Chapter 32

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Lilith's POV

I wake up with a gasp. I'm so cold. I look around snow covers the ground. How long have I've been like this? I lean my head up and I see a stick through my chest. Shit. Crimson wasn't lying. I look around. How am I going to get out of this? "Command the shadows to free you." Crimson tells me. I snap my fingers and they start appearing below me. "Free me at once." I command. They start climbing a tree to get to me. A shadow lifts my body off the branch. I look over to just were I was lying and notice the blood. The shadow let's me down on a branch. "Dispose of all evidence that I was there." I command. The shadow nods it's head and gets to work. "How long have I been there?" I ask Crimson. "A month or two." Crimson replies. That explains the snow. I look down at the gaping hole in my chest. I need to do something about this. I start climbing down the tree. When I hit the ground I start jogging.

I search around for a certain tree. I need to disenfect it. Or it will be a pain to take care of later. I find the tree and I climb up. When I reach the spot. I dig into the tree and grab out the medical box. I open it and grab out the rubbing alcohol. I open the rubbing alcohol and just pour it into the wound. There's a burning sensation. I lean back on the tree and take a deep breath. What am I going to do? I can would runaway from this life. "You can't abandon your duties." Crimson says. I roll my eyes. "What do suggest I do?" I ask. "Have fun for a bit. Get revenge on Ava ruin her will to live." Crimson tells me. I start feeling burning feeling in my gums. It feels like my teeth are getting pushed out. Something falls on to my lap. I pick the things on my lap and inspect it. A tooth. My tooth. I run my tongue along my teeth and feel a sharp edge. I recognize the shape. Fangs. I need something. Something. What do I need? "Blood. You need blood". Crimson informs me. I nod my head and start climbing down. I know rouges are hidden all over this place. When my feet hit the ground I take off sprinting. I fly by trees until I come across a foul smell. Rouges. I stop dead in my tracks and look to my left and see a lonely male rouge. What a pity. I walk over slowly. The rouge must have heard me. It turns around slowly. The rouge turns around and looks me in the eyes. Before it's lip turns up in a snarl. I cock my head to the side. The rouges goes to charge me but before it can. I have it by the throat. I shove my teeth into its neck and start drinking. It has an odd taste. Kind of gross. I feel the life start to leave it's body. Before I know it the body goes limp. I drop the rouge. Blood runs down my chin and onto my clothing. I sigh. I have to clean my face.

I walk around the forest amimlessly. The snow curshes under my barefeet. I clean the blood off my face. I look up and notice the sun starts to set. How am I going to ruin Ava's life? Then an idea pops into my head. I took acting classes years ago. I start walking towards the pack house.

When I arrive all the lights are off. Good. I go around to the back and start climbing up vines so I'm able to get to Their window. I assume they share a room. When I'm in front if the window I notice it pitch black. Good. I go to open the window. It clicks open. What kind of idiot leaves their window unlocked? I put one leg in than the other. I take a seat in the corner of the room. I feel the tears go to the edge of my eyes. I let out a loud fake sob. A tear run down my cheek.  Someone sits up on the bed. I look over and see it's Ava. Good. I stand up from the corner and stand in front of the bed. More fake tears run down my face. Ava looks my way and freezes. More tears run down my face. Who knew those acting classes would come in handy? "Why?" I croak out. Ava looks like she's lost for words. "I-uhh I don't know?" She says more like a question. I hear shuffling I look over Oliver and see he's sitting up. I quickly sprint over to the window at an inhuman rate. I fall to the ground and run back over to my tree.

I start climbing up the tree. When I get to my branch.  I pull down my shirt and look at my wound. Which is nicely healed. I sigh and  lean back. What should I do now to her now? An idea comes to mind. I smirk. I close my eyes and drift into a peaceful sleep.

When I wake up it's dark again. I rub my eyes and start climbing. I almost lose my footing once or twice. When my feet hit the ground I start walk towards the pack house.

When I arrive right in front of the house. I bite on my wrist with my fangs to get blood. I start dripping blood along until it starts to clot up. I let out a sigh and bite into my other wrist and continue on. I can't get a knife. To much of a risk of someone seeing me. I back away and look and my masterpiece. The artwork is 'why?' written on the white snow with blood. I nod my head in approval and walk back to Tree. I don't understand how they haven't found me yet. One thing I wish I could do is get into her head. "Have the shadows do it." Crimson says. "How is that possible?" I ask. "They're power creatures." Crimson informs me. I snap my fingers and they start to appear around me. "I want you to mess with Ava's head. Go into her dreams,Follow her and make her paranoid. Do whatever you please. But you can't kill her she's mine." I command. They nod and start to disappear. I let a chuckle this going to be fun.

It's been a couple days and the day has come  the day For Ava to meet her death at last. I've been working relentlessly to keep her on her toes and scare the life out of her. I've heard her screams in the middle of the night. I assume the shadows  are doing something right. I've seen the shadows around her all the time. I've been hiding thing and putting them where she left them. To make her feel like she's losing her mind. I've covered walls and doors with my blood. I've made out a plan to get her in broad daylight. There's beams in the living room and which I'll be on top of. I start walking to the pack house. It's night of course I can't just go walking in there in the day. It'll ruin my surprise. I walk in the house and it's dead silent they're all sleeping I assume. I creep through in till I'm in the living room. I look around how am I going to get up there. "Did you forget you're a fallen angel?" Crimson questions. I face palm myself. How could I forget. I close my eyes and think of my grey wings. I feel a sensation on my back. I keep my eyes shut until the sensation stops. I open my eyes and look at my back and see wings it's took dark to see their color but that's not important. I jump up and the wings start flapping. Maybe I should have practiced a bit. They start to lift me up the beam. The sensation starts again in my back before I know that the wings are gone. "You're behind this right?" I ask crimson. "Yes I was." Crimson replies. I lay on my stomach. The beam is about as wide as I am. I look down and notice the light flooding into the room.  It's not to much longer until I get my hands on her.

People are eating breakfast. I've been listing to then for what feels like years. I hear the clicking of heels on the wood floor. I look over the side of the beam and see Ava. I sit up and lean over. I lean forward and fall. I fall on to her back. She manages to stay standing. She lets out an ear piercing scream. I lean over her ear and whisper "Three strikes and you're out."  I lean over her shoulder more and dig my fangs into her throat.


Hey loves, I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense if you're confused or having question please comment or DM me and I'll reply as fast as possible. On another note Thank you all for almost 30k reads! I cant believe it! Would you guys like a bonus chapter again? I'll see you guys next week!

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