Moving in

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*6 months later*

Lexi's POV

   Things are getting serious between me and Matt. He convinced me to take a break from YouTube. Me and my mom are closer than ever and I've agreed to give her my apartment and I'll move in with Matt. I know it's pretty soon but my mom couldn't find anywhere to rent and she needs her own place. I haven't really hung out with anyone, I mainly stay with Matt. Tonight I'm hanging out with the girls. 

   He loads the last box and get's in the car. We're currently in a fight. We fight a lot but not bad.  "I still don't think you should hang out with them tonight." He says pulling out. "Matt I haven't seen any of my friends in like a month." I say. "Don't be fucking dramatic Lexi." He says. "I'm not, I haven't talked to them in about 2 weeks either except for today." I say. "Oh shut the fuck up." He says. "You get to go hangout with your friends whenever the fuck you want but when it comes to me you make it seem illegal." I say. "I said shut the fuck up!" He yells slamming his breaks then speeding. 

    I remain quiet and sit back in my seat. "I won't go if it's that big of a deal." I say softly. "Thank you baby." He says grabbing my hand. I sigh. I use my free hand to text the group chat.

Lexi: Hey guys sorry but I can't make it tonight I'm not really feeling the best.

Tara: Aww I really wanted to see you :(

Devyn: Are you okay? No ones seen you in a month and you went ghost for 2 weeks and Now your ditching us?

Kat: Devyn has a point what's going on?

Lexi: I've been busy just got a lot going on right now and I'm moving my stuff into Matt's

Tara: This soon? 

Kat: It's been like 6 months!

Lexi: Yea I know it's soon but I let my mom have the apartment and I've basically been living with him already.

   I get off my phone as we pull in. We go in and start unpacking my stuff. 

  Kat's POV

I sigh and put down my phone. "What's wrong baby?" Sam asks laying his head on my stomach. I lift my head up to look at him. "I feel like something's wrong with Lexi." I say. "Do you wanna go check on her?" He asks. "We can't, don't know where she lives now." I say. "Wait what?" He asks sitting up. I quickly follow. "She moved in with him, she basically quit YouTube and she just ditched girls night. She hasn't seen anyone but Matt in a month, and she hasn't talked to us in 2 weeks." I say. "It's Lexi she does this when she's depressed but she has Matt. As much as we want to be there and help her she won't let us." He says. I get on Instagram and look at her story. It's a picture of her and Matt Smiling. 'moved in with this cutie.' "She looks pretty happy to me." I say showing him. "As much as I hate to say it, she might just be drifting apart from us Kat. These thing's happen all the time. Friends come and go." He says obviously hurt. 

"I refuse to except that. We've been through so much together! You and Colby SAVED her life literally, I held her hand while she had a miscarriage, I held her while she cried about Colby cheating! I was at the hospital every time something happened. She can't just leave!" I yell crying. "I know, imagine how I feel Kat. I saved her life multiple times. We were there when she found out she was pregnant. I checked on her every day every hour for months when she was going through shit, I held her in the hospital bed as she cried because she thought she had lost Colby and the baby the same day, I love her like a sister." He says trying not cry. "She can't fucking do this!" I yell standing up. "Kat where are you going?" Sam asks. "We have Life 360 remember?" I say grabbing my keys. "I'm in." He says standing up.

*time skip*

    We go up to the door and knock. Soon after Lexi answers it. "Oh umm hi?" She says. "Babe who is it?" Matt asks walking over. "Oh, hey guys come in!" He says happily. Sam and I walk in. "Take a seat do you guys want a drink? I have water, white claw, beer, lemonade." He says. "I'll take a water please." I say. Sam takes a beer. good thing I'm driving. 

Lexi's pov

   I walk into the kitchen with Matt like he asked. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me they were coming?" He asks through gritted teeth. "I didn't know." I say. "Yeah sure you fucking didn't." He says. I roll my eyes and turn to walk away. He grabs my wrist tightly squeezing it very hard pulling me back. "Stop." I say scared. "Shut the fuck up." He says pushing me against the wall causing me to hit my head. I automatically know there's a whole in the wall and my heads busted. I don't say anything. "Take them there fucking drinks and socialize so nothings suspicious, but you owe me." He says walking away into the game room. I catch my breath and wipe away my tears. I grab them the drinks and go out.

  "Hey so what have you guys been up to?" I ask faking a smile. "Lexi your arm!" Kat exclaims. "oh yeah a box fell onto it." I say and smile. I rub the back of my head a little. "Oh my god there's blood on your hand." Kat says. "Shit, I fell and hit it when I went in the kitchen." I say. Matt comes back out. "Hey so, Omg Lexi why are you bleeding!" He exclaims. I tense up. "I fell in the kitchen, I hit my head but didn't think it was that hard." I say. "Here let's go get this cleaned up. I'll take you to the hospital." He says walking over and helping me up. He leans down like he's looking at it then whispers. "go with it." I start shaking. "I'm so sorry. We should prbably hangout some other time." I say. "No need to apologize." Kat says. We quickly say our goodbyes. "Go clean up I have work to do." Mat says walking away. I sigh and clean up then go and lay in the bed.

*Time skip*

Matt comes in and lays by me and I tense. "Listen baby I'm so so so sorry I hurt you." He says crying. "I didn't mean to I just lost my temper. I love you so much, I would never mean to hurt you." He says. I feel bad. He would never actually mean to, he was angry and he did have a few drinks. It was my fault anyway I was being to pushy. "I know babe it's okay, I love you too." I say. We cuddle and drift off to sleep.

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