Chapter 59

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Lilith's POV

“Don't play nice, Shoot them all without mercy.’’ Crimson says as I look around, to make sure there's no one, which there's not.

"Because you ran like death was chasing you."

I roll my eyes, "Whatever." I mumble as I hear footsteps, running towards my direction. Without thinking twice, I run behind a tree, not having time to find a proper hiding spot. I hear the footsteps come to stop, near me soon followed by panting.

"You alright, man?" A voice of man asks.

"Yeah, we just have win this." The other man responds after, catching his breath.

"This is an automatic, correct?" I ask.

"I believe so."

With that, I jump out from behind the tree and shoot them in the foreheads, they drop to the ground clutching their foreheads.

"You bitch." One Groans while rolling arpund, the other one just lays there clutching his forehead.

"How and why did you do that, you fucking slut." The one rolling around says, I feel my eyes go red under my contacts.

"What the fuck did you call me?"

"A fucking Slut?" The one rolling around, stops rolling around before getting up.

I aim the paintball gun at his eye before pulling the trigger once. He let's out a slight scream before falling down,

"My eye! Oh god!" He shrieks before I hear footsteps coming, I bend down before grabbing in of their guns and running deeper into the forest.

I glance around before I start climbing up a dense tree, I almost slip multiple times because I'm climbing with one hand.

"Why didn't you just put the paint balls into your gun?" Crimson asks

"I didn't have time."

I set one of the guns onto the thick branch before pulling myself on. I sit against the tree for about seconds, taking deep breaths before I grab my gun and the other. I pop the lid off where the paintballs are, I take out five before putting them into my gun. The reason that I'm putting the paintballs into my guns is that two automatic paintball him a would be a pain to carry around.

After I finish filling my gun, I start to climb forward a bit, for  advantage point. I stare down at the ground as I group of six people walk through. They're talking but I can't make out a single word they're saying. God I don't know how to go about this...

"Just aim for the tops of their headw, if this was a real a gun, it would be a kill shot." Crimson informs, I look  down and no they're just sitting on the ground in a circle chatting, probably thinking they're safe. But they're wrong, dead wrong.

"Take out the strongest first then the others."

"Okay." I say before I take aim at the bigger one of the group,

"You have to be quick about it, once you take one out they'll be looking for who did it" Crimson informs before I pull the trigger and hit the bigger one of the groups head, dead center. They all jump up aiming their paintball guns, searching for whoever did it, just as Crimson siad they would do...

"You've done this before, Haven't you?" I ask as I pull the trigger, hitting another person on top of their head.

"Yep, multiple times."  Ccrimson says as one of the people below looks up and sees me, he shouts something pointing at me. Shit. They all take aim at me.

I start pulling the trigger rapidly. God, I hope I don't miss them.  I don't have time to aim and go for a 'kill' shot. They shooting at me,  always missing me by a long shot or just barely. I start to pull the trigger even faster, Not to much later they're all laying on the ground with a a spot of blue or red spots them. I throw my now empty gun down before climbing down myself.

I run towards the direction that I came from, the original meeting spot, I took a gun that was completely full from one of the people I took out. I hear footsteps behind me causing me to spin around with my paintball gun aimed, the person who tried to sneak up behind me is Deimos with his gun pointed at me.

"I hate to do this." He says as he tightens his finger on the trigger,

"As do I." I say before I take aim and shoot him on the forehead. He sighs before laying on the ground. What's the point of that?

"The point of laying on the ground after you've been shot, tells others that you're out." Crimson explains

"Do you know how many people are still in?" I ask

"About two, so you and another person." He says before I hear another pair of footsteps walking slowly and fairly lightly as well. One of the perks of being a supernatural...

I turn around before shooting without thinking and it's someone without a speck of paint on them besides my own. I smirk at him before holding the gun up and walking away.

"Good job." Crimson says as I walk closer to the bunk house suddenly I turn I feel a paintball smash into my back, where my heart is. I turn around and there stands Blondie with his paintball gun pointed at me. I let out a gasp,

"That's cheating!" I say and he shrugs

"So? I want the reward."

"That's not fair, you're the one who's giving out the reward." I point out before taking aim for his forehead and  pulling the trigger. Blondie lets out a gasp of surprise

"You bitch." He says before doing the same. I feel the paintball smash against my forehead.

"I still won." I state


"I did I shot the last person." I say rolling my eyes

"Nope because I shot you because you were the last person."

"You weren't even playing!" I shout, feeling my blood start to boil before shooting him where is heart is

"Element of surprise." Blondie says with shrug before shooting me.

"It's not fair!"

"Life's not fair, sweetheart." He says before I shoot him again.

"Fuck you Blondie!" I shout and he shoots me one last time in the heart again before turning his heel and walking away.

Hey loves, Sorry about the late update I've been super busy lately

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Hey loves, Sorry about the late update I've been super busy lately. I plan to edit this later tonight. Anyways, I would like to thank you all for support again, it truly means the world to me. 

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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