Saved Again

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Lexi's POV

   "Colby." I say getting up and running towards him. He hugs me. "I'm so sorry Colby I fucked up so much and I...please just forgive me." He holds me. "Lexi calm down shh it's okay you didn't do anything wrong." He says. "Colby I have no where to go. He kicked me out, he pushed me down the stairs an-" He cuts me off. "Wait what! Are you hurt?" He asks. "I mean yes and no, i don't no." I say. "Let's go to the house we'll check you out and see if you need to go to the hospital."  He says. I shake my head. "No no It's okay." I say. "Lexi come back, come live with us again, the fans miss you, WE miss you." He says. "Just till I can save up." I say. "Or longer." He says smiling. We go to his car and head back to the trap house.

   We arrive and go inside. We go to the kitchen and I sit on the counter. "Oh my god." He says looking at my eye.It's black and yellow and a little swollen. My neck has purple and blue bruises in the shape of hands. The side of my face has a green yellow bruise. "Lexi your covered in bruises." He says. "Does anything hurt?" He asks. "My side." I say. I lift up my shirt slightly since its a cropped top. My whole side is terribly bruised. "Omg you should go to the hospital." He says. I shake my head. "I'm fine." I say jumping down. "Fine." He says sighing. We go out back and everyone is still here. including Mike. I sigh and sit down around the fire keeping my face down and covered. "What happened to your arms?" Sam asks I shrug. "What's wrong?" Mike asks. "Nothing." I say. "Lexi your safe." Colby whispers.

   It feels like everything's happening to soon. I start feeling anxious. "I need to go." I say standing up. I go back inside and start having a panic attack. Mike comes in and I turn my back to him. "What's wrong?" He asks touching my shoulder. I jump in fear and then fall to the ground and  curl up. "Please don't hurt me I'm so sorry." I beg. He's gonna hurt me, He's going to kill me. WHy won't he stop.

Mike's POV

    "Lexi It's me." I say crouching down beside her. "No stop please stop." She begs. This is heart breaking. I run outside. "Colby! It's Lexi!" I yell. I run back inside and see her sitting up with her knees to her chest and her head down as she rocks back and forth. Colby runs in and sees. "I think it's her ptsd but I don't know." He says. We go over to her. "Lexi it's Mike and Colby." He says. "Is he gone?" She asks looking up. Holy shit her face. "Yes he's gone, we're at the trap house now. You're safe." He says. she starts sob and he pulls her close. "I'll explain later." He whispers. I nod. He picks her up and takes her into his room I'm guessing. 

   I go outside pissed off. "What's going on?" Sam asks. "Nothing just a panic attack." I say. "Why?" Kat asks. "I don't know." I say sighing. Colby comes out. "She's sleeping in my bed right now but a lot happened." He says. "Where's Matt?" Tara asks. "Probably at his house I don't know I don't care." Colby says. "Well can we know what's going on?" Jake asks. " Matt's been abusing Lexi since she moved in with him. He was choking her and pushed her down the stairs tonight after driving drunk with her in the car." He says. "He kicked her out so she's moving in here, I think she wants to start making youtube videos again once everything's blown over. The reason we haven't seen her in so long is Matt. He texted her and told her to go get her shit tomorrow." He says.

    "So what you're saying is we get to go kick ass tomorrow?" I say. "Only if he tries anything with Lexi. If he doesn't we need to leave it alone because it could make things worse for her." He says. "How did we not know any of this was going on." Kat says. "She's good at covering shit up." Sam says. "What about Jordan?" Jake asks. "What about her? She's still not wanting to live with lexi. I think she's happier at Kevin's if I'm being honest." Colby says. I sigh "Is anyone going to tell her?" I ask. "Lexi will just give it time." Sam says. "Well I talked to her mom yesterday she was hoping to see Lexi soon but she's also having some medical issues right now." Colby says. "Lexi need's to go to the hospital but she won't listen to me." Colby says. "Well what's wrong with her?" Sam asks. "Well I think she has broken ribs, also I noticed her ankle looks broke and I'm worried about a concussion." He says.

   We hear footsteps behind us and everyone looks and see's Lexi. She looks like she was crying. "I had a nightmare." She says. "Come here." I say. She walks over and sits on my lap. I hold her. "It'll be okay." I whisper. She shakes her head. "No it won't Mike." She says quietly. My shirt becomes wet and I realize she's crying. "Lexi You're safe now."  I say. "We have to go get my stuff tomorrow, Mike I'm so scared what if he tries to hurt me again." She says obviously terrified. "I'll be with you the whole time Lexi, do you really think I would let anything happen to you?" I ask. She shrugs. "Your always safe with me." I say. I feel her start to relax and not soon after she falls asleep. 

   "So I'm thinking hospital trip." Colby says. I nod. I carry her to the car and strap her in. "You got this?" I ask. "Yeah, stay here we both know she's gonna be pissed at me." He says. He leaves and I go inside and wait for an update. I fall asleep and wake up a couple hours later to a phone call. "What's up?" I ask.  "So she has a small concussion, ribs are bruised same with left lung, her right ankle is fractured so we have to go get a cast on it tomorrow." Colby says. "Holy shit sounds like a car accident." I say. "Yeah, we're almost home she's asleep right now but we have to get her stuff in the morning then straight to her appointment." He says. We hangup and not long after they arrive and I carry Lexi upstairs. We all go to sleep

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