Are you ok?

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*2 days later*
Colby's P.O.V
   "You need to get up." I say. "Leave me alone." She says rolling over. "You literally haven't been out of bed in 2 days." I say getting frustrated. She doesn't say anything. "You at least need to eat." I say sighing. "I'm not hungry." She says. "Whatever I'm fucking done." I say getting up. I walk out slamming the door and going to sams room plopping down on his bed. "Still won't get up?" He asks. "No, I'm over this shit, why can't she just move on." I say in frustration. "Dude seriously?" He asks sitting up. "Yea She should be used to it by now she's blowing it way out of proportion." I say. "She really isn't! Her dad left when she was young her mom let guys do god awful things to her and she got raped not that long ago, her whole world basically fell apart right in front of her then she found you, you saved her and then to see her mom yesterday, probably caused a lot of memories to comeback so she really isn't, you're not being a good boyfriend." He says. I sigh realizing he's right. "What if this was kat what would you do?" I ask. "I'd be there for her I'd comfort her, I'd be there for her." He says. I sigh getting up. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Car ride wanna come?" I ask. "Nah I'll make sure she doesn't do anything dumb." He says. I nod and quickly leave.

Lexis POV

I grab my phone. I need to get up but the only way is getting fucked up first. I text a guy named Ryan saying I'll pay him to get me alcohol and of course he agreed. I send him the money and about 1 hour later he arrives and I tell him to come up. "Sup Lexi the rebel." He says plopping down. L I grab the bottle of vodka and chug before sitting up. "You can have some to." I say. "Nah it's good i gotta head out in a minute." He says. Then Colby walks in. "Hi random dude I don't kno sitting on my bed with my girlfriend." Colby says. Face red as ever. "I gotta go." Ryan says then leaves. I sigh standing up. "What the fuck Lexi!" He whisper yells. I ignore him and drink a lot more. "And your drinking!" He says louder coming towards me. I push past him going into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. "You disgust me." He says walking out.  "So supportive!" I yell. He comes back in. "Really you wanna go there?" He says getting in the door way. "Yea I really do cause instead of being there for me you make it seem like I'm s ducking problem!" I yell. "You aren't but you have too many!" He yells back getting closer. "Break up with me then I'm sick of fucking waiting we knew this would fucking happen! We both knew we wouldn't work because of me!" I scream. "See there you go everything's fucking about you Lexi it's always about you, when it's not you do something to make it about you!" He screams In my face. I'm backed against the sink. My heart pounding tightening, flashbacks to my mom and the guys who did stuff flood back into my memory. "No stop." I whisper. Dropping the bottle causing it to shatter. "Really your gonna do this poor pitiful me act? You need to get over it I understand you have trauma but your so dramatic!" He yells. I feel my breathing pick up. "Stop!" He screams. I try calming down. He grabs my arms. "This isn't fucking about you grow up bitch!" He yells. I try pulling my hands back but he's too strong. "Please get off Colby." I beg sobbing. "Calm down and face shit like an adult stop faking this panic attack." He yells squeezing. I scream in pain. My wrist is healed but still sensitive. "Funny." I say not able to make words. "What about this is funny!" He screams. I feel myself bout to pass out. I look around seeing shapes. "I...i." I try talking nothing comes out. That's when sam runs in. "Colby let her go before I fucking hit you!" He yells. Then Corey and Aaron and Devyn. Corey pushes Colby away and I fall and black out.

Sams POV
I heard yelling but didn't think anything of it until Lexi stopped talking and Colby kept going. I had a bad feeling. I run in with everyone else behind me. Furious at the sight. "Colby let her go before I fucking hit you!" I yell. Lexi looks panicked and like something's wrong. Corey gets Colby away and she falls. Right onto glass. She passes out. I run over to her. She has a small scratch on her face but that's it. I lift up her head and eventually she wakes up. "What happened?" She asks. "You passed out." I say. "Shit I'm sorry." She says getting up slowly. She looks at Colby and it's like everything comes back to her. "Lexi, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He says. I notice her shaking. "I need to go." She says looking down and walking out. He turns punching the wall. "Dude you brought this on yourself." I say turning and walking out.

Lexis POV
  I go down stairs pacing. Sam comes down a few minutes later. "Let's go get in my car." He says. I nod and walk out. We both get in and he starts driving. I just stare out the window. "What exactly happened?" He asks . "He came home and saw me drinking and my old friend Ryan talking to me. Basically he said I disgust him and things escalated faster than they should've. He ...He umm." I take a deep breathe trying not to choke on my tears. "He got in my face and grabbed me." I say sobbing. "It hurt so bad I asked him to stop but he wouldn't let go." I say wiping my tears. "Why do I always find away to fuck things up sam." I start sobbing even more. "Listen your both going through some stuff maybe it's best to take sometime apart." He says sighing. "I can't tho that's the problem, I have to many problems for him so I kno if we do take time apart he'll find someone so much better." I try taking deep breaths. "I can't lose him." I put my head back while crying. I look out my window and see a bridge. "Can you pull over real quick?" I ask. He pulls into a gas station facing right before the bridge. I look at him. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fly." I say numb. "Lexi what are you- don't think like that." He says. "If I were to jump it would be peaceful all our problems would be solved, no more stress do you guys and I wouldn't have to worry. It would be peaceful falling and then boom everything's over." I say. I didn't realize o was about to get out until sam started talking. "Lexi! You're not a problem get back in the car." He says. I get out and continue walking. He runs over when I step up. "Lexi don't do this okay." He says. "It's so peaceful." I say hanging one foot off. "God damnit LEXI!" I hear him yell over the cars.

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