Chapter 50

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Lilith's POV

I walk away from the bodies with the gun and knife in my hand. I don't even glance behind me once as I walk towards the front of boat.

"Search the boat, make sure no one else is on." Crimson says before I throw the knife on the ground and start to aim my gun down the halls. I kick the first door on my left and getting ready to shoot someone. But there's no one there. I check the bathroom before walking out. I kick the door in the next room and see a man sleeping. I shoot him once in the head before walking back out.

I have cleared about ten room only two of them had people in them, which I both killed. I quickly quickly the second to last door and nobody is in the.  I check the bathroom and as expected no one. I quickly walk across the hall and kick in the room. A loud high pitch scream is heard from the bathroom. One of sheer fear. I quickly look around and notice the clothing on the floor. A girls clothing. There's a girl in the bathroom.

"Don't kill her if she doesn't pose as a threat."  Crimson says as I lower my gun.

"Please not again!" The girl sheiks as a thump is heard.

"I won't, they're all dead!" I say as I put the gun into my waistband. Dumb move, I know. The door opens and a girl peaks her head out. She has blonde almost white hair.

"Promise?" She asks with a fearful expression.

"I promise you, they're all dead." I say before the girl steps out and right away I notice all the dirt and bruises cover her.

"Who are you?" She asks quietly.

"Tell her your real name Becasue after this you'll never see her again." Crimson says and I let out a quiet sigh. .

"Lilith." I say and the blonde girl grins at me.

"What a beautiful name, My name is Alice." She says as her grin falls and tears fill her eyes.

"Thank you, but your name is much prettier. But why are you here?" I ask gently as I can. I know how it is fearing for your life and being trapped and beaten. 

"I was on the docks in Texas with my father." She says as her voice cracks at the end and a tear slips down her face.

"I'll bring you back to your family." I say and her eyes widen before more tears run down her cheek. Suddenly she runs towards me and wraps her arms around me.

"Thank you, Thank you so much." She mumbles into my shirt. I awkwardly pat her back.

"You're like my guardian angel." Alice mumbles into my shirt before she lets go and stands in front of me.

"How old are you?" I ask before she looks at her feet as if she's ashamed.

"Sixteen, What about you?" Alice says glancing up at me before looking back at the floor. The same age as Breanna.

"Nineteen." I say and she nods.  

"How did you kill them?" She asks quietly.

"You don't want to know." I say with a shrug.

"How are we going to get back?" Alice asks quietly.

"I'll drop you off at the dock you were kidnapped from." I say and she frowns.

"How will you drop me off?" She asks with her eyebrows raised.

"With this boat." I say with yet another shrug.

"Do you even know how to drive a boat?" Alice asks and I roll my eyes

"Of course, Now lets get to the front." I say before I walk out. I pass the two bedroom with the dead bodies within.  Blood coming out of their heads. I hear a little shriek from behind me. I look over my shoulder and sigh.

"Yes they're dead, their death's were a single shot to the head." I say and she runs up and stands next to me. 

"Its not my first time seeing a dead body." She mumbles as I stare at her.

"When was the first time?" I ask and she looks at her feet.

"They killed my friend after they..." She trails off at the end. I know what she's implying, they did what they tried on me and killed her afterwards.

"I know how it feels." I say before I continue making my way to the control room.

I hit a random button as Alice stands next to me and looks around.

"Are you sure you know how to work this?" She asks for the millionth time.

"Yes, Alice." I say with a sigh and I push another random button and the boat turns on. From the corner of my eye I see Alice jump. I glance over to her before I grab the wheel.

I have been driving the boat for about an hour, going god knows where.  A gun shot is heard from down the hall soon followed by a scream. Alice.  I stand up quickly and grab the gun from my waistband. I quickly I walk down the hall and see a man. I shoot him in the head and he falls to the ground. I look down and see Alice clutching her stomach as blood escapes from her fingers.  I quickly walk over and sit down next to her. I take het hand over the wound and runs out from the wound. Blood. So much blood.  Alice makes a  noise of sheer pain. Oh god. She can't die. I finally made another friend. After all these years. I glance up  at Alice's face and tears run down.

"She's dying Lilith, Slowly and painfully." Crimson states and I sigh. I lay her down gently and more tears run down her face. She gazes up at me. I set her head on my lap.

"I don't want to die, Lilly." She says as she starts to clutch her wound again.

"You're not Alice." I lie and  a sad  smile makes its way onto my face. I'm not going to let her die painfully. I grab the gun slowly and put it to the side of her head. She doesn't notice.

"It hurts lilly, It hurts bad." She says says with a small whimper at the end.

"I know." I say and I brush her blonde hair out of her face with my other hand as I start to squeeze the trigger on the gun.

  "Now Alice, If you meet a Girl named Breanna tell her I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you, Alice." I say before I pull the trigger and she stops breathing.

Hey loves, Sorry about the later chapter

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Hey loves, Sorry about the later chapter. I plan to edit this tonight as I always do. Would you guys like Alice's POV next week?

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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