Chapter 72

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Crimson's POV

"Yes but did I mention that your-my- throat was slit in your sleep?" Lilith says casually with a shrug as I would if she was in my position.

"I'm guess that bitch Beatrice."

"I don't know, you weren't conscious." She says as I pull up my sleeve and look at my wrist watch.

"I have only a minute left, do you want control back or can I deal with the situation my way?"

"Well people are going to die either way, so I'll let you have your fun." She says and a smile makes it way up to my face. Lilith tilts her head to the side ever so slightly.

"You have a nice smile."

"Thanks...I guess." I say not knowing what to actually reply for the first time. I glance down at my watch before looking back at Lilith.

"I have to go, you'll get control back soon." I inform before everything fades to black.

I wake up with a loud gasp and my hands automatically go to my throat and Lilith wasn't lying, I can feel what's left of the wound and the dry blood. I get up before heading to mirror.

There's a long and not very deep gash probably because it's healing but there's a lot of dry blood. Whoever did this, did a terrible job and is going to pay the price either way. 

"Sapphire!" I shout as I watch my eyes go red. A few seconds later Sapphire comes into the room.

"Yes?" Sapphire asks as she approaches me  

"There's been a change of plans, we're going to kill him today." I inform, looking over my shoulder at her as she freezes on the spot.

"W-What?" She stutters.

"You heard me, I'll weaken him and you'll end him and those who have hurt you."

"A-And how do you plan to do that?"

"What is the two things that can kill or weaken your species?"

"Silver and wolfsbane." Sapphire answers without hesitation, which surprises me.

"Correct, I'm guessing you know where they put it." I say and she nods.

"I want you to put a little bit of wolfsbane in his food and I'll deal with his bitch, Okay?" She nods again before quickly walking back out. Should I wash the blood off or give the bitch the biggest shock of her life? The answer is obvious, surprising the bitch is more fun.

I walk down stairs and into the dining room. All eyes are automatically on me, I bite back a smirk when I see Beatrice pale. I was right.

"Good Morning, Everyone!" I force myself to sound happy and cheerful as I feel everyone's eyes on the Now dry blood.

"What happened to your throat?" Someone from my left asks.

"Good question! Why don't you ask Beatrice-I mean-The Luna." I smirk as I take a seat and look at a Now very pale Beatrice.

"I-Um-." She stutters clearly nervous.

"What's wrong Luna, cat got your tongue." I sneer at her as she glares, clearly not realizing these are her last moments in this planet.

"Watch your fucking mouth."

"I'm good." I shrug as her eyes turn black as they did the night before.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me." I say with an eye roll

"Don't disrespect your Luna!" The Douchebag Of an alpha booms.

"That bitch sure as hell isn't my Luna and you can't control me."

"Want to bet?"

"Yeah because the only person who can control me is myself and the person currently in my head." I state and people start to whisper among themselves like children.

"Sapphire, Bring me a knife and a Colt Python!" I shout and everyone falls silent just staring at me. Not even a minute later she walks out of the kitchen with a knife in her hand. She hands it to me and I bend down since I'm probably three inches taller.

"Make sure you grab silver bullets, we're going to kill him." I practically whisper into her ear. She nods before quickly walking towards the safe where all the weapons are. I put my focus back onto everyone, who is currently staring at me in shock from hearing every word I just say.

"Kill who?" The Alpha asks as his eyes start to fade into black, must be a common trait among wolves. 

"Well there's multiple." I shrug not giving an specific answer, why tell him and ruin the fun.

"Kill who?" He repeats causing me to roll my eyes.

"Well there's multiple as I stated before, I'm not going to tell you quite yet until Sapphire Arrives." I shrug before shifting my focus on a Now very Nervous looking Beatrice.

"Actually I changed my mind." I say as I start to walk towards Beatrice.

"Then tell us." The alpha says as I near Beatrice. I walk behind her as did last night and she goes rigid even before I put the the knife to her throat to kill her.

"I'm going to show you instead." I smirk at him before putting the knife to her throat and start to add pressure. She grabs my elbow before trying to pull it away as she gasps out before screaming. I glance over towards the alpha before pulling the knife away quickly and plunging it into her chest. I push her away which causes her to fall forward onto the table.

The alpha gets out of his chair before charging me and literally throwing me across the room.

"Im 'iens ut tibi placet quod semper natus est." I snarl.

"What?" He asks dumbly as I get up.

"It means, i'm going to make you regret ever being born, you dumbass." I snarl as I allow my eyes go into their natural color.

Hey loves, sorry about the sort of late update

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Hey loves, sorry about the sort of late update. I plan to edit this later as always. I'm sorry about last weeks and this weeks cliff and hanger, so please don't kill me. I love you all!

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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