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Lexi's POV

    I knock before walking in. I sit on the couch. "Where the fuck have you been?" He asks. "I had to pick up Jordan from a party." I say sighing and leaning back. "Was that before or after you called Jaylin being a bitch?" He says. "Are you being serious right now?" I ask sitting forward. "Yes Lexi, I am being serious I thought you would be more fucking mature then this." He says raising his voice. "I tried being mature about it but she was the one being a bitch I'm not gonna sit here and say I wasn't rude because yes I did say some rude things but she was the one being a bitch!" I say trying to defend myself. "Lexi she's having my fucking child so stop being immature!" He yells. I stand up. "I know she's having your fucking child Colby you don't have to remind me every 5 seconds, it's a constant fucking reminder you cheated on me, maybe if you would've stayed loyal we wouldn't be in this situation." I say raising my voice. "This has nothing to do with me cheating on you!" He yells standing up.

   "It has everything to do with you fucking cheating on me!" I yell. "You're never gonna let this go are you?" He asks. "I did let it go but then this bitch comes forward and is supposedly pregnant." I say pissed off. "So you do think she's faking." He says giving me a fake confused face. "I don't fucking know, I  just need to see proof to believe her 100 percent." I say trying to be calm. "Are you fucking serious Lexi? Why cant you just be mature for one fucking minute!" He yells. I don't say anything. "You need to grow the fuck up!" He screams grabbing a cup and throwing it against the wall. The sound of the glass breaking makes me jump. "I'm sorry." I say calmly. "Stop trying to make me look like the fucking bad guy stop saying your fucking sorry." He yells. "What the fuck do you want me to say Colby!" I say slightly raising my voice. The door cracks open. "You guys good?" Sam asks poking his head through. "Fuck off for a minute." Colby says shutting and locking the door.

    "You don't have to be rude to him." I say sighing. "You don't have to be rude to Jaylin but I guess shit just happens." He says pissed off. "You didn't have to sleep with Jaylin but I guess shit happens." I say mocking him. "Here we fucking go again!" He yells. "Oh my god Colby just stop." I say walking over to the glass and picking it up. "Just fucking leave it alone I'll pick it up  later." He says pissed off. "It's fine I got it." I say calmly. "Stop trying make me fucking feel bad." He says. "I'm not doing anything." I say throwing away the pieces of glass. "I still can't believe you called her a fucking skank when she didn't say shit to you." He says crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "She's the one that fucking started it Colby!" I say pissed off. "I'm finding that hard to believe Lexi." He says raising his voice again. "Don't fucking raise your voice." I say rolling my eyes. "Don't be a bitch about everything." he says rolling his eyes. "Seriously stop calling me a bitch it's pissing me off." I say angrily

   "Maybe you should stop acting like one." He says shrugging. "Fuck you!" I yell before going to the door. "Yeah runaway like you always do Lexi." He yells. "Maybe you should act like a man and not a little lost boy, I'm sick of you treating me like shit." I say with tears in my eyes. "Get over yourself." He says rolling his eyes. "Maybe you would be happier with her." I say as I feel myself slowly breaking. His emotions suddenly turn from anger to pain. "Lexi don't say that, we both know i'm happier with you." He says coming towards me. "I really don't think you are." I say quietly. "Don't do this lexi please." He says obviously scared to lose me. Is he really though? "Colby maybe your better off without me." I say before unlocking the door. He grabs my arm and pulls me away from it.

   "Lexi, I love you so much I don't wanna lose you and i'm definitely not better off without you; you're the one I want to be with Lexi, I'm sorry for everything i've said just please don't leave me." He says looking me in the eyes. I look down and sigh before looking back up at him. "I love you but this is toxic." I say hurting. "Every couple fights Lexi I promise you everything will be okay and we can get through this together just don't break up with me...I can't lose you." He says with tears in his eyes. My hearts breaking at the sight of him feeling hurt. "I don't wanna hurt you." I say looking down as tears fall from my eyes. "Then don't." He says lifting my chin up and looking me in the eyes before kissing me. His touch can make everything disappear in a matter of seconds. He makes my world stop. He makes everything better. He makes me forget what we're fighting about in the first place.

     He pulls away. "I love you Lexi." He says with a smile on his face. "I love you too." I say with a small smile. Mike suddenly walk in. "You guys are the most bipolar couple ever." He says before walking out. "Well that was random." Colby says laughing. "You get used to it after awhile." I say shrugging. "Mind if I stay the night?" He asks with a smirk. "Not at all." I say smiling. We walk out and go into my apartment. "Are you guys good now?" Sam asks. "Yeah, sorry for being an ass." Colby says smiling. "Your good." Sam says standing up. "Well I gotta go Kat's waiting for me." He says walking out. "I'll stay the night." Mike says walking into Jordans room. "No sex!" I yell and he just flips me off. Colby and I go into my room to get changed.

   I take off my clothes and put on one of Colby's hoodies. "You're so beautiful." Colby says giving me a small smile. "Well duh." I say jokingly making him smile. "I'm tired." I say as i lay down on my comfy bed. "Same." He says as he takes off his shirt and puts on pj pants. He lays down and we start cuddling. "Lexi." He whispers quietly. "Hmm?" I hum with my eyes closed half asleep. "I'm sorry about tonight." He says taking a deep breath and kissing my head. "It's okay." I say quietly. "I love you." He says softly. Every time he says it I get butterflies in my stomach. He means the world to me and I honestly have no idea where I would be without him. He's taught me to love myself. He's made me a way better person then I ever was or thought I would ever be. "I love you too." I whisper before drifting off. I wish we could stay like this forever.

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