Chapter 113

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Third person POV (WARNING ABOVE.)

"It's time to let the actual fun to begin, My love." Crimson smirks as Lilith nods her head in agreement.  He looks over Oliver, who is bleeding with a rusty screw driver in his abdomen, and then at Trenton who looks as if he's seen a ghost. Lilith bends down and grabs the scalpel as she decides between the two, she thinks about all the awful things they did to her and she chooses Oliver. In one hand, she has a silver dagger and the other the scalpel.

"You know, you ruined me. You ruined me in so many ways and you had the audacity to act as if we're meant together and that I would leave Crimson for you." She says as she drags the dagger down his chest, making him clench his jaw, in an attempt to hold back a scream or any noise of pain.

"We...we are meant to be together. The moon goddess paired us together for a reason." Oliver says, trying to keep his voice steady as Lilith stabs the dagger into his shoulder, making him let out a small scream of pain.

"I don't give a flying fuck about the moon goddess, she failed me many times and now, she isn't real to me." She shrugs as she stabs the dagger into his side, avoiding any major organs.

"Y-You should care about the moon goddess a-and what's so special about red?"

Lilith rolls her eyes before she just holds the dagger to his skin, making him scream again. "His name is Crimson and he actually cares for me and was there when I needed him the most. He's taught me things that I would have never learned if it wasn't for him." She shrug as she drags the blade down his arm, making Oliver clench the arms of the chair, refusing to let out another sound.

"I...I care about you. I regret my decision every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday. I-I love you." He stutters out as Lilith removes the blade and lets out a bitter laugh.

"You don't love me, you just love the idea of my strength and power and how it could benefit your pathetic pack of mutts." She snarls as Oliver's eyes widen.

"W-What? No!" He shouts as Crimson rolls his eyes.

"Don't fucking lie, that's all you wanted when Lilith returned to your pack, you wanted power and you knew she could've gave you all the power in the world and not to mention the heir she could have given you. You could have been the most powerful alpha in the world. That's why you first pursued her." Crimson shrugs as Oliver glares at him.

"T-That's not true. That's why you're with her." Oliver stutters out, making Crimson roll his eyes.

"You're so full of yourself, why would I do that? I don't care about that, I love her for her, not her power you dumb fuck. I know what you're playing at and I'm not going to let it happen." Crimson grabs the scalpel from Lilith's hand before driving into his already bleeding shoulder and twists it around, making Oliver let out a small scream.

"God, you're pathetic." Lilith and Crimson say unison as they both dig their weapons into him. Lilith stabs the dagger into his side and Crimson does the same just a little bit below her. Oliver lets out another small scream, making both Lilith and Crimson smirk as Crimson starts to twist the scalpel around. Making Oliver scream out louder than before.

Eventually, they both fall bored of it and drop their weapons before Lilith leans over and whispers something in Crimson's ear. He nods his head before kissing her cheek, making Oliver growl loudly. Crimson looks over at him with his brows raised.

"Shut the hell up, you worthless mutt" Crimson snarls before pecking Lilith on the lips and Oliver has the same reaction as he did before. Crimson rolls his eyes before going to walk out but Lilith grabs his arm and turns him around. Within seconds, her lips are on his. Their lips move in sync as Lilith wraps her arms around his neck and soon her legs around his waist. They're just doing this out of spite towards Oliver.

They soon get interrupted by a loud growl from the one and only Oliver. Crimson rolls his eyes before setting Lilith down. 

"We're going to continue after this over with, right?" Crimson asks

"You know it." Lilith says with a wink and smile before Crimson walks out of the basement. The second he does, the smile on her face slides right off as she turns around to face Oliver.  She grabs the scalpel and the dagger off the ground before she starts to circle him.

"Don't ever do that with him in front of me again." Oliver snarls as Lilith rolls her eyes.

"I don't plan to because these are your last moments alive." She shrugs as Oliver pales.


"Did you really think that I would torture you and then let you go? No, I'm going to kill you the same way you did to me." She stops in front of him and grabs one of hands. She holds it against the arms of the chair before stabbing the scalpel in his hand, making him let out a loud scream. She quickly does the same with his other hand and Oliver screams louder than he has ever before.

"P-Please, Please, Lilith. Don't do this." He pleads as Crimson walks back into the basement with a large pot of something that is boiling.

"Do you want to pour or do you want to hold his head back?" Crimson asks as Lilith shrugs.

"I'll pour." She says as she quickly pulls the dagger out of his hand before Crimson sets the pot in front of her. He grabs the dagger from her and walks behind Oliver before putting it against his throat. Lilith nods her head and not even a second later, Crimson quickly moves the dagger across his neck making Oliver gasp out. Blood starts pouring out of the wound.

"Tell your parents I say hello." She snarls before pouring the boiling oil into the wound, the hot oil sizzles as Oliver lets out a strangled scream, his eyes wide as he continues to scream before going dead silent and limp.

Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update, I've been horribly busy but next week's chapter should be out on time for once

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Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update, I've been horribly busy but next week's chapter should be out on time for once. I hope you enjoyed Oliver's torture and Trenton's will be next week.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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