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Mikes POV
Me, Kevin,and Colby arrive at the hospital. I run up to the front desk. "I'm here for Lexi, she's 18 and was just in a car crash." I say hoping she's okay. "She's in the first room down the hall to the right, I believe she's in CT right now but 2 people can go ahead back." She says with a small smile. I go over to Colby and Kevin. "Only 2 people can go back and I'm definitely one of them." I say. "Okay you and Colby go I'll stay here and get a hold of everyone." Kevin says sitting down. I sigh and go ahead back. Me and Colby sit down waiting on her. "Is this my fault?" I ask looking up at him. "What? No of course not!" He says looking at me. "How were you there?" I ask looking at him. "I was on a date with Jaylin." He says sitting back obliviously upset.

"Do you regret it?" I ask him. "Dude I really only want Lexi." He says running his hand through his hair. "Then why don't you try to fix things with her?" I ask him. "Because I fuck things up with her every time and I'm sick of hurting her." He says sighing. "Dude Your always going to fight that's how relationships work, but you don't just give up you have to keep fighting for it and working towards getting better." I say. "Yeah but I cheated on her dude do you really think she would want me back?" He asks. "Yes she would I know that for a fact, but if you guys do get back together you can't cheat like what even caused it in the first place?" I ask looking at him. "I don't know I guess when she had the miscarriage it kinda messed us both up and I was hurting and stuff and I was scared to talk to her cause I though she was too fragile and a one time thing turned into a 5 time thing." He says. I can tell he feels guilty. "Does she mean anything to you?" I ask. "Jaylin? Not really I was trying to tell her I don't want anything serious with her but then I saw you guys crash; I really just want Lexi like I can't see myself with anyone but her at this point." He says.

   As soon as he says that Lexi comes back in the room. "Hey." I say giving her a small smile. She smiles at me but it quickly fades when she sees Colby. "Why is he here?" She asks obviously in pain, not just physically but emotionally. "Lexi I'm sorry." He starts to say but she cuts him off. "Please leave." She says tears in her eyes. "Lexi we both know you don't want him to leave." I say standing up walking towards her. She shoots me a death stare. She then looks back at him. "I'm pretty sure his girlfriend wouldn't like this." She says. Oh shit there's about to be a fight. "She's not my girlfriend Lexi." He says annoyed. I back away and watch. "Really cause when I called  you said you were on a date and the message and picture she sent me say otherwise." She says giving him a fake pouty face. Yes bitch tell him how you feel! Wait shit I want them to get back together. "What message?" He asks confused. He has to know what message it was from his phone. "Dude it was literally sent from your fucking phone!" She says obviously pissed off. Maybe I should step in. "Lexi Listen Jaylin literally means nothing to me." He says trying to defend himself. "Okay then why the fuck did you do it?" She asks. Definitely time for me to step in. "Hey maybe we should wait till we know your okay." I say taking a few steps forward. She gives me another death stare. "Mike Not now." She says. I put my hands up and take a few steps back. "Lexi it's not that simple." He says putting his head in his hands. "I'll just wait outside." I say going towards the door. "No stay." He says. At this point I should just sit down and stay quiet. "Ow fuck." She says rubbing her head. "Are you okay?" He asks obviously concerned. "Just a headache." She says as the doctor walks in. "So nothings broke but there is bad bruising and a concussion your going to be sore for awhile and might need help getting dressed for the first few days but besides that your good to go." He says smiling. She signs the discharge papers and walks out. "Can you guys close your eyes so I can take this gown off and get my shirt on?" She asks.

We both turn around. "Fuck." She says her voice cracking. "Do you need help?" Colby asks. "Mike will you help me?" She asks. I feel Colby giving me a death stare. "Umm as long as Colby doesn't kill me." I say turning around and helping her. "Thanks." She says giving me a small smile. "Lexi I want you back." Colby says out of no where. Well shit man you couldn't have waited for a less awkward moment? "Colby I don't think nows a good time to talk about that." I say nervously. "Lexi I'm being serious Jaylin means nothing to me and I can't see myself with anyone but you." He says tears in his eyes. I look at him then her. She doesn't say anything so I just look back at him. What the fuck is even happening right now. "Lexi." He says begging. I look back at her. "I don't know Colby I need a little bit to think about it." She says sighing. "How long?" He asks with a little bit of hope. "Just like a day or two if that." She says. He nods. I help her walk out. "Are you guys okay?" Kat and Sam ask running up. "Just a concussion but she's going to be in a lot of pain for a while." I say looking at her. "Kat I'm riding with you I need to talk to you and Mike." She says as we exit. Me Kevin and Lexi ride with Kat. I wonder if their gonna get back together.

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