Exposing Him

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 *1 month later*

Lexi's pov

  I wake up and go to the living room. I walk towards the bathroom till I feel a hand touch me. I jump and turn around pushing the person.I hear a thud and open my eyes to see Colby on the ground. "I-I'm sorry." I say helping him up. "It's okay." He says smiling at me. "When do you plan on going back home?" I ask him. Him, Jake, Sam, Corey, Kat, and Tara all moved into a new house together, they call it Trap House 2.0. "Well how bout you come stay for awhile there's an extra bedroom plus you haven't even seen the place yet and you've been m.i.a for a month. Everyone's worried. Me and Mike are the only people who have seen you." He says. I sigh. "Colby I'm fine I like it here, plus my moms here and we've been getting along great." I say happily. "Lexi you barely leave your bed and your mom is never here she's always at work, she told me she's worried." He says. "So your doing this to make my mom happy? Good to know, please leave now." I say walking away and sitting on the couch. He jumps over it and sits.

   "Just come stay for 1 week please." He begs. I shake my head. "Lexiii I want you to see my emo god room." He says like a whiny 3 year old. I laugh and finally agree. "Fine but no more then a week." I say. "But ya know, if you like it the trap members are always willing to let you join." He says smiling I roll my eyes. I get up and go pack. No one knows but I cut myself. I haven't told Colby or Mike yet. Colby walks in as I put hoodies in the bag. "Why are you only bringing hoodies?" He asks. "Oh I get cold a lot so I figured might as well bring them." I say smiling. "And if you get hot?" He asks. "I won't." I say giving him a small smile. He sighs and sits on my bed. "Lexi pull up you're sleeves." He says. "What?I don't really feel like it plus you should trust me Colby." I say. "Lexi please pull up your sleeves." He says with tears in his eyes. I sigh and pull them up. "Lexi." He says examining my wrists. "Its really nothing Colby." I say. "I mean it's not as bad as last time but it's still not good." He says. He looks truly hurt. "What's wrong? You look sad." I say.

  He looks at me. "Lexi I-" He gets cut off by my phone ringing. "One second It's Matt." I say going to the bathroom. "Hey, Lexi do you wanna go on a date?" He asks. "Are you asking me out?" I ask giggling. We've talked everyday for a little over a month. "Lexi will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. My heart jumps. "Yes of course, um I'm hanging out with some friends tonight do you want to maybe hang with us?" I ask. "Of course, they aren't going to kill me thou right?" He asks. "They might interrogate you and rough you up if you cheat or do anything to hurt me but you should be fine." I say semi jokingly. "Okay, text me the address and time." He says. we say bye and I hang up. I go back in my room with a smile on my face. "What got you so happy?" Colby asks me smiling. "I just got asked to be someones girlfriend." I say smiling. "What'd you say?" He asks with a smile on his face. "Yes" I say excitedly jumping up and down. "What were you gonna tell me earlier?" I ask. "Oh um I forgot, it was probably nothing anyway." He says. He looks really sad. I sigh and grab all my stuff. 

*Time skip to 5 p.m*

    I'm sitting outside at the tiki bar when Brennen walks over. "What's up Lexi, do you remember my friend?" He asks as his friend walks over. I look at him and automatically know who he is. My heart drops and I start feeling nauseous. He reaches his hand out for me to shake but I don't move. I just stare in shock. "Hey I'm gonna go get a drink, you guys want anything?" Brennen asks. I don't say anything. "Lexi?" Brennen says waving his hand in front of my face. "Excuse me I need to use the restroom." I say standing up and running inside of the house. I bump into Colby. "Woah hold up, what's wrong?" He asks. I try catching my breath but can't. "I can't breathe." I say. "It's okay, come on we'll go to my room." He says. We go upstairs and I sit on his bed. "Lexi what happened?" He asks calmly. I look at him with tears in my eyes. "I saw him." I say. "Who?" He asks. Theres a knock on the door before Brennen his friend and mike enter. "Please leave." I say. "Who, Austin?" Brennen asks. I nod. "Lexi you've never acted like this, Austin isn't a bad person." Mike says. "Yeah Austins pretty chill." Colby says. "How long have you guys known him?" I ask. "A day or 2." Mike says. "No no I have to go." I say grabbing my stuff. "Lexi." Colby yells.

    I quickly run outside. "Lexi!" Mike yells from behind me. I run. I don't stop till I get downtown. Shit. I have no idea where I am. My phones blowing up and I'm out of breath. I've been running for an hour. I find an alley to sit in. I get a call from Jordan and quickly answer it. "Hey sis what's up?" I ask. "Nothin just wondering where the fuck you are." She says. "I just went for a run." I say. "Yeah away from Colby and them, they said you were acting weird around Austin." SHe says. "He fucking raped me jordan, but I can't tell them because they wouldn't believe me. They think he's a good guy and they've only known him for 2 days." I say. "Shit Lexi, meet me at Kevin's they're on their way to you so hurry up." She says hanging up. I stand up getting ready to run again until I hear a few familiar voices yelling. "It says she's in the alley." I forgot to turn off my location. I set my phone down and run the opposite way. "Lexi!" I hear Sam yell from ahead of me. Kat the the side. Fuck. Kat, I can trust her. 

    I run to her. "Kat we need to go now don't tell anyone." I say grabbing her hand. "What, Lexi why?" She asks. "Austin raped me that's why I've been m.i.a please Kat you have to believe me." I beg her with tears in my eyes. "I have Sams keys, we need to run to his car and lock the doors once we're inside." She says. I nod and we take off. 

  "Kat?" Sam says. "Kat, Lexi!" He yells running after us. We run in his car and lock the doors. "We can trust him Lexi." She says. "I can't trust anyone but you and Jordan." I say. "Sam hates him, it's okay." she says unlocking the door. He quickly gets in the back. "What the fuck is going on?" He asks. Kat looks at me and I nod. "Kat what's going on?" He asks again. "You know the night Lexi was raped in her apartment?" Kat asks. He looks at me. "Austin?" He asks. I don't say anything I just break down. Next thing I know Colby and Mike are by the car. "Kat drive please." I say between sobs. "Lexi you can tell them." Sam says. "No I can't Sam they won't believe me! they both like him." I say. Sam gets out. "Sam!" Kat yells.

    We both get out as soon as he says the name. "Fuck you! Fuck all of you!" I say walking away. "Lexi you were drunk you gave consent you just don't remember." Austin says walking around the corner. "I remember the overwhelming fear I had as you got on top of me, as you hit me and left bruises. I remember screaming for help and no one coming. The first red flag was when you put your hand on my thigh. I remember every miserable second of it so fuck you I did not give consent." I say. "Lexi are you sure he did it?" Colby asks. "I'm fucking positive, I could never forget his face or voice even if I tried." I say going to walk away again. Austin steps in front of me "I said tell no one." He whispers. I stop as a chill goes down my spine. "Come one let's go." Colby says. Sam and Kat push Mike to the car. "I know where you live, where you sleep, and what window to enter and exit through." He says with a sick smile. "You better back the fuck up bitch." Colby says getting in his face. "What you gonna do about it? Beat my ass? You can try."He says pushing Colby. He goes to swing on him but I just hug him. "Take me home, please." I whisper. I feel him become less tense. "Your lucky." He says to him. We get in the car and go back to the trap house.

    Thankfully Colby grabbed my phone so I text Jordan and explain to her. Well this is going to make everyone meeting Matt 10x worse. 

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