Chapter 24

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Oliver's POV

I watch everyone get out of their cars. Everyone started gathering around where I stand next to Ava. I made her my Luna not to long ago. A lady came up and smiled at me.

We stand here for a bit everyone chatting among themselves. I hear a roar of an engine coming towards the house. Everyone looks toward the sound. Everyone in the pack feels the powerful, dark presents. The car pulls up. She grabs something from the passenger seat and starts walking twords us. I can feel the power raiding off of her. She walks around everyone and stood right in front of me. I look into her eyes and reconized her immediately. Lilith. "Don't you dare mess with her."  Says my wolf. Doesn't he realize that's our mate? I look to the thing she's holding. Which is a black cat with blood red eyes. "You see the red eyes to right."   ask Trenton trough mind link. "Yep"  I reply.  I run my eyes over her body. I feel something hit my arm. I look towards the person that hit my arm. It was Ava. "Welcome to our pack your highness." I say looking into her eyes. I noticed that her eyes are emty. No emotion or anything. "Thank you for having us." She says with a thick British accent. She never had a British accent before.

  "Wow Lilith this a new low for you sleeping your way up to the top all while faking a British accent."  Says Ava. The demon cat hisses at Ava. Lilith eyes flash blood red.  An unseen figure starts chocking the life out of Ava. Lilith looks at the scene than back at me.  She arches her eyebrow before asking. "Are going to show us to our room?"  I nod and start walking towards my room.

   I want my mate close to me. I open my door and she looks in my room.  I should have cleaned it. She rolls her eyes and walks down the hallway. Not too long she walks in a room than walks back out.  I stop being a creep and walk down staris to where my Beta and Lilith's brother Trenton was sitting.  I take a seat next him. "What did i miss at the arrival?" He asks. "Lilith is back." I say. He freezes up. He is consumed by guilt.  He knew he had a chance to get his sister back and make everything right. "Where is she now?" He asks with hope in his voice. "I assume in her suite." I reply. Ava struts in and sets her self on my lap . She kisses my cheek. Than wispered in my ear. "Meet me in your room". Than she gets off of Me and walks away swaying her hips. I roll my eyes and look back at my beta who looks to be deep thought. He snaps out of his daze to ask "When is your dad coming back?". I roll my eyes. "Tomorrow I believe." I reply. He nods and than gets up and walks to the kitchen. I get up and walk to my bedroom to meet Ava.

I hop out of the shower and start to get dress. I walk out of bedroom and head to my office. I take a seat at my desk. What's been going on with Lilith. "That's not mate." My wolf wimpers. Why is he going about our mate.  Now that I think about it. There is something dark about her. I snap out of my daze when there is a knock at the door. "Come in." I say as the door opens. The lady comes in and takes a seat in front of me. "I would like to discuss about the training time will be." She says. I nod. "I would like training to be 6am to 12pm every single day of the week." She says. My God that's four hours more training thank everyone is is used to. I nod my head and than she walks out. I need to go on a walk. I walk out of my office locking the door on my way out. I walk out of the back that people never use. I walk outside and she something drop out of a window and on to the ground. I look up and see Lilith getting ready to jump.  She jumps out of the third story window and lands on her feet. She wispers something in ancient language​. I look to where she was looking. Only to see wolves being held up by some demonic creatures. I smell the air. Rouges. She walk up to one of them and rips there head off. She walks back to where her heels lays. And grabs one. She brings it back over to the rouges. She stabs the rouge through the heart.

   She moves over to the last and final rouge and rips out it heart. She holds in her hand for a couple minutes. I walk Sprint back into the house. I hear her footsteps not to far be hind me. I turn around only to see her covered in blood and her eyes blood red. She walks past me. Lilith turns around only to give me the finger. Than she walks away like nothing happened.

Hey, My lovely readers I'm sorry for such a late update and being a fairly short chapter

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Hey, My lovely readers I'm sorry for such a late update and being a fairly short chapter.  I plan edit this later tonight. ♥️

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