Chapter 45

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Lilith's POV

I open my eyes and I'm back in a field. I glance around and see Crimson sitting in a chair staring at me.

"I'm glad you did that." He says with a nod.

"I thought you told me not to?" I ask confused.

"I changed mind. You were already in there once and history shouldn't repeat itself " He says with a shrug.

"Why am I here?" I ask with a sigh.

"You died like the time before. Exempt this time you got shot hundreds of times instead of getting impaled." Crimson shrugs. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to keep you long but you have to go to the cottage and get that money from that safe. You also need to buy hair dye and contacts." Crimson says.

"I understand. But why the hair dye and contacts?" I asks cocking my head to the side.

"You may have killed the hunters, but the royal search team are going to look for you. They are roaming everywhere. It's their job to find you alive and bring you back to the castle. And I assume you don't want that." He informs. I don't want to go back. I have always wanted a normal life. Not being abused or being the queen. Just to be normal.

"Correct. I have always wanted to have a normal life." I say before sighing. Crimson nods his head. His red eyes pierce into my soul.

"This is your chance to have a normal life but not around here."He says.

"Where will I go then?" I ask. I don't know where else to go.

"England. You stick out out like a sore thumb around here with your accent, but in England they won't notice." Crimson says while tapping his fingers.

"Okay." I reply. I have people looking all around for me so when I wake up I have to dye my hair a and get contacts so they won't notice me. I have to look normal.

"Will I have to change my name?" I ask.

"You will indeed. What will your new name be?" He asks.  I pause to think. What is the name I have always wanted?

"Vivian Moore." I say quickly.

"Vivian Moore? I like it. It has a ring to it." Crimson Says glancing up at the sky. He pulls up his sleeve looking at his wrist watch. "You have to go." He says snapping his fingers.

I wake up with a gasp. I look down and see my shirt is covered in holes and blood. I get up quickly and start sprinting towards where I be live the house is.

I stop for a breather. I put my hands on my knees. I take a deep breath before standing up straight and looking around. I notice a familar cave and path not to far away.

I sprint down the path. I don't remember how far down the path the house is. But I assume not far.

I kick in the door and walk in. I locked the door before I left for the blood moon ball all those months ago. I quickly take the picture off the wall and open the safe. All the cash is there. Lovely. I run into the bedroom and grab a bag before running back to the safe. I put all the money in the bag quickly as I can. I glance down at my clothes. The blood that was once wet is now dry. My shirt ridden with holes as is my pants.

I quickly run out the door and down the driveway. The long dirt driveway has trees surrounded it. The town isn't for miles.

As I walk down the road I glance behind me and see a car getting closer to me. I walk into the middle of the road and just stand there. The gets closer and closer before they slam on the breaks. "What the hell are you doing?!" The owner of the car says after they roll their window down. I calmly walker closer to the window before opening the door and throwing the owner out. I quickly get in and slam on the gas leaving behind a flabbergasted person.

I quickly park the car at a CVS  before running into the store. I calmly I walk down the isles. I stop by the hair dye isle and look for blonde hair dye. I grab a box and walk away. I need contacts. "Get blue contacts for now in case they do find you before you get to england, then they'll be searching for a blonde girl with blue eyes." Crimson informs.

I walk around the isles looking for cored contacts. "They don't sell colored contacts crimson." I state as I put the bag down and grab out a 20 before walking to the cashier.

I walk out of the door quickly before sprinting to the Stolen car. I open the door and get in myself.  I slam my foot down on the gas, speeding away from the small-town.

I pull into a random  gas station in another town. I quickly hey out of the car and go to the bathroom that is located outside. I walk in and slam the door. I quickly lock it beforw taking the hair dye out.

I stare at my now blonde hair in the mirror. Its so blonde its almost white. It look doesn't look half bad. "Do you know where the nearest air port is?" I ask crimson.

"A couple hundred miles." Crimson informs. I lets out a dog has open the bathroom door to leave. As I walk out I see some fancy cars pull in. I walk calmly to the stolen car. I glance over quickly at the fancy cars and see uniformed people getting out. I calmly get into my car not even looking at the uniformed people. "Those are the trackers." Crimson informs.

                           Oh No.

Hey loves, So sorry for the boring chapter and if it doesn't make sense

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Hey loves, So sorry for the boring chapter and if it doesn't make sense.  Feel free to DM me me or comment Any questions you have.

I'll see you guys next week!

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