Back To School

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Colby's P.O.V 

I wake up and turn off my alarm. I feel bad that she has to go to school she probably has a stomach bug or something. I put my hand on her head to check for a fever. She doesn't have one so I get up and go to the closet. I get out my black ripped skinny jeans,a camo xplr hoodie. I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth. I clean my nose piercing and put my chain on my pants. I look at the time and see it's time to go wake up Lexi. I run and jump on the bed. "Babe babe babe babe." I say over and over again. "Whatttt" She says annoyed. "It's time to get up you gotta go to school." I say calmly. "Fuck school!" She yells while her face is in the pillow. I giggle. "I know you don't wanna go but you have to." I say. "Fine." She says getting up. I get on my phone and postmate 2 caramel frappuccino's from starbucks and  two egg, sausage,and cheese McMuffins from McDonalds. "Babe what should I wear." She asks.

Lexi's P.O.V

I pullout two options. 1.Is black ripped skinny jeans and a nirvana crop top, 2. is white ripped skinny jeans and a Black Veil Bride crop top. He looks at them both. "2." He says sitting on the bed. I grab my outfit and go to the bathroom. I take a quick 15 minute shower. I jump out drying my hair and quickly changing. I brush and blow dry my hair, then straighten it. I quickly brush my teeth and do my makeup. I put on foundation and concealer, I put eyeliner in my water lines, I then quickly do mascara. I run to the bedroom and jump on Colby. "Choker." I say sitting on him. He laughs and flips us over. I'm laying down and he's hovering over me. We both laugh and he gets up.He grabs my choker and through's it to me. I catch it and put it on. "Postmates is here." He yells running downstairs. I grab my phone and follow him. He hands me a caramel frappuccino and a McMuffin. "Thanks babe." I say and kiss him. We go to the kitchen and sit down. "Are we the only ones up?" I ask before taking a bite of my sandwich. "Probably." he says. We finish and I look at the time. "7:30." I look at Colby. "Can I borrow your skateboard?" I ask. "Why?" he asks. "So i can ride home, I usually don't get picked up after school and riding is more relaxing." I explain. "Sure, when do we need to leave?" He asks. "Well you woke me up on time so I usually take 30 minutes to relax or watch an episode of The Office." I say smiling. We walk to the couch and sit down. He puts his arm around me and I lean on him. He turns on The Office and pulls out his phone quickly checking his notifications.

*after the episode*

I get up stretching. "Time to go?" Colby asks looking at me. I nod my head and start walking towards the door. He grabs his keys and hands me the penny board. "Thanks." I say and giggle. We walk to the car and he opens the door for me. I grab the aux cord and start playing music. I play Netflix Trip by AJR because why the fuck not. We hold hands as we drive down the empty road. I look at him and smile.He is my everything. I love him with all my heart and I cant wait to marry him someday.

We arrive at school and he quickly jumps out while unplug my phone. He opens the door and I grab my things before getting out.He pushes me against the car kissing me roughly. He pulls away and looks around. Everyone was starring at us.My cheeks turn bright red and he kisses my forehead. "Have a good day babygirl." He says and gets in the car as I walk away. Everyone stares as I walk in the building. I go straight to the office to make sure my schedule hasn't changed. I see my favorite secretary and run up to her.  "Hey kiddo where ya been?" She asks looking at me. "Long story I'll explain it next time I get sent up here." I say giggling. " You better not get in trouble Alexis, it's your first day back." She says. I look at her and smile. " I'll try not to do but while i'm here do i have a different schedule or is it the same one?" I ask. "Different one."she says handing me a form. We say our goodbyes and I walk out.


Homeroom 8:30-9:15

English 9:17-10:30

Spanish 10:32-11

A Lunch 11-11:30

Algebra 2 11:32-12:10

Health 12:12-1:30

Biology 1:32-2:30

Study hall 2:32-3:02

I sigh and start walking to class. I roll my eyes as I walk into Mr. Dines room. "Why are you late again?" He asks. " I'm  not late i'm right on time." I say sitting down. "Do NOT sass me." he says.I sit back and roll my eyes. About 30 minutes into class the girl behind me taps my shoulder. "Yes?" I whisper while texting Bri who is a girl that goes to my school. "Was that Colby Brock that was kissing you?" she asks. "Hold that thought." I say getting up running to the bathroom. I quickly call Colby. "are you okay?" He asks immediately answering. "What do I say when ppl ask if we're dating?" I say. "Well I would hope you would say yes since we are kinda dating."He says giggling. "Well I didn't know if you wanted to tell people or not yet since you do have 1 million subs on youtube." I say giggling. "Okay well go get smart, I love you bye." He says. "i love you too bye." I say and hang up. Then a girl walks into the bathroom. "Oh it's you." she says rolling her eyes and fake gagging. "What were you out for?an std? or did mommy get tired of you and through you out just like the garbage you are?" she says walking closer to me. "Honey lets be honest here the only one who has a std is your stank ass." I say pushing past her. She gasps and turns around. "How dare you talk to me like that you bitch." she says walking over to me. she tries to punch me but I duck. "Sorry honey but if your punch is as slow as your mental state I can easily beat your ass." I say and smile. She stomps her foot and walks into a stall. I walk back to class kinda feeling bad. 

 I sit down and take a deep breath. I feel like everyone is starring at me. The girl behind me taps my shoulder again. "is it?" She asks. " Do I even know you?" I ask and giggle. "Umm I'm kinda new here...No one likes me." she says. I can hear the sadness in her voice. "Do you have A or B lunch?" I ask. "A." She says. "Whats your locker?" i ask her turning to look at her. "B12." She says smiling. "Perfect I'll get you so we can walk to lunch together." I smile. "oh umm okay that sounds fun." she sounds nervous. I chuckle and turn around. I'm actually starting to like school.

  After home room I go to Mrs.Cook's class. I love English. But the teacher hates me. Maybe because me and her daughter Kylie kinda hate each other. "I go to the seat that has my name on it. 3 minutes later the bitch from the bathroom comes in and sits by me. She turns to her friend and whispers something about me and they both laugh and look at me. "Hey pussy next time say it to my face." I say and smile. "At least I have one." She says and they both laugh. "I lean towards her. "Yea well you might wanna try cleaning it because it smells pretty fishy over here." I whisper and lean back. She gaps and turns back pouting. I start feeling light headed. I put my head in my hands. The boy behind me taps me. "Hey are you okay?" He asks. "I-i'm fine." i say and raise my hand. "Yes alexis?" she asks. " May I go to the bathroom?" i ask. " No you just wanna go do drugs like your mother."she says and everyone laughs. "And here i was thinking she got it from her father." I say and she  looks at me confused. "what?" she asks. "Kylies bitchy side, but turns out its from you, besides you don't even know who her real dad is because, well it's hard for you to keep your legs closed isn't it?"I say smiling. She gasps and calls the office. "I'm sending Alexis up!" She says angrily. Next thing I know I'm walking to the principals office.

Authors note

sorry i didn't update I had a lot going on but i am now officially a aunt!! love y'all starting a new chapter rn

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