzizi for the Cover at the top! I love it!

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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