Chapter 29

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Lilith's POV

I start walking back still shifted. I walk through the forest and once I'm deep enough I shift back. When I'm standing on two feet. I look down to notice I forgot my shoes but my clothes are still intact. Good. I start jogging back to the pack house. To pay someone a little visit.

I walk into the house and notice people throwing me questionable looks as I pass. I roll my eyes at them. I walk into the pack hospital and head toward the wing I know he'll be in. When I arrive he's sleeping. I take a seat in the corner and wait for him to wake up.

When he wakes, He looks around the room as if seeing it for the first time. When his eyes land on me they widen. "Hello Lilith, What brings you here?" He say offering me a warm smile. I roll my eyes at him. "So why are you back here?" He asks again. I still don't reply. I'm not dumb as he thinks I am. " Okay I'm done playing nice. Why the hell are you here mutt." He finally snaps. This is the cold hearted alpha I hate and want to rip his heart out of his chest. "Business" I shrug. I look into his eyes and notice his light up. "Ah! I know why you're here now you're the queen's servant" He points out. "Nope." I say he looks confused at this bit of information. " So you're the omega of the royal family?" He says almost like a question. "Wrong again" I roll my eyes. "I'm the queen" I say. His eyes widen than his heart monitor goes haywire. "If you'll excuse me I have business to attend to." I say before getting up and leaving the room. I walk by a vending machine. I back up and look in the machine and see a sort meant of candy. Skittles. My god I haven't had those in years. Well that can be said about most food. I rummage through my pockets and find a single dollar bill in my coat pocket. I take and put in the machine. I grab it from the bottom. I rip the pack open before walking. I walk through the front yard. They have two different houses one for the injured or sick and the other for normal pack members. I walk into the pack house and head straight up to my suite.

I open the door and grab my computer and take a seat at the desk. I put my passcode in and start going through emails. I pop a red skittle into my mouth. 'There is a meeting scheduled at 4 thirty tonight' I read. I look at my wrist watch it reads 3 forty five. I shut my computer and go to my suitcase and get a clean pant suit and a pair of heels.

I brush my hair out quickly before walking out of my suite quickly. I shut the door. I walk into the conference room. I open the door and notice there's only one person in here. I take a seat at the head of the table. I get settled and wait.

The door opens and the alphas start flowing in. "What's a Luna doing here?" I hear one whisper. "Excuse me? Did you say something"  I ask arching an eyebrow at him. He shakes his head  "Release you aura." Crimson tells me. I do as she says I release it.  I notice all the alphas flinch when this happens. "What's the reason behind this meeting?" I ask. None of the answer me. I arch an eyebrow at them. " We're here today to discuss the issue about the rouge and hunter attack." He says before adding in "Your majesty" I nod at him in approval. "Do you know the reason behind these attacks?" I say proceed to lean forward. "I assume they're after something maybe someone." He says. I nod my head in his direction. "Is that all?" I ask. Did I seriously have about a five minute meeting with a bunch of idiots for no apparent reason. Rouges and hunters couldn't have that done this whole thing themselves? No because they are a bunch idiots who finished high school. I let out a sigh and I push my chair  back. I stand up and walk out the room and head back to my suite.

I take a seat in on my bed the heels lay on the floor. I lean back. I'm bored. "There's a race track not to far from here." Crimson says. "And what are we going to do there?" I ask. "Racing" is crimsons simple answer. You know what. I have noting better to do. I'm doing it. I grab my keys off the night stand and head out the door.

I walk out of the house barefoot. I don't care. I walk to my car and unlock it. I open the door and get in. I put the key in than shut the door. I slam by barefoot on the pedal. I fly down the roads. "Take two lefts and you should be there." Crimson tells me.

I pull up the to the empty race track. I pull up to the starting line. "Hit the middle button" crimson says again. I do as said and hit the button and car starts to roar. "The paddles on the right is to get more traction and the other is to lessen traction." Crimson informs me. I slam my foot down on the gas. My body slams back into the seat. I hit the left paddle. I take a turn sharply. I look and there's a button I've never seen I press it. I tap the right paddle. I look in the review mirror and see there's a wind on the back now. So that's what the button does. I pull my eyes back to the track. I quickly look at the speedometer which is were pulling 200

When I pull back over to where I started   I get out and stretch. Cars start to pull in. They pull up next to mine. People start getting out. "Look at this! We have someone to race with!" One of them says. "Do it" crimson says. I nod my head. I look at the one who said it. It's one of alphas from the meeting. I look around they're all here. Every single alpha. " let's have a bet?" One says. "Do it" crimson says. "What kind of bet?" I arch an eyebrow. "If I win I get to have a date with you." He says. All alphas are the same. "And if I win?" I ask. "Your choice" he replies. "Let me have control" crimson demands. I hand the reins over to crimson.

3rd person POV

Her eyes flash red signaling Crimsons in control. "Let's get this show on the road." She says before walking over it her Mclearn P1. She get into the car. The alphas get into their own cars. Crimson revs the engine. The cars line up to the starting line. There's a light goes from red to green in a matter of seconds. The cars launch toward. Crimson let's her eyes fade from sliver to blood red. She taps the right paddle. Before she's up in front. She lifts up her foot off the gas a little bit. To allow the other alpha catches up. The car that pulls up besides her is her ex mate. Oh how crimson loves to play. Crimson slams her foot on the gas before turning the wheel sharply. She starts drifting the car. It's only a matter of seconds before she passes the finish line.


Hey my loves, I'm sorry this is late. My phone broke. So I'm writing this on my mom's phone. That also means that I don't have my gifs or pictures. But don't worry my phone will be fixed sometime next week.

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