Chapter 44

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Lilith's POV

He throws me into my cell by my hair. I glare at him. "Why can't I kill everyone and escape?" I ask crimson.

"You're out numbered." Crimson says. I roll my eyes.

"Did you forget about the shadows?" I ask.

"Of course not. It's simple there are hundreds of hunters with guns. You may be immortal but you're different from the others. You still bleed when your injured and you pass out when you die."

I roll my eyes and starts shaking the cell door. A hunter comes up to my cell and glares at me. "What do you want Bitch?" He asks rudely. I roll my eyes. I look down at his waist and see a gun. Wonderful. I continue to shake the cell door. He throws open the door and charges me with an angry expression. I smirk before plunging my hand into his chest and pulling his heart out.

I reach down and grab the gun.  Dropping the heart as I do so. I pull out the clip. Its full. Even better. I slide the clip back in and cock the gun. I walk out of my cell. I look around for anyone. There's one person down the hall about two hundred feet a head of me. I calmly walk closer before aiming my the gun at the persons head. I pull trigger without hesitation. Blood starts pouring out of his forehead. I walk up to him and pluck the gun from his waist band. I assume the clip is full like the other one was. I quickly cock the gun before walking around looking around for hunters.

I pull the trigger once and blood pours out of his forehead. I throw my empty gun across the room. I keep the clips just in  case some one finds the gun. I quickly take the gun from his waist band. And do the same as I did before. I think I have only two more floors to go. I peak around the corner and see two hunter chatting. I walk around the corner and aim at one hunters head before pulling the trigger. The other hunter goes for his gun and aims at my chest. I aim randomly and pull the trigger. It its his head and he falls over. I sigh before collecting their gun and putting the in the waist band of my pants.

Each level of this hellhole has the amount of people as the level. As I go up there's always one more person. Why is like a video game?

I shoot the last person on this level in the head. This is really starting to feel eerie. Like this is all planned out. Almost as if they knew this is happening.  I walk down the hallway double checking to make sure there's no hunters alive. 

I calmly and quietly walk up the staris.  If they hear me they'll be on alert. I don't want that. I want to shoot them in the head one by one. So I can be free at last. After spending two or three years in here. I can't remember.  I push open the door before walking down the hallway. There are three people not facing me me. I quickly aim at ones head before pulling the trigger. The others reach for their guns I quickly Pull the trigger at one and once more at the other.  He falls out to ground clutching his chest. He lifts his hand and looks at it. Tears start running down his face. I smirk. I notice his gun got thrown across the room  when he got shot. I grab the guns from the ground from when they dropped them. I grab the last gun from the dudes waistband. Before running back the staris case leaving the one guy to have a slow and painful death.

I run up the staris case. One more floor then I'm free. One more. That's all.  I push open the door quickly before walking in.

Something is wrong. I've been through four or more halls and there were none. Not even a trace. I have more hall and then what I believe is a room.

I quickly walk through the hallway Looking for any trace that anyone was here at any point. None.  I push open the last door to the final room.  It's dim there's a spot light pointing to chair that's not facing me. This so Cliché. The mastermind sitting in the chair petting a cat got with snake waiting for the person so they can turn around. I roll my eyes and aim my gun at the chair. The chair spins around and there's the hunter who whipped me sitting there with a smirk.

"I see our champion is attempting to escape again."  He says smugly. I send him a glare.

"I'm attempting to escape. I am escaping and fixing up so loose ends while doing it." I Say still holding my glare.

"Pathetic Girl you're outnumbered." He says with a smirk. I feel my eyes go red.

"Listen here you super villain Wanna-be. I don't give a fuck that I'm outnumbered. You know why?" I ask glaring at him.

"Why. Tell me why you pathetic girl." He says smugly.

"I will kill you and everyone in this room." I snarl while I aim my gun at his head. The lights turn on.  I look around around quickly. Hunters surround me. Their guns pointed me. This was planned out.

I pull the trigger and blood starts flowing from Super villain Wanna-be's head. The first bullet pierces my arm. I quickly spin around and shot the one that shot me. He falls to the ground. Another bullet pierces my back.

I shoot the last hunter in the head. I did it. I shot and killed about 100 hunters. Their bodies lay on the ground as do the guns I used. "You need to get out of there Now!" Crimson demands. I look around for something to get me out. There's one window. I limp there. I quickly punch the window shattering it. I jump out out looking back.

I start running the best as I  can with bullets lodged in my body. I feel the blood running out the wounds. I start feeling light headed as I run through a field of red flowers. I fall to the ground. Black dots invade my vison. I welcome the familiar black dots with open arms.

Hey loves, sorry about the late update but hey at least I updated! Anyways I hope you guys liked it

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Hey loves, sorry about the late update but hey at least I updated! Anyways I hope you guys liked it. I plan to edit this tonight!

As I always say.
         I'll see you all next week!

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