Its lit

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Lexis POV

I go over and hangout with Devyn Kat and Tara. "Happy birthday." Tara says hugging me. "Thanks." I say smiling. I look over and see Brennen. I haven't talked to him since me and Colby got in the fight. "Hey just ignore him." Kat says grabbing my hand. "Nah I need to clear things up it's kinda been bugging me." I say. I turn and walk over to him. "Hey can we talk?" I say nervously. "Yeah sure let's go outside." I nod and follow him going out the back door. "What's up?" He asks. "Listen I've been thinking bout the day we kinda got in a fight." I say. "Kinda? You punched me." He says. "Yea sorry about that." I say rubbing my arm. "It's good." He says. "So are we cool?" I ask. "Yea I was in the wrong too it wasn't my place to say any of that." He says smiling. "Ok good, you can go back to the party now imma stay out here for a bit." I say smiling. "Ok cool." He says. He hugs me then goes back inside. I go over and sit by the pool pulling out my phone. I scroll through instagram for a little bit. Then I hear someone come out.

  I look over and see Aaron. "Why aren't you in there enjoying your party?" He asks. "Ehh there having fun without me, what's up with you." I ask. "Can I talk to you about something?" He asks. I set down my phone. "Yea of course." I say. "You're getting better right?" He asks looking down at the pool. "Yeah I'm in a pretty good place in my life right now, why?" I ask. "Cause I feel like I'm getting worse and I don't think I can handle it." He says. Wow I've been so selfish and concerned with getting better I haven't been here for him how could I not notice! "Hey it'll be okay." I say. "I know it might be eventually but it's like I'm drowning and I just don't wanna feel this way anymore." He says. "You know, when I was at the bridge and almost jumped and I heard your voice it made me second guess everything I was about to do, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you, you helped me so much and helped me get better, I'm here for you no matter what I will never let you be alone cause your not." I say putting my hand on his knee. "Thanks but what if talking about it only makes it worse for the both of us what if you go back into the dark and I'm the reason why." He asks looking at me sadly. "You could never ever cause me to feel that way, you are not a problem Aaron you're my best friend and I'm here I'm willing to do anything for you and talking about it makes it better especially with someone you trust so it makes me happy knowing you'll come to me if you have a problem." I say. He smiles. "Thanks." He says giving me a side hug. We get up and go back in.

I see Colby and a bunch of other people taking shits and drinking white claws. "Hey I'm gonna go work on a song if you get uncomfortable just come up with me." Aaron says. I nod my head and he goes upstairs. I go over with Colby and Sam. "Let's have a drunken nerf gun fight!" Colby says. "Omg yess!" Sam says. "How bout no?" I say laughing. "Don't be a buzz kill mom." Brennen says. I laugh a little. "Shots with the birthday girl!" Brennen yells running over to me with 6 shot glasses. He fills them up with tequila. "3 for you 3 for me." He says smiling. I laugh and we take them. "That's my baby!" Colby yells kissing my cheek. "How drunk are you?" I ask laughing. "Exactly half a bottle of vodka and 4 white claws." He says. "Oh my goodness, alcohol poisoning much." I say laughing. "Says the one who had half a bottle down the night of the bridge and was pretty sober." He says jokingly but it kinda hurt. "Colby no we don't talk about that." I say. "Oh shit I'm sorry man." He says kissing me. "Let's party!" He says turning up the music. We all start doing weird dances and laughing. I fucking love these guys. I feel my phone going off. "Baby I gotta go take this." I say to Colby running outside. I see it's an unknown number and I answer it. "Hello is this Lexi?" A man says on the other line. "Umm yea who am I speaking to?" I say confused. "You might not remember me um my names Derick." He says. No way this can't be him. "Is this a prank phone call cause if so this isn't funny." I say. "No no please don't hang up!" He says quickly. "Ok tell me something only you would know." I say. "Your mothers maiden name is Johnson I left when you were 4 and today's your 18th birthday." He says. "What the fuck!" I say loudly. "How did you get my number?" I ask. "Do you know who Jordan is she goes to the same school as you." He says. "Yes me and her are friends." I say confused. "She's my daughter also, you see I left because I couldn't handle your mother and I had already gotten someone else pregnant at the same time as your mother and didn't find out till they were almost 4." He says. "No this is bullshit it's a fucking lie!" I say. "Lexi I wanted to call and tell you happy birthday and I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused you." He says. "No amount of sorry can give back everything you took from me, do me a favor don't talk to me and go enjoy your other family goodby." I say hanging up on him. No fucking way. This can't be for real. I sit down by the pool and bring my knees to my chest. I set my head on them trying not to cry. I'm getting better then all of a sudden he decides to fucking call me! Why. I feel a hand on my back and jump. I look up to see Brennen. "What's up?" He says sitting by me. "My dad called me." I say looking at the pool. "Wait didn't he leave when you were like 4?" He says in disbelief. I nod and just stare blankly at nothing. "Imma go hangout with Aaron I say getting up and going to Aaron's room.

"Hey you ok?" He asks. "Can we write a song?" I ask looking up at him. "Yea of course!" He says. I go in and grab the stuff Scotty gave me. We stay up all night writing it.

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