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Colby's pov
I woke up with the worst hangover ever. I look on the night stand and see a note a long with two brown paper bags. I pick up the note and read it. "Good morning lol I hope you had a lovely night last night I sure as hell didn't but anyway here's a survival kit I put together (like every time you get wasted) well enjoy love Aaron." I laugh and open the bag. I take a sip of Gatorade. I  then take ibuprofen. I eat the granola and when I'm done I throw everything away. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. FUCK. I have a frickin hickey on my neck. I quickly run downstairs and into Corey's room. "Hello?" I say. "Come in." I hear Devyn yell. I run in and fall to the ground sobbing. She runs over to me. "What's wrong!" She yells. I look up exposing my neck. She looks at it then slaps me. "YOU FUCKING ASSWHOLE!" She yells. Everyone runs in. "What's going on?" Elton asks. "Colby is a fuck boy who can't keep his dick in his pants." She yells again. I stand up. "I didn't do anything." I say getting pissed. "Yea says the fucking hickey on your neck!" Elton yells. "And these fucking pictures." Sam says handing me his phone. It's a picture of Kelsea kissing me. Just then Lexi walks in. She looks at me. "Hey." She says then sees my neck. I see pain in her eyes. "Oh umm I gotta go to the bathroom." She turns around and runs upstairs. I try running after her but sam stops me. "You've done enough dude." He says looking me in the eye. I push past him and look at Brennen. "Let's go." I say. He grabs his keys and soon we're in his car.

Lexi's pov
I can't believe this. I'm fucking worthless. I look myself in the mirror. Wow I'm fucking ugly. I unlock the door and walk out. Devyns sitting on the bed. I grab 8 dollars out of my drawer. "You ok?" She asks. "Yea not the first time plus we weren't together for that long so it's fine." I say and smile. "Will you give me a ride to the store?" I ask nicely. "Yea come on." We go to the car and she gives me a ride to the store. I go to the blades. I get the type that go in box cutters. There's 5 in a pack. I go to the candy aisle bc I see Devyn coming near me. Thank god she didn't see me. I grab a big bag of skittles. "You ready?" She asks. "You can go in the car I'll meet you there." I say. She nods her head and walks out. I check out and grab the bag. I get in the car. "Can I use your phone?" I ask. "Oh I was supposed to give you this last night." She says she reaches in her purse and pulls out a iPhone 7. "Omg no way!" I say excitedly. "Haha yeah Colby got it for you I put all our numbers in it so yeah." She says as we pull into the driveway. I run inside and upstairs. I text Aaron. "It's Lexi are you home?" I Wait a few seconds. "No why what's up?" He texts back. "Like skittles?" I laugh at my choice of words. "Yea why?" He asks. "I got u sum." I say. "Ok!" I write him a note. "Hey Aaron I love you your like the brother I never had o got you skittles as you may know...see I want you to be able to say hi when you get home but I might be gone... not as in Well nvm you'll see goodbye buddy, love Lexi." I cry I put it on the skittles and put them in his room. I then grab the blades I take one and hide the rest. I go in the bathroom and lock the door. I get on my messages and text Colby. (L=Lexi C= colby)
L: hey umm I just want you to know I love you and I'm still in love with you Colby you saved me literally i could've died if it wasn't for you I know you were happy but now after all that happened I think I might be dying after all and no it's not your fault I love you goodbye.
I wait a couple of seconds and he reads it I turn on some music while I wait. I see Aaron posted a song so I listen to it.it still plays after I exit out bc YouTube red.
C: Lexi what did you do please I love you don't leave me baby.
L: I'm sorry
I grab the blade and slowly slide it down my vein.next I add more cuts. Too good at goodbye comes on and I start sobbing. I look down and realize how much blood I've lost. I lay down feeling all the energy drain out of me. I hear the door swing open and Colby and Brennen yelling my name. "What the hells going on?" I hear Devyn scream. "She's trying to kill her self where is she!" I hear Brennen say. I hear what sounds like everyone running up here. Someone try's opening the door. "Let us- OH MY GOD Lexi are you ok please say something." I hear someone say. "Leave me alone." I say sobbing. "I'm gonna break down the door if you don't let me in." I hear Colby say. I don't reply or move. Next thing I know the door is broken and everyone is crying and yelling. That's when I realize I messed up. Colby runs over to me and lays head on his lap. "I-it's ok" I say with a tear falling down my face. He starts sobbing. "Please no Lexi I love you!" He yells. "I love you too." Everything goes black.

Colby's pov
"I love you too." Is all she says then she stops breathing. Sam's standing in the door way silently crying. "Noooo why god why Lexi Lexi please wake up." I yell. I can't breathe omg. "Lexi Lexi wake up!" I scream. Then the ambulance arrives. They take her and I'm left sobbing. Please god let her be ok.

Authors note
Soooooo I'm sorry it sucks but at least it's something. Hmu if your ever depressed I'm here for you and my inbox is always open I know what's like to just wanna die trust me
Love you guys peaceeeeeee

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