Chapter 95

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Oliver's POV

"It was just a dream and it is impossible for her to have been in there anyways. Want to know why? Because she's fucking dead." Trenton says with a glare as I roll my eyes. I've been telling him about how Lilith was in my room, but he doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm crazy, but I know what I saw.

"But it wa-"

"No it wasn't it! Lilith Arabella Harrison is dead! She died when she left with those hunters!" Trenton practically shouts.

"And how do you know that!" I shout back as Trenton glares at me again.

"Want to know how I know she's dead? Because not even the strongest can survive the hunters, they all die in the end. You fucking know that they are ruthless! Remember when they took one of the pack members? They returned her dead decomposing body to us!" Trenton says as he tugs on the roots of his hair.  He's right, god he's always right about things like that. It would be impossible for her to be back to kill us, plus that Vivian seems nice and harmless beside the fact she looks like Lilith but there's something off with her.

"Yeah, Okay." I shrug as Trenton rolls his eyes at me.

"You're not fully convinced, I can tell. We're going to go to the school again so you can see that god forbid teacher so you can ease your mind." Trenton says as I sigh.


"We're going, end of discussion." He glares at me again as I glare back at him.

"Don't tell me what to do, Don't forget who's the alpha here."

"Oh I haven't and don't forget that you don't have a wolf and that I can overthrow you for the title." Trenton says, his glare not wavering even the slightest. He's not wrong, my wolf left me years ago, so that has weakened me greatly, I can't fight anymore, I can't hear as well anymore and the list goes on. I took him for granted, I really did.

"Fine, we leave in ten." I sigh before walking back towards my room.

Trenton and I walk down the hallway towards the Art room.

"She probably thinks we're so creepy." I say as Trenton rolls his eyes.

"She probably does but that's not my fault, it's yours."

"How is it-"

"Because you're the one who is convinced that the innocent art teacher is Lilith, which she isn't. Now let's go in there and talk to her so you can stop being so fucking paranoid." He says as we enter the art room. It's a little less plain then before because of a few canvases on the walls. It looks nice.

"A little more purple on the water to make it look the sunset is reflecting off the water." The familiar deep English voice says from around the shelf.

"Okay, can I see yours, Please?"

"When I'm finished, Love." He says as we around the corner only to see the teacher and the man sitting opposite of each other. The man sits on a table with an easel in front of him and Vivian on the other table in front of him. But there's something different about her, it's her hair. It's so much shorter than it was a few months back. Her hair is just above her shoulder instead of being up in some form.

She looks at us with surprise evident on her face as the man looks at us with his brows raised at us.

"Can I help you?" He asks without giving Vivian a chance to say anything.

"No, Oliver just thinks that she's someone we used to know named Lilith who's dead." Trenton says bluntly as glare at him.

"Is that so? Well I can assure that Vivian isn't this Lilith everyone thinks she is, so be on your way." The man says before moving the easel to the side and standing up.

"I'm not buying it." I tell Trenton through the mind link.

"Well don't do anything stupid."

"I'm going to try and make her snap because if  it was Lilith, she would react." I say through the link before shutting it off and look at Vivian. This is only a test, I have to know.

"Shame, are you sure you're not Lilith?" I ask Her as she raises a brow at me.

"I think I know who I am, why do you ask?"

"I'm only asking because you look a lot like a certain whore we used to know." I shrug as her silver eyes go wide as I shift my gaze the man who's glaring at me with so much anger in his eyes that If looks could kill, I would be dead.

"I'm sure this Lilith wasn't a whore." He says sounding so much calmer than he looks.

"Oh but she was, Lilith Harrison, the biggest whore in the pack. It's such a shame that Vivian isn't her, we could have a lot of fun." I force a smirk on my face before I'm grabbed by the throat and slammed onto the table to the left of me. His red eyes look almost as if they're glowing as he glares at me.

"Oh dare you speak about her in such way! You good for nothing fucker!" He snarls as he picks me up by throat before slamming me back onto the table with a loud thump. I fight against his grip as I look helplessly at Trenton who shrugs before looking down at the ground. Moon goddess, please help.

"You think he's going to save you? Not even your false goddess can save you from me!" He practically shouts as he starts to tighten his grip around my throat. His red eyes cold and hard as a sadistic smirk forms on his face. This is how I'm going to die, he's going to kill me.

"Crimson, let him go." She says as he whips his head to look at her. His hard eyes soften before he lets go of my throat. He takes a few steps away from me with a loud sigh before I get up and practically run out of the art room. I can feel his glare on my back, I can still feel his hands on my throat.

Hey sorry about the late update

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Hey sorry about the late update. I hope this chapter was better than last weeks. Anyways, I plan to edit this later today as always. I would like to thank all you beautiful people for 285k! It makes me so happy! I love you all!

I will see you guys next week!

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