Chapter 85

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Lilith's POV

I walk down the Cold, snowy streets towards the apartment Crimson and I share. It's been about two years since Crimson got his body back and The more I time I spend with him, the more I realize I may be in love with him. He makes me so happy and it's weird because I've never felt this way before.

I unlock the door to Crimson's apartment and I'm meg by silence, as usual since Crimson doesn't get back from work around six. I set my bag onto one of the hooks that is next to the before kicking my black tennis shoes off. I'm in my final year of art school and I can't wait to get my first and official job. Everything is just so peaceful here and I absolutely love it. Over the past two years, Crimson he has gained some weight and quite a bit of muscle. Over time as this happened, he got more confident.

I sit on the couch as the door opens. I turn around to see who it is and it's the one and only Crimson carrying a file with him. He's early...

"I'm home." He grins causing my heart to feel as if it skipped a beat.

"I see that, why are you home so early." I ask with a raised brow as he bites his lip with what appears to be excitement in his eyes.

"I'll tell you later but you need to pack what you need." He says, still grinning at me with that same excitement in his eyes. He's up to something. He always has that gleam Of excitement in his eyes.


"Don't pack clothes, I've got that handled. Just pack what you need." Crimson quickly walks in front of me before walking into his room, next to mine. What in the world is he up to this time... Last time he nearly got us killed because he tried to do a 180 on the highway while going about 85 and said that it would be 'Fun' with that devilish smirk of his. It wasn't fun, he did and we crashed head on with a car and Crimson, nearly died on impact.

Crimson slams the trunk of the car before walking around towards the driver's side and gets in. The second he shuts the door, he speeds down the street with a smirk on his face. He's definitely up to something...

"What are you up to?" I ask as glances over before shrugging innocently.

"I'll explain when we're on the plane."


"We're traveling somewhere." Crimson says in a 'duh' tone before taking a sharp left causing me to slam into the door.

"Sorry!" He winces, feeling the pain.

"It's fine as long as you don't get us killed." I shake my head as he starts to chuckle.

"The real question is who is getting killed." He mumbles, still smirking his devilish smirk thinking I don't hear him.


"Nothing." Crimson shrugs as he goes to grab his cigarettes from the middle consul but fails.

"Can you grab me one?"

"Sure." I reopen the center consul before pulling out his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He's been trying to stop because he knows if he's addicted, I'm addicted because of the bond. It's mainly his fault for starting but it's also my fault for letting it continue.

I open the box and there's only one cigarette missing, good. I put the cigarette in my mouth before lighting it and taking a drag off it, I feel the Warmth of the smoke in my lungs, If Crimson and I weren't bonded, I would more than likely stop because I can't die from it but crimson on the other hand, can and I can't let that happen if I can help it.

I grab the cigarette before holding it out for Crimson to grab which he gladly takes.

"Thanks, Love." He says with a smile as he grabs the cigarette from my fingers and puts in his mouth. Did he just... oh my god, Oh my god, oh my fucking god. I feel my face heat up as something warm trickles out of my nose.

"Is your nose... bleeding?" Crimson asks looking over at me as I touch under my nose and look at. Oh my god, I'm having a nose bleed over the fact Crimson called me love.

"It appears so." I say with an awkward laugh, trying to play it off.

"Are you Okay? There's napkins in the compartment in front of." Crimson informs with what sounds like concern. I quickly reach and open the compartment before grabbing a few napkins. I hold one against my nose as from the corner of my eye, I see crimson switch into fifth gear and put his hand on the hand break. Not again...

"Don't you even thing about, Benjamin." I say with a clipped tone as he sighs loudly.

"Fine and I wasn't going to that. Also don't call that name."

"I won't ever again unless you do something stupid."

"I don't intend to any time soon, Now take a nap, we're only an hour and a half away from the air plane." He says as I nod, I woke up a six and left for school at six thirty. I lean my head against the window against the window before closing my eyes and soon falling into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to someone gently setting me into a chair. What the fuck? I look at the person's face and it's no other then Crimson himself and it appears that we're on the plane. I feel my face redden as I watch Crimson sit next me.

"I know you want to know where we're going and what we'll be doing in said location." Crimson smirks as he sets the folder on my lap. I grab it and read through it and right away two names catch my eye.

Oliver Walker and Trenton Harrison.

Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update

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Hey loves, I'm sorry about the late update. I plan to edit this as usual. I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks chapter. Who's POV do you guys want next week?

As I always say I'll see you guys next week!

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