Chapter 75

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Crimson's POV

It's been six months since the second training session, Sapphire has grown stronger over that period of time. Lilith and have been switch Control back and forth, it's becoming a normal thing.

"I have to go, Sapphire." I say as she tried to pull me back into the house.

"Please don't leave, I'll make you my Beta so you don't have to go."

I shake my head with a slight smile. "I have to go, you know that I will be checking in eventually."

"Please don't leave."

"I don't want to, but I have to." I say as she lets go of my arm with a frown.

"Okay but come back soon."

"I planned to, till we meet again Sapphire." I step out of the house before heading to the Porsche that Sapphire gave me. I open the driver side door before getting in and shutting the door behind me. I glance over to Sapphire as I start the car, she waves at me with a smile as I start to pull away.

"Do you want to go back to the Assassin organization?" I ask as I pull out of the driveway.

"I'm not sure, what do you want to do?"

"I Have no idea either so think of it."

"I will do." Lilith says before a car comes out of literally and hits the right side. on causing me to my head to slam forward on the wheel as glass breaks and the air back deploys. My vision starts to fade into black as I feel blood seep through my clothes.

I wake back up in an all too familiar field, there sits Lilith in a chair with a weird look on her face.

"Are you Okay." I ask as the expression fades.

"I had an idea..." She trails off.

"Do tell."

"Is there any possibly for you to get your old body back?" She asks before biting her lip almost anxiously.

"It's not impossible." I state. It's not unheard of but it's incredibly hard.

"Do you know how?"

"I think so, I read a book on it nearly ten years ago."

Lilith rolls her eyes, "Then tell me."

"The first step is finding my body." I sigh out as her eyes widen.

"What if your body decomposed?"

"It shouldn't be, I know how and where they put the bodies, they put them in a glass tube and freezes them to do more experiments on them."

"What's the next step?" Lilith asks as I start to tap my fingers on my leg.

"Well...The next step is to find a witch who's powerful enough to put me back Into my body."

Lilith lets out a loud sigh, "Do you know anyone powerful enough to do that?" She asks.

"I do, she's back in England."

"How long will it take to get you back in your old body?"

I glance down at my Wrist watch before looking back into her pricing silver eyes. "Under twenty four hours if we get to England in under nine hours and that doesn't include the amount of time it takes to find my body with the witch." 

"Okay, how long until you go back into the real world?."

"In a few minutes, now why do you want me back in my body so badly?" I ask as she quickly looks down at her lap and starts to figit with her fingers. What's up with her lately?

"I don't have to answer any of your questions." She states lookIng back up at me with a poker face.

"You're right, You don't. But I'll find out, I always do." I inform with a small smirk on my face as everything starts to fade into black.

I wake up with a gasp as always before moving all the ruble off me and getting out of the car. The other driver is dead and his car is totaled, so it's no use to me. I let out a sigh before I start making my long trip to the airport.

I pull up to an all to familiar house where the which also my old friend lives. I haven't seen her since Ninth grade. I get out of the car before walking to the door and knocking it. An older lady opens the door before smiling at me.

"Benjamin, it's been What Ten years since the lady I've seen you! Come inside." She says with a smile.

"It's good to see you Anne, but how could you tell it was me?" I ask.

"You have to same energy you did back then."

"Well, I need a favor..." I trail off as she shakes her head.

"You always do, What is it?"

"I need you to put me back into my old body..."

Her grey eyes widen, "That's not possible Crimson..."

"You know damn well it is." I Say as she looks at me with what looks like sympathy.

"It's not Ben, You can't be put back into your dead body, there's no way."  She sighs out as I glare at her.

"Then watch me find a fucking way."

Hey loves, I'm so so sorry about he late update, the reason that it's so late is well, I've been having family problems lately and not to mention sick

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Hey loves, I'm so so sorry about he late update, the reason that it's so late is well, I've been having family problems lately and not to mention sick. I'm also sorry about the horrendous  not to mention cringy car crash, which is why I plan to edit it to improve it.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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