Principals Office

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Lexi's POV

  I walk into the principals office and sit down. "sup Mrs. Marine, How ya been?" I say being a smart ass. This bitch hates me. "You are suspended! you do not talk to the staff like that that is very disrespectful and rude." She says. I sit up. "Well last time I checked asking to go to the bathroom isn't being rude, what is rude is trying to humiliate your student by making fun of her drug head mother in front of the whole class so watch it because I could file a law suit on you with everything that's happened to me in this shitty place." I say with a smile. "Do not cuss in this school, and do NOT try to get smart with me, cuss one more time your suspended now go." She says. "Okay okay im sorry." I say getting up walking toward the door. "Also Mrs. Marine, fuck you, you fucking bitch." I smile and walk out. "End of the day you leave and do not come back we will send you're diploma to you're current address!" She yells. I smile and walk out.

I walk in to Mr. Lopez's room and sit down. "Hey Lexi how ya been?" He asks smiling. "Could be better but life is life." I say and smile. "I've been told to get you're current address and that you've been kicked out." He says frowning. "Eh you're the only one keeping this place bearable, i'm gonna miss you." I say smiling. "Well you have all you need to graduate so I guess you could've chose to graduate early anyway." He says and smiles. "Yeah I guess." I say.He begins class.

*After class*

  I get up walking out. I got to my locker and grab everything out of it. I walk over to the girl from home room. "Hey what's you're name?" I ask. "It's Scarlet but you can call me Jordan." She says smiling. I nod. "Hey wanna ditch the rest of school, I got kicked out and don't feel like waiting for the rest of the day." I say and laugh. She nods and grabs her things along with a skate board. We run up to the double doors waiting till everyone leaves the office. When I see no one in I run in. I go behind the desk and grab Colby's penny board. Then we quickly run out.

  We go to the park and sit on the swings. "Hey I gotta call Colby." She nods her head. I call him. "Go back to doing you're school work." He says sighing. "Sorry bout ya luck pal but I have been expelled" I say. "Omg Lexi I'm literally gonna kill you." He says and sighs. I giggle. "Hey is it okay if my friend Jordan comes over, also she's kind of a fan." I say and smile at her. "I don't care, just be careful because the prank war is going on still." He says. "Okay Mr. Brock, btw I might Have a prank I plan on doing." I say. "Oh shit I needa watch my back don't I." He says giggling. "See ya when I get home bye." I say and hang up. We grab our things and start to go towards the trap house.(R.I.P TrapHouse, you will forever be missed.)

  "Welcome to the trap house." I say opening the gate. I see Jake shirtless and wrapping up Sam's car. "Why,just why." I say laughing and Jordan starts giggling. "Don't tell anyone and I'll give you 10 dollars." He says. "I'm not a toddler that's not gonna work...make it 20." I say smiling. "Ugh fine." He says. I Smile and run up to him. He gives me the 20. "Oh yeah by the way, this is Jordan shes a big fan of all of you." I say. She puts her head down blushing.  "Aww she's blushing."  Jake says teasing her. She lifts up her hand and flip him off. "Can I have a hug?" He asks walking towards her. He hugs her and she hugs back. 

 We walk inside and we walk up to mine and Colby's room. I run in and jump on top of his sleeping body. He jumps up shirtless. "Why is everyone shirtless." I say giggling. "The fucking A/C broke again." Colby say rubbing his eyes. "You must be Jordan." He says reaching out his hand. She shakes it and walks back towards me shyly. "You don't have to be shy." I say and smile at her. "It's just weird, I've only seen them in their videos now i'm in their house." She says "It's weirder when you move in with them the same day you meet them." I say and giggle. "Okay well get dressed I wanna go for a car ride." I say. He grabs his keys and throws them at me. "drive yourself." He says rolling over. "I don't know how to drive." I say laughing. "BITCH WHAT." He yells shooting up.  "Yup" I say laughing. "Bitches get your shit we're leaving and teaching you how to drive." He says pointing to me and Jordan. We laugh and walk downstairs letting him change.

  "Hey lexi you busy?" Elton asks. "Umm Colby's bout to teach me how to drive why what's up." I ask. "I was gonna ask you to help me find ideas fora video but I think I'll just go with you guys." He says laughing. I roll my eyes jokingly.  Hr grabs his camera and does his intro. "Elton it's not gonna be that bad, how hard can driving be." I say and giggle at the end. He puts the camera in my face. "Okay little miss easy, let's see how 'easy' it is when we get in the car." He says turning off the camera. "You're gonna kill us." He says walking away.

  Colby runs down stairs with a xplr hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans with chains. "Hey you ready?" He asks standing in the door way. "Yeah, Elton's coming." I say standing up. "Uncle Elton come on." He says. He comes running with his camera and we all get in the car.

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