Bonus Chapter #5: Crimson

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Crimson's POV

I lean against the window sill as I watch the snow fall from the fifth story Of the castle. It's the best season in my opinion, it just is so peaceful and beautiful.  The door opens and I turn around only to see my mother.

"Hello, Darling." She says with a soft smile, her blonde hair falling into her face.

"Hi," I mumble as she walks towards me before bending down in front of me.

"How are you baby?"  She asks

"I'm okay, Mother." I say as she looks confused for a moment.

"Why don't you call me Mama or mom anymore?"

"Because Father told me not to, he said it's improper." I say as she frowns.

"You're only eight, Benjamin. You don't need to worry about being prim and Proper." She says

"But Father-"

"Don't listen to your Dad, baby. Come downstairs, your brother is already opening his gifts." She grabs my hand gently before leading me towards the stairs.

She leads me into one out of our many living rooms and right away my eyes land on my father, he's looking at Sebastian with a small smile on his face. Why doesn't he ever look me that? He always looks at me without any emotion, glares and swears at me. Mother runs a hand through my hair before bending down and kissing my cheek.

Father looks at me and that smile slides off as mother walks over to him, she pretends not to notice. But she always does.

"Open your gifts, Benjamin." Father says with a monotone as I quickly nod before walking over to the tree and bending down. He's always like that, Warm and kind to everyone but me. I sit on the ground before opening a small box, it's wrapped neatly. I rip the wrapping off before opening the box. Inside there's a throwing knife... I frown before looking at my Father. Why would he give me this? Why? I don't need my own throwing knife, there's plenty in the training room.

"Why?" I mumble as I look over at my Father again.

"What was that? I can't understand mumbling." He says cupping his ear. He could hear me, I know for a fact that he can.

"Why?" I say louder as I carefully pull the black knife out of the box.

"Why what? You should be grateful." He shrugs as he walks over.

"For what? A throwing knife? We already have plenty." I point out as I watch Mother picks up Sebastian before carrying him out of the room. Oh no...

"Follow me, Benjamin." He says in an angry tone. I feel myself tense up before I stand up. What have I done? I should've kept my mouth shut. Father storms over before grabbing my elbow before dragging me towards the training room. No! Not again...

Father practically throws me onto the ground before slamming the door and locking it. I wince as a burning sensation starts on my left side. Not again.

"Why the fuck are you so ungrateful?"

"I-um-well, we have plenty and we don't need anymore." I say as I hold eye contact with him, just as I was taught to do. Looking away is a weakness.

"Well I thought you would like your own, but it appears it appears that I was wrong, am I wrong Benjamin Charles The First?"

"Of course not, Father." I lie as he glares at me.

"You're a horrible liar, go to the closet." He growls.


"I said to go the fucking closet or I'll bring you myself." He repeats as his eyes start to glow red. I feel my heart rate quicken. Not the closest. Anything but the closet.

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