Chapter 27

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Crimson's Pov

His body lunches back when the bullet hit his shoulder."What's with people and throwing knives at me today?" I mutter. "What did you do Lilith!" Booms Kassandra trying to scare me. I have to keep Lilith voice in place for now. "I'm tired of it." I say almost​ slipping up. "Tired of what!? Living everyone's dream life? being the queen and having everything and everyone in the palm of your hand. So go on Lilith go on tell us all what you're so 'tired' of." Kassandra says. I'm done playing nice. I let my eyes go red and my voice go back to normal. People gasp. "YOU want to know what I'm tired of?! Everything you don't know even half of the hell I've been through!" I shout. While flipping the table with all the contents on top. I have to hold myself back from ripping everyone's throat and heart out. I pick up the gun I dropped before flipping the table. I set it back in the holster. I take off my heels. I start walking out with heels in my hand. I knew having a credit card on me would be needed. I start heading for the the front door. Not before. Bending down to whisper in Harriet's ear. "Fuck with me again and you'll get worse than a bullet in you shoulder." I start humming a random tune as I walk out the front door. I clear my throat and close my eyes to get them back to lilith's way. I'm so sick of people disrespecting me and thinking they can get away with. I unlock the car. I get in the car and shut the door quickly and I throw the heels into the passenger seat. I press the button and rev the engine. I slam my foot to the pedal. The car lunges forward. I speed down the empty roads. I turn shapely before hitting the paddles getting more speed as I go. I forgot how much fun it is to drive. I slow down as I hit the main side of town.

I pull into a gas station to get gas and maybe something else. I pull into a pump. I slip on my heels. I make sure I have my credit card. I open the door and go into the gas station. As I wait in line I feel eyes burning in the back of my head. I turn my head only to see a young boy staring at me with wide eyes. I was trained to be polite and kind to children. So they never see the cold and dark side they are innocent . I turn around and hear the little boy say to whom I assume is his mother. "Look Mommy! Isn't she pretty Just like you! Mommy! She looks like a princess Mommy! Did you see her eyes? I want eyes like hers!" He starts being a bit whiny at the end that just children. I get up to the clerk and tell him which pump. I also get a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I've been wanting a cigarette for years. I give him my credit card. As he scanning the pack cigarettes and the lighter. "So do you want control back?" I ask Lilith "No I'm Good. But I'll need it back at some point." She replies. I grab the cigarettes and lighter than head back to the car. I put everything back into the car.

When I start pumping gas I feel a tug at the bottom of my dress. I look down and see the little boy holding a single rose. "I got this for you." He mumbles shyly. I bend down and grab the rose gently from his head. "Thank you, love." I say. Before planting a kiss on his cheek. I see his brown eyes light up. "Where's your mom?" I ask. He points across from where my car is getting filled. I grab his small hand and start walking over to his mother. She looks at us when we arrive and smiles. "Thank you for returning him I see you got the rose as well. Also thanks again for returning him." She says than gives me a warm smile. I nod at her before walking back to my car. Which is now filled. I take the heels off again and put them in the passenger seat. I get into my car and speed out of station. I speed up once I leave town.

I slow down again when get into the blue moon territory.

I park my car and slip back on my heels. It's about time I give control back.

Lilith's POV

I blink a couple of times before grabbing everything else from the passenger seat. I set the rose on top of the car. I grab a cigarette for the new pack and put it between my lips. I light up the lighter and light my cigarette. I inhale the tobacco. I wait a couple seconds before blowing out the smoke. Grab the rose off of the roof of the car and start walking back. As walking up the path I hear a gasp from the side of me. I roll my eyes and turn around see and see Oliver. "Since when do you smoke? " He asks. I just keep walking I can hear him growl at me. I roll my eyes again and continued walking to the house all I need at the moment is a cold shower. I blow out smoke again. Oh how I've missed to taste of tobacco. He starts matching my stride. I pull the cigarette out of mouth."Shouldn't you be training with your pack of pathetic mutts?" I ask. I put the cigarette back into my mouth. "Training doesn't start until tomorrow and who gave you the rose?" He asks. I blow smoke out again.I bend down quickly and take off my heels. Once I reach the front door I open it and walk in. I walk into the kitchen and notice the people that were in there had fear in their eyes. Good they should. I grab a glass and walk up to my suite.when I arrive I shut the door and lock it. I put the pack of cigarettes and lighter on my nightstand​. I walk into the bathroom. I fill up the up in my bathroom and put the rose In there. I set the rose in the cup than I strip out of my dress. I turn on the shower and proceed to get in it.

When I get out I get into the bathroom and put on a random pair of sweatpants and a shirt than crawled into the bed I quickly look over to the bedside clock and it read 8:30. I covered up and closed my eyes before drifting into sleep.

Hey loves, Sorry for such a late update

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Hey loves, Sorry for such a late update. Also sorry if this chapter is a little bit boring. If you comment and I don't reply it's because I'm such an awkward human I don't know how to reply. Be ready for next week!

Until next time loves!

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