Chapter 5

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Lilith's POV

I've been running for what feels like years but it's been maybe two or three weeks after my other shifts. I'm currently running in my human form because they can't know, no one can know.

I take a deep breath to try and stop the pain in my lungs from running so long. I can't stop, I won't stop. I don't know where I am at this point but I don't care. Suddenly, I feel something prick the side of my neck and then everything goes black.

Beeping is heard all throughout the room, I open my eyes before blinking a few times to clear my vision. I look around the room only to see blank white walls. No, no, no. I can't be back in the Blue Moon Pack, it's not possible.

The door opens and in walks a blond man with piercing blue eyes, I can feel the power radiating off of him. He's either an Alpha or Beta.

"What are you doing on my land, rogue?" He asks with a hard glare that makes me flinch back. He's going to kill me.

"I-I'm Sorry, I was r-running from my pack." I stutter out as pity shows in his eyes.

"Whatever you do, don't tell him about us." Genesis commands as the others agree with her.

I watch as the blond's eyes glaze over, he's mind linking someone. Crap, I'm going to die. This is it.

"I'm the Beta of the-" He cuts off by shouting from down the hall. The door bursts open and a single gunshot rings throughout the room as blood splatters all over me and the Unknown Beta's body falls to the ground. I let out a scream before everything goes black for the second time today.

 I let out a scream before everything goes black for the second time today

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Hey loves, this chapter has been edited/Rewritten!

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