Just in Time

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*1 week later*
Lexis POV

     I stretch and get out of bed. I grab a baggy hoodie and leggings and go into my bathroom. I take 2 Xanax and shower before brushing my teeth and getting dressed. I go out and sit on my couch scrolling through Twitter.

What happened to Lexi and Colby?

Did Lexi and Colby break up?

Okay but can we focus on the fact Lexi hasn't been on social media...

   I scroll through some more till I get to the hate.

Honestly hope Lexi killed herself colby deserves better

She wasn't good enough for him anyway

She's honestly so ugly what did colby see in her

Fr just kys.

  Their all right. Maybe I really should just kill my self. I turn on music and cry. I fucking hate myself so much. What is there to love about me. Colby does deserve better. I was never good enough for him anyway. I was never good enough for anyone. Breathe me by Sia starts playing. Promise you'll text or call me if you feel like harming yourself. Should I? No I can't stress mike out like that. I just feel so alone.

   I start crying even harder. I stand up putting my hands on my head. "I can't fucking take this anymore!" I yell punching my wall. A few minutes later there's a knock on my door. "Umm Lexi?" Colby's voice says. "Fuck off!" I cry putting my back against the wall sliding down and crying. "Are you okay?" He asks through the door. "Just leave me alone!" I yell sobbing. I don't hear anything back so I'm guessing he left. I go into my bathroom grabbing my Xanax. I go back out sitting in the same place. I should just do it. I go to open the bottle but my phone starts ringing.

   "Hey." Mike says. I don't reply. "Lexi are you ok?" He asks. I don't reply. Instead I hang up and open the bottle. I dump almost all of them into my hand and lean my head back. "Just do it no ones gonna miss you." I say to myself. I bring my hand up preparing to take the pills when my door flys open to reveal Colby. He runs towards me grabbing my hand causing me to drop all the pills. "No!" I cry out. "Lexi you can't fucking do this it's going to be okay!" He says. "I don't wanna do this anymore." I cry putting my head in my hands. "I can't fucking do it anymore!" I yell as I sob. I feel his arms around my. He plays with my hair while holding me and rocking me. "I wanna die." I say my voice cracking.

   Colby's POV

     "I wanna die." She says causing my heart to break. I still love her. I was so stupid to cheat. This is my fault. I feel her body relax and her breathing slow as she falls asleep. Mike comes running in. "How'd you get in?" He asks. "I couldn't wait on you so I picked the lock." I say taking a deep breath. "Shit did she take any?" He asks pointing to the pills. "Fuck how many did she have left?" I ask slowly sliding her head off my lap. I start counting. "10." He says walking over. "There's 8." I say looking up at him. "Is that her Xanax?" He asks. I nod. "Shit." He says. "What?" I ask panicking. "She's only supposed to take 1 a day." He says. "Will 2 hurt her?" I ask. "No but it will get her high...I think she's been popping them." He says. "What no way, it was 1 time if anything it's fine she's not a pill popper." I say. "You're right but we need to keep a close eye on her I'm not sure she should be alone." He says.

I look up at him. "I can't." I say putting my back against the wall and looking up. "What why not?" He asks. I can tell he's upset and angry. "Because she doesn't want me in her life anymore she wouldn't even be in this situation if it wasn't for me." I say looking over at her. "You're right, she doesn't want you in her life but that's just at for the moment." He says. "She also probably would be in this situation because she's been trying to move on to fast." He says. I look at him confused. "Colby with all the trauma she's had in her life it would take years to heal not months, she needs to learn that she doesn't always have to be okay but she does have to stay strong and keep fighting." He says. "I didn't really think about that." I say. "It's understandable, you haven't been in her shoes, you haven't lived her life, you don't know what goes on in her mind so it's okay not to get it but it's not okay to act like you do." He says. "When the fuck did you get so smart." I say jokingly. He rolls his eyes smiling. "I'll put her in her bed but do you mind staying with her?" I ask looking up at him. "Can you watch her while I go get my stuff?" He asks.  "What if she wakes up?" I ask worried. "If she tells you to leave then leave but make sure sams here if you do." He says getting up. I nod and he helps me up.

    He leaves as I pick her up. I carry her to her bed bridal style. I go to walk out but her hand grabs mine. "Please...don't leave." She says quietly. I look at her and see her eyes slightly open. "Can you hold me? Please." She asks. I nod and take off my shoes. I walk back to her bed and get under the covers. I open my arms and she automatically presses her body against mine and lays her head on my chest. I hold her as she falls back asleep. I lay there looking at the ceiling. God I missed this.

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