Chapter 76

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Crimson's POV

"Then watch me find a fucking way."

"There is no way, Ben. It's not possible." She says shaking her head.

"That's what you say, I know it will work, but not with you because you're clearly not powerful. But your daughter on the other hand..." I trail off she goes rigid.

"You leave Maribeth, out of this." Anne glares.

"The word on the street is that she's powerful, powerful enough to do." I bite back a smirk as her face starts to redden.

"I said to leave her out of it."

"No, she's going to help me. Just you watch Anne, just you watch." Her face reddens ever more if possible.

"Mom?" A voice says as she turns around so quickly I'm surprised that she didn't get whip lash.

"Honey! Go back to you room!" She says quickly as he girl no older then seventeen looks over Anne's shoulder and straight me.

"Who is-"

"I said go back to your Room, Maribeth!" Anne snaps as Maribeth glares at her mother. Ah the Rebellious faze, How fun.

"I'm seventeen, Mom. I'm not a child, we've talked about this." She says before stepping around her mother and walking towards me.

"How can I help you?" Maribeth asks with a smile.

"Do you by chance know how to put a dead person back into there body?" I ask and she frowns.

"No but I'm sure I can-"

"You are not helping him and getting yourself in the process!" Anne shouts as Maribeth rolls her eyes.

"I'm doing it, Mother. Now as I was saying before I was interrupted, I don't know how but I'm sure I can learn how." She says as I smile at her before grabbing her sleeve.

"Wonderful, now come. We have lots to do in a short amount of time." I say as I start to pull her towards the car.

Anne tried to grab Maribeth as I suspected her to but we're to far.

"Maribeth! You aren't getting yourself killed!" Anne shouts as I let go of her sleeve and unlock the car.

"Whatever you say mom!" Maribeth shouts back before opening the door and getting in. I walk around and get into the car before starting the car.

"How are you going to teach me the spell?" She asks as I speed away.

"A book."

"A book?" She asks slightly surprised.

"Yep, I'll get the book and deal with everything else."

"Okay. Who are me bringing back to life?"

"Me." I say as I go through a red light.

"What?" She sounds surprised.

"You heard me correctly, I'll give you the short version, I died and was Damned/genetically put into this body." I explain quickly as I pull up to an all to familiar castle.

"That's a bit confusing..."

"I'll explain later, but first I need to get the book so I'll be back." I say before opening the door and hoping out without giving her a chance to reply, I don't have time to let her reply.

I climb up a vine before quickly hopping through the library window. I look at the the shelves filled to the top with books from all over the world and different time periods. I used to come here all the time after my Hellish training to cool down and to gather my thoughts. I used to know where all the books were and all the authors, especially the much more important books. Assuming that they haven't changed the system, the book should be on the top shelf on the left side of the room on the center shelf.

I look up and there it is, The pentagram catches my eye. I quickly walk over before realizing how tall the shelf is now since I'm not in my body. The shelf is at least seven feet and my body was standing at 6'3 and a half last time I checked. I quickly grab the old later with wheels before sliding it over to the shelf where the book rests on the top shelf.

I hand the book over to Maribeth before driving towards the airport.

"Where are we going now?" She asks as I hear pages flipping.

"The place my body is."

"Okay." She says as I glance over, she's reading the book.

I quickly pull up to the arena, I'd never see agin before hopping out of the car, leaving it running. Maribeth follows behind with book in hand.

"I think I can do it."

"I know you can." I say before kicking in a metal door and it slams it against the wall. It dead silent, cages/Cells are wide open and empty just how Lilith and I left it. The room where my body is should still be fully functional.

I kick in another metal door, the room is freezing with tubes that are all frosted up. My body should be around here, in one of these tubes.

"Oh my god..." Maribeth trails off probably in shock.

"I'll find my body, you just get ready to do the spell." I say as I glance over should before walking over to the first tube on my right. I quickly wide away frost before revealing a hand with a black ring. My black ring. I pull my fist back before smashing it into the glass. It merely cracks. I pull my fist back again before doing the same thing again.

When I finally break the glass, my hands are bloody. I quickly grab my body before I start to drag it out to the center of the room.

"Are you ready to begin?" I ask as Maribeth looks up and nods.

"Yes but we need a knife."  She says as she pulls one out of her pocket before handing it to me.

"Now I'm not sure if you know this but you, in your old body, will be bonded."

"What do you exactly mean By bounded?" I ask as I put the knife to my wrist. I don't remember this being in there...

"Basically, If you get hurt, the host of the body your in Now gets hurt and vise versa. Same thing goes with death. Are you sure you want to do this?" She asks as slice my wrist.

"As I'll ever be." I say as she looks down at the book and bend down to do the same to my body.

"Now put your wrist to the body's." She says and I do exactly that before she starts to chant. My eyes start to feel heavy, to the point I can't hold them open. My vision fades to black not even a minute later.

I wake up with a gasp before my eyes meet with Lilith's. It worked. I'm back, back in my own body. I look down at my hands before looking back up to Lilith. I start to reach and to touch her.

Hey loves, sorry about the late update, I've been terribly busy lately with school and family

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Hey loves, sorry about the late update, I've been terribly busy lately with school and family. I'm sorry that this chapter is terribly choppy as well. But anyways, I plan to edit this chapter later as always. Feel free to leave your suggestions.

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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