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Colby's pov
I don't know what's gotten into me I just feel like I have to find her. I have a bad feeling something is gonna happen to her. I can't believe she self harms and with how light she is it's like she's anorexic. I've been looking for her for 3 minutes. I pull up to the bust stop and sure enough she's sleeping on the bench. As soon as I'm about to pull over the light turns red. But there's the boy I saw from the building. I see Lexi shoot up and look at him with fear. He's not... is he? I look closer and he's touching her under the hoodie as she's crying ppl walk by not even caring. I quickly pull over and get out. "Excuse me what's your name?" I ask. "I'm Blake why are you asking?" He says. "Well my names Colby and I noticed u scaring my friend Lexi." I say anger filling me. "Fuck off" He kisses her neck and she kicks him. "Colby Please help." Before I can do anything he pulls out a knife blade lighter and three pictures he sets them down and pushes me. I fall hitting my elbow. "Here you slut go cut your self." He gives her the knife and blade. "Say bye to your friends" he says lighting the pictures on fire. "You asswhole!" She says and tackles him. He pushes her over punching her and kicking her. I tackle him getting him off her. I quickly pick her up and put her in the car and speed off her shaking. "As soon as we get home your giving me that knife and blade." I say looking at her. "I bet it's nice having a's all I ever wanted." She said looking out the window a tear falls from her eye. "Well me and the guys talked we all like you... so maybe if you would like you can live with us." I say looking at her. She smiles but it quickly fades " I don't have anything though no clothes no bed no car no money" she says worriedly. "It's ok I can buy you everything you need and you don't need to help pay rent I promise." I say. She smiles and nods her head. "Is that a yes!" I shout excitedly. "Yes" she says giggling.

Lexi's pov
We get to the house and I walk in. "Hey here's one of my hoodies I'm the tallest so I thought maybe you would like it better since it's more baggy" Aaron said handing me a hoodie. "Thanks" I say looking down. "Hey you can go take a shower now it's right there." Elton said pointing to the bathroom door. I walk towards it but as soon as I'm about to open it Colby stops me. "Blade and knife now please." He says knowing I wished he forgot. "Fine" I give him one of my blades and the knife secretly keeping the other one. "I'm here for you Lexi you can talk to me whenever." He says walking away. I go in the bathroom making sure to lock the door. I turn on the water and start crying. I get undressed and quickly hop in.
*trigger warning*
I grab the blade and do one cut one cut turns into two then three until my wrists and thighs are eventually full. I made sure not to go deep so there tiny. I get out after I wash my hair and body. I put on Aaron's hoodie walking out. It went all the way to my knees. "You look like your three." Sam says laughing. "I don't care it's really comfy." I say giggling. "Hey why's there blood going down your leg" Corey asks wide eyed and concerned. "Colby come down here!" Sam yells. "Sam!" I yell. "What we need his Boy Scout skills" Sam says clueless. Colby walks down the stairs into the living room. "Yeah?" He says confused. "Lexis bleeding again." Sam says looking at Colby then me. "It's nothing okay I just umm." I say trying to think of an excuse. "Girl problems." I say quickly. Colby looks at me suspiciously and shakes his head. "Come with me" He says taking me upstairs with him. We go in his room. "Sit" He says. I listen and sit on his bed. "You cut didn't you?" He asks quietly. "No." I say quickly. He pulls up my sleeves and the end of the hoodie so he could see my arms and thighs. "Colby!" I yell going into a panic attack. I couldn't breathe it felt like I was suffocating. "Lexi I need you to calm down it's okay." He says I can see panic in his eyes. "I-I want Alex." I start sobbing still not able to breathe. "Aaron Lexi needs water asap!" Colby yelled . Next thing I know Aaron is in the room looking more scared than ever. "What helps calm you?" Colby asks. "Cu-cuddling a-and music." I say quickly. "Okay lay down." Colby says. I lay down and the Colby cuddles with me. "Aaron sing." Colby said. Aaron started singing and soon I drifted off to sleep.

Authors note
Hey so I'm gonna update in the morning because im exhausted right now so sorry fo all the misspelling or andything imma fix it tomorrow. Peace

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