Scariest Shit Ever

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Lexi's P.O.V
Colby droves to a parking lot that's abandoned and turns off the car. We switch places and I stare in confusion. "Are you gonna turn it on?" Elton says pointing the camera at me. "Umm so I don't exactly know how to." I say laughing. Colby explains and I finally figure it out. I put it in neutral and start going. "Why are we going backwards?" I ask. "Put it in drive dumb ass!" Elton yells. I put it in drive and we go forward. Everyone laughs. I start going 60. "Slow down!!" Elton yells. It comes to where there's a light pole about 6 feet in front of us. "Break break break!" Colby yells. "Which one is that!" I ask yelling. "Middle!" Jordan yells. I slam on it. As soon as we almost touch it. "We almost died" Colby says terrified. "You're being dramatic." I say. "You're a terrible driver." Elton yells. I laugh and get out suddenly regretting it. "Hey Lexi what's wrong?" Colby says. I don't say anything. She walks towards us probably leaving until she sees me. She walks up to me. "Lexi?" I don't say anything I just back up. Into the pole. "Lexi who is this." Colby says. "I'm her mother who are you, why are you recording me stop recording me!" She yells at Elton. "Umm my camera isn't even on it's just sitting there." Elton says. She starts saying random things that don't make since and that's when I realize she's high or drunk but telling from her veins popping out high. "Hey calm down it's ok." I say in a calm shaky voice. "You why'd you fucking leave huh huh bitch." She says getting in my face. "You told me to just calm down ok do you wanna talk bout it calmly." I ask nicely. She suddenly snaps out of her high and calmly shakes her head. "I'll be back." I say to them and we walk away.

   "I'm trying honey I'm gonna get better I'm gonna get you back." I feel my eyes tear up. "That's what you said when I went into foster care the first 3 times. I need to kno your actually gonna try." I say taking a deep breath. She turns and looks at me. "I love you of course I'm gonna try." She says. "How can you love someone you don't kno." I say snapping. "What?" She says confused. I turn facing her. "I needed you. Where were you huh, when dad left? When I got sexually assaulted and cried and screamed for help, I begged you and do you remember what you said." I ask . "No I don't remember." She says looking down. "Mommy needs her medicine. You made me think I was selfish for being 13 and not wanting to have sex with a 20 year old. What type of bull shit is that. I needed you I FUCKING NEEDED YOU!" I yell in her face. "I'm I'm sorry." She says. I feel Colby grab my arm but I yank it away. "No you don't get to be sorry. You don't get to be fucking sorry, you don't get to come in and out of my life you don't get to say you have a daughter, I hate you I fucking hate you I just wanted a mom but instead I got a drugged up sorry son of a bitch." I say about to cry. "Lexi that's enough." Colby whispers. "No it isn't it's not enough it never will be, do you wanna tell him what you told me when dad left or when I called the cops on the men you let rape me." I say yelling at her. "I don't remember." She say flipping her hair and sniffling. "Of course you don't!" I say laughing angrily. "She said it was my fault. All of it was my fault, you kno what Becky maybe you should go just fucking leave.." I say. She turns and walks. "God damnit!" I yell punching a wooden pole and falling to my knees sobbing. Colby stands there looking at me with a sad face then gets down and grabs me squeezing me tightly, I put my head in his shoulder sobbing. Elton looks at me pitifully. About 15 minutes later we get up and go home.

  "Hey I gtg it's past my curfew I'll text you." Jordan says. " okay bye" I say waving at her as she leaves. I go upstairs into the bathroom and lock the door. I started crying then I hear a knock on the door. I grab a makeup wipe and open the door as I wipe off my makeup. "Hey." I hear Aaron's voice say. I look at him and smile. "Hiii." I say faking my happiness. "I heard what happened, you okay?" He asks. I nod my head. "No you're not." He says. I start feeling angry. "Listen I'm angry I don't wanna go off on you because I love you so please go away." I say slamming the door. I start pacing back and forth shaking my good hand. Ever since I got my cast off it feels like knives in pens when I shake that hand. I try taking deep breaths but I'm to pissed. I turn to the wall and punch it leaving a whole. I hear running coming up the stairs. The door flys open showing the big whole everyone looking at me. "Yea look at the fucking freak show move." I say pushing past everyone. Aaron grabbing my arm. "Get the fuck off." I say yanking it back. I go to mine and Colby's dresser and grab sweats and a sports bra. I go to the downstairs bathroom and quickly change before going upstairs and laying down not moving or falling asleep.

Colby's POV
"I mean did her mom deserve it?" Corey asks. "I mean of course she did who would do that to their child." Devon says. Aaron walks downstairs to come back into the conversation. "What's going on?" We ask. "Well she slammed the door in my face." He says next thing I kno there's a loud bang. We all run up stairs. I open the door and see a whole in the wall. She says something but I wasn't paying attention. "Dude what's wrong with her?" Sam says walking out of his room.

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