Chapter 54

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Crimson's POV

I stand up straighter and glare at the men in front of me.

"Move." I demand and one of the two smirks at me.

"What are you going to do little girl." He taunts as the other one Laughs.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I say smirking and they laugh at me.

"Hard way it is." I mumble before I grab one man by the the throat and snap his neck with one hand. The other mans mouth drops.

"I'm not going to give a quick painless death." I say smriking at him as he pales. I take off the cheap heels and I drop one before lunging at him. He lands on the ground with a loud thump and I quickly straddle him before I stab the heel into his right eye. The man lets out a small pathetic Scream causing My smirk to widen.

"You're probably wishing you let me go when you had the chance aren't you?" I ask before I start to turn the heel as he tries to lift at my hands  The pathetic man gives up not even two minutes later and starts to claw at my hands, trying to hurt me so I'll let him go Jokes on him. I don't feel pain.

  "Aw, Try to cause me pain? Try again!" I snarl as I did the heel deeper into his eye socket until I hear something pop causing him to dig his nails into my arms.

"Aw, you can't defend yourself from a Little girl. Pathetic!" I taunt before I stop pushing the heel further into his eye. He relaxes slightly. I lace my hands through his hair before I lift his head up and slam it against the Marble floor. Harder and harder as he cries for mercy. I slam this pathetic excuse of man's head before a crack is heard and Blood starts to flow out of his head. 

I stand up quickly and look around and making sure no one is watching. To my surprise nobody is staring at me with fear. They probably didn't hear his screams over the music. I quickly fix the black dress before running out and down the corridor that Lilith and Leo came through. 

As my bare feet hit the damp side walk as I sprint down the sidewalk. I feel people staring at me and giving me question able looks. I quickly slow down into a jog as I near a parking garage. I walk over to the access pad and insert the numbers before the metal doors open. I glance around before quickly walking in. I stop and press a button that is on the wall which closes the doors. The only reason I know this place is because It's For the royal Family and the royal Family Only.

I walk past the rows apon rows of sports cars. Ranging from lamborghinis, Ferraris, McLarens, Aston Martins and many more.

"Why didn't you tell me about this place?" Lilith asks.

"I thought you wanted a normal life." I say with a shrug.

I stop at a white Porshe 911 with tinted windows and stare at it. Fast and not very shocking compared to seeing  lets say a lamborghini. I open the door that is unlocked and pull down the viser and the keys fall down. Lovely. I quickly grab the key and quickly insert it before I shut the car door.

I tap my fingers against the steering wheel as I wait for the light to turn green. Normally I would have just ignored it but I can't because I don't want To stick out like a sore thumb. The search team is  probably looking for Lilith right now. 

I Quickly hop out of the car and run into the apartment building leaving the car running.

"Do you still have that card?" I ask as i run up a flight of stairs.

"Yes, It's my drawer with all my Contacts." Lilith says as 

I kick in the door to the flat. I don't have time to pick the lock. This way was the quickest. I quickly walk into her room before I start to dig in her dresser looking for that card to join an Assassin organization. But instead I pull out a gun. I quickly check the clip and it's full. Ah From when Lilith killed those rapists. The last time she killed.

I set the gun on top of the dresser before I find the card and set it on the gun. I walk over to the corner of the small bedroom and pick The small backpack before emptying the contents onto the floor. I walk back over to her dresser and put clothes, Contacts and Makeup into the bag before slinging it on my back and grabbing the gun.

"Write Leo a Note." Lilith says

"We don't have time, Lilith." I say


"Fine." I say with a sigh before walking back into her room and picking up a paper from the ground and a pen. 

Dear Leo, I have to run from something I have been running from for nearly two years because they found me again. I can't stay here any longer due to that. My name isn't Vivian, It's lilith everything about my past has been a lie. But the friendship we have Is real. I may have lied to you about certain things, but the way I treated you wasn't an act it was genuine lie it has always been genuine. I'm deeply sorry, for lying to you. Hopefully We will meet again in the future.

                   - Lilith Aka Vivian Moore

I quickly set the pen down before running out of the Flat and down the stairs before Into the car. I quickly shut the door and speed away.

"Goodbye normal boring life. Hello Assassin organization." Lilith says as I speed through a red light. 

Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late chapter my little brother broke his arm recently so I've had to help him

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Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late chapter my little brother broke his arm recently so I've had to help him. I plan to edit this tonight as I always do.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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