Slow Dancing

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Mikes POV

   I pull up to the school and see her sitting on the stairs crying. She's so heartbroken and its so obvious. She sees my car and runs up quickly getting in. "You okay?" I ask giving her a sad look. She nods her head. "I'm cold." She says shivering. I take off my hoodie and give it to her. "Thanks." She says giving me a small smile. "Want a milkshake?" I ask giving her a smile. She looks at me and smiles while nodding her head. I pull out of the parking lot and go to Shake Shack going through the drive thru. I get her a milkshake and give it to her. "Besides those bitches did you have fun?" I ask giving her a smile. "Ehh it was okay up until I got water dumped on me." She says looking out her window.

    "You didn't deserve that, their just jealous." I say looking at her. "Can we not go back straight away please?" She asks. I nod and pull into an abandoned parking lot. We sit and listen to music. "Mike..why does no one want me?" She asks looking at me with tears in her eyes. I look her in the eyes. "Jordan you deserve a good guy that's going to treat you amazing. One day your going to grow old with someone who loves you and treats you like a queen." I say. We look each other in the eyes. She suddenly hugs me. She cries into my shoulder. "I feel so worthless." She says crying. I pull away. I get out of the car connecting my phone to the bluetooth. I turn up my radio and go to her side pulling her out. "You are far from worthless." Lay Me Down by Sam Smith comes on and I start dance with her. 

     She rests her head on my shoulder as we slow dance in the moon light. "Why are you doing this." She asks in a soft voice. "Because you need to see how you deserve to be treated." I say as I spin her and then bring her back in. "Thanks for being her." She says smiling. "You don't need to thank me." I say smiling. Am I catching feelings for her? No I can't be. We're just 2 lonely hearts dancing in the moon light. The song stops and we pull away looking at each other. "Do you feel better now?" I ask her. She nods smiling. "Okay we should get back before they start getting worried." I say. We get in the car and drive away. 

   We pull in and quickly go back up to Lexi's apartment. She goes to her room grabbing clothes then goes to the bathroom. "What took so long?" Lexi asks as I sit down. "We just talked a little bit and danced in an empty parking lot." I say. "Why?" Colby asks. "She was upset and didn't get to dance at prom so I figured why not dance." I shrug. It's not really a big deal. "That's actually really sweet." Kat says smiling. I roll my eyes and smile. 

Lexi's POV

  Jordan goes to her room and says she's going to bed. I hear a knock on my door. Me and Colby look at each other. "I'll get it this time." He says standing up and going over to the door. "What's going on?" Kat asks confused. "Stalker type stuff." I say shrugging. "Fuck this Lexi we're going to the police." Colby says walking over with a piece of paper. I look at him confused. He hands me the picture. It's me on my balcony the 2 days ago. It has the date written on it. "What the fuck!" Kat says. "We can't go to the police Colby." I say sighing. "Lexi I agree with Colby on this one." Mike and sam say. "His mom used to be a police officer everyone knows him and his family and his dad is one of the best lawyers." I say sighing. "Wait you know who it is?" Kat asks. "It's Blake." I say. "As in the freak Blake?" Sam asks. "Yep." I say putting my head in my hands. "Lexi he raped you and stabbed you and shit and now he knows where you live and he's leaving creepy notes and pictures of you." Colby says. "I don't wanna talk about this shit right now." I say standing up and going to the fridge. "Lexi your not safe here!" Colby says loudly. 

   "Colby fucking drop it I'm not in the mood." I say snot wanting to deal with fighting. "Whatever I'm going to bed." He says walking into my room.  "Lexi I know your scared but maybe you should listen to Colby." Sam says. "And go to jail for false accusations? No thanks I have a teenager to take care of." I say getting annoyed. "Me and Colby are both witnesses we can attest to it plus we have proof." Sam says. "Okay sam you two would go to jail for trespassing and if you don't then you'll most likely have to delete your duo channel and I'm not gonna be the reason your guys career ends." I say as I sit down. "He sexually assaulted you and now he's stalking you? Lexi you shouldn't have to deal with this what he did is terrible but you can get him put away." Kat says. I sigh. "Kat who's the judge gonna believe? The girl who got kicked out of school, dad tried to kill her, mom is a drug addict, and has a bad reputation or the guy who's dad is a lawyer, mom is an ex police officer, has a good rep, and has all A's and B's?" I say sarcastically. "Well when you say it like that." Mike says sitting back. "Exactly." I say standing up. "Lexi this is bullshit." Sam says obviously angry. "This bitch deserves to go to fucking jail after all he's put you through." He says standing up. "I can't do anything about it Sam." I say aggravated.

    "What if this was Jordan?" He asks. "I wouldn't let him get away with it and I wouldn't let anything like this happen to her." I say. "But what if it did Lexi?" He asks stepping closer. "Don't even go there Sam!" I say pissed off. "I'm telling the police tomorrow if you wanna come or not that's up to you but I'm not going to let this bitch get away with it, you deserve justice." He says walking out. "Kat please don't let him do this." I beg with tears in my eyes. "It'll be okay." She says giving me a hug before walking out. I put my head in my hands and cry. Mike comes over and comforts me. "It'll be okay, every things going to be okay." He says as he holds me. "He's going to kill me." I say scared. "I'm not going to let him hurt you, it's going to be okay." He says tightly holding me. I pull away after a few seconds. "If something happens to me promise you'll take care of Jordan?" I ask. "Lexi nothings going to happen." He says giving me a small smile. "Just promise me please." I beg. "I promise." He says giving me one last hug. "I'm going to sleep." I say getting up. "Okay goodnight." He says. "Goodnight." I say as I walk into my room.

    I see Colby laying there scrolling through his phone. "I'm sorry okay, I'm just scared." I say as I lay down beside him. He turns on his side facing me and I do the same. "I love you, I'm going to be here no matter what." He says kissing me. I kiss him back. "I love you too." I say as we cuddle. I fall asleep rather quickly. 

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