Good Talk

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Lexi's POV

    Jaylin leaves and me and Colby go into his apartment. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to push you or throw you like that I was scared." He says. "Colby it's fine I barely have a mark on me." I say smiling. "Lexi I didn't know she was like that, I really thought she changed. "It's okay, you just try and see the good in people." I say. "Listen we need to talk about us." He says. I sit on his counter. "You've been a big part of my life Colby and I don't wanna lose you but honestly I don't think we should be with each other." I say. "I understand, it's going to be hard to be friends though but if your willing to try and be just friends again, so am I." He says. "Colby your always gonna be my best friend." I say smiling. He smiles back. "So are we cool?" He asks. "Well as long as you break up with her." I say. "I already did." He says smiling. "Good because honestly you deserve better." I say. "Lexi, can you please keep your ring." He asks. "Why? I though maybe you would want it back." I say. "Lexi I bought it for you, even if we're just friends I want you to have it." He says. I smile. "Okay." I say. He takes it out of his pocket and gives it to me. "Wow." He says. "What?" I ask confused. "I just realized that I lost 2 relationships in one day." He says. "Oof sounds like you need alcohol." I say smiling. "Let's go." He says 

    We get to my door but he stops me. "Wait, I just wanna say I'm actually proud of you for beating that bitches ass." He says smiling. "Thanks." I say as I smile. We walk in and go back to Mike Sam and Kat. "Umm so are you guys cool again?" Sam asks. "Yeah, we're still friends." I say smiling. "Okay well let's fucking party!" Mikes says happily. We all get alcohol and start dancing and singing the lyrics to Best Song by One Direction. "This is lit!" Devyn says coming over. We all laugh and continue dancing. I get a phone call and answer it. "I'm staying with Colton tonight if it's okay with you." Jordan says. "Have fun use protection I'm with." I say very drunk. "Love you bye." She says. "love you too." I say before hanging up. I notice I'm by myself till a random guy walks up to me.

    "Hey my names Matt." The tall guy says. "Lexi." I say shaking his hand. "Nice party." He says smiling. "Thanks." I say nervously. "Your Colby's girl right?" He asks. "Umm it's complicated." I say. "Oh I'm sorry." He says. "Can I get your number." He asks me. I nod and smile. He gives me his phone and I add myself as a contact. I take a picture so he knows who I am. "Your really cute." He says taking his phone back. "Thanks, your not too bad yourself." I say. "So why are you by yourself?" He asks. "Oh um I just kinda wondered off." I say smiling. "Well I'm bout to head out, I'll text you later." He says walking off. I smile and go grab a cup putting vodka and sprite in it. Mike comes over. "What's up?" He asks. "I got a guys number." I say smiling. "Ooo get it girl." He says smiling. "Dude i'm pretty drunk." I say drinking more. "My goal is to hook up with someone by the end of the night." I say smiling. "Well have fun." He says smiling. I walk away and go talk to Brennen. "Lexi the party monster what is up my man?" He says hugging me. "I missed you so much!" I say hugging him back. 

   "How are things?" He asks. "Pretty good, me and Colby decided that it's best for us to stay friends." I say still kinda happy but sad at the same time. I mean it's what's best and we didn't really work well as a couple. I love him and it's gonna hurt but it's not like I lost him. I'd much rather be friends then hate each other. Our relationship just didn't work. "Is that a good thing?" He asks. "Yeah it's whats best for the both of us." I say smiling. "Hey as long as your happy and he's happy, I'm happy." He says. I smile and we talk a little bit more. 

   I see Mike alone in the kitchen. "Mike." I say walking over to him. "Yes?" He asks. "You are really hot." I say falling on him. "Oops." I say as he helps me get stable. "Your wasted." He says. "The only thing wasted here my friend is...that bitch." I say pointing to a random girl running to the bathroom about to puke. "Mike can we go back to your house? I miss your bed." I say. "Sure let me get an uber." He says. I lean against him and he puts his arm around me and texts an Uber. "Your such a friendly giant." I say as I smile. "Come on lets go get you some clothes." He says as we walk into my room. I see a random girl on my bed. "She's pretty." I say as I sit down next to her. She's asleep. Mike grabs a bag out of my closet and starts putting clothes in it. "Thank you so much mike." I say. "No problem." He says. "Hand me my notebook and pencil on my desk please." I ask nicely. He hands me it and I write a note and put it next to the girl and I plug in her phone. 

   "Come on ubers here." He says. I get up and he grabs a whiskey bottle. We go downstairs and int he Uber. I could tell Mike was a little drunk also. We pull up to his house and go inside. We go in his bedroom. I set down my bag and we get on his bed. He drinks some whiskey and hands me the bottle. "Mike your awesome." I say smiling. "Lexi your hot." He says looking at me. "SO are you." I say. We both lean in and kiss. 

   Mikes POV

     I'm drunk and might regret this in the morning but fuck it. We start making out and I take off her shirt. She takes off mine. she lays down and I'm over her. "Lexi are you sure you want to do this?" I ask. See I may be drunk but I still always make sure they consent. "Yes Mike I'm sure."

*skip the nasty*

  We lay down under the sheets and she puts her head in my chest and I hold her. "Mike, do you think we'll regret this?" She asks. I laugh a little. "Most likely." I say. I feel her relax and her breathing slow. I look down and realize she's asleep. That's when it hits me. I just slept with my best friend, who is also my other best friends ex! Holy shit. I really fucked up this time.

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