Birthday Xplr

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Colby's POV
We finish doing the intro and get out. We walk towards the big metal gate. "This doesn't seem enchanted it just gives me murderer vibes."  Lexi says. "Bitch we all know who's going first." Matt says. We all laugh a little and continue. "I wanna go over there." Lexi says pointing to an opened grass area. "Forget what I said, this girls gonna be the one to die first." Matt says. "Come on let's just keep walking." Sam says. Once we get a little bit further we hear yelling. "Help me!" A female voice yells. "Fuck this!" Elton says flipping his cape. "Listen uncle Elton no body can take you serious with the fucking cape." Lexi says trying to lighten the moment. We continue down the path.

Lexis POV
As we keep walking it sounds like the voices are getting closer. We get to a split in the pathway. "Ok Matt and Elton you go that way." Colby says pointing down the other path. "Fuck that I'm not going with him, last time we did that I had to drag him." Elton says. "Call 911!" A random guy yells. "What the fuck." I say kinda walking towards it. Matt puts his arm out to stop me from going further. "You gonna die." He says. "What if somethings wrong or someone's hurt?" I say looking back at the guys. "Lexi come on." Elton says. I sigh and follow them. We decide not to split up but go on the side closest to the yelling cause we're idiots. "We see you!" A guy yells and it's followed by dark creepy laughter and more yelling. Then we see guys on bikes coming towards us. "Shit run run run!" Sam yells. We all start running as fast as we can. "I'm gonna get you!" I hear a guy yell very close behind me. I turn for a split second, shit I can see his face. I pick up my pace. I feel my breath starting to get caught and I'm wheezing. "Lexi!" I hear a guy yell from behind me. "I'm gonna get you." He says. I twist my ankle but I don't stop. I've seen to many horror movies. Finally I'm close to the gate. All the guys are out and I almost am. I turn to see the guy is no longer behind me. I look to my side and he's bout 4  or 5 feet away from my side but going the same pace. I run quicker and see Colby. He grabs my hand and we run to the car.

We lock the doors and everyone's freaking out. I'm gasping for air unable to catch my breath. "Oh my god where's her inhaler!" Sam says. "She doesn't fucking have one." Colby says. I get out of the car and place my hands on my head helping my lungs expand. "Get your ass back in the car." Colby says. "Imma die in there." I say jokingly. "Yes but you could get murdered out there!" Matt whisper yells. I look over and see the guy waiting at the gate.he tries waving me down but I ignore it. "Lexi!" He yells."Lexi get the fuck in the car we can go to the hospital and get you a breathing treatment but that dude knows your fucking name." Elton says. The guy starts coming towards me. "Lexi!" Sam yells. I get in the car and Sam tries to turn it on but it doesn't work. "Sam fucking go!" Elton yells. "I'm trying it won't, it won't fucking start!" Sam says panicking. Then the guy gets to my window and looks inside smiling sinisterly. Matt grabs a hold of me pulling me towards him so I can't move. He takes off his mask. It's him. "What the fuck!" I yell scooting closer to Matt.  He starts banging on the window. "We need to call 911!" Matt says. Then the car starts. "Go!" We all yell and he speeds off. "Who the fuck was that!" Matt says panicked. "He used to be my best friend, but he's the reason I now only go exploring with a group of people not just one." I say still wheezing. "Wait that's the guy!" Elton says. I nod my head. We pull into a hospital. "Why are we here?" I ask. "I kind want you to breathe." Colby says. I roll my eyes and we all go in.

  Once we're done and I'm able to breathe we leave. "Hey I have your inhaler." Colby says. I nod and we go back to the house. I walk in first and notice the lights are off. I go to turn them on and a bunch of people pop out. "Happy Birthday!" They yell and pull confetti poppers. Rainbow confetti is everywhere. "Thank you guys!" I say smiling and laughing. Scotty comes up and hugs me. "How's it been kiddo." He asks. "Pretty good I had a lot of fun today." I say smiling and look over at Colby. He's laughing and talking to Sam and a few others. "I remember when I was your age." He says putting his hand on his hip. "Ok grandpa." I say giggling. "Wow so harsh." He says jokingly. "I got you something." He says. "Wait really?" I sat confused. "Yes come here." He says. I follow him out to his car. He pulls out a black acoustic guitar and a big gift bag. I open it and there's a sketch book, note book, pencils and other drawing utensils along with guitar picks. "Omg thank you so much!" I say hugging him.  "No problem, I figured since you love music and art maybe when your feeling down and stuff just right or draw about it." He says. "This means the world to me." I say. "Ok let's go back inside before Colby finds out your missing." He says and we go back in. "Lexi come here." Kat says. I go over to her. "Happy birthday gorgeous." She says handing me a bag. I open it to see candles essential oils and work out clothes. "Thank you!" I say hugging her. I go over to Colby and he takes a quick shot. "Can you help me carry a few things upstairs?" I ask. "Of course." He says kissing me on the cheek. We grab my presents and go upstairs. We set them down and he goes over to his dresser. He gets out a small jewelry box. "Happy birthday my love." He says kissing my forehead. I open it and there's a necklace. It's a heat with a small diamond in the corner. It has the words forever and always and on the back is our initials. "Aww baby, you didn't have to get me anything." I say smiling. "I did bc my beautiful girlfriend deserves a beautiful necklace." He says taking it out of the box and putting it on me. "I love you." I say kissing him. "I love you too." He says kissing me again. "Now let's get back to the party." I say giggling. We go back to the party and man is it wild.

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