Stuck With The Truth

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Lexi's POV

    Mike comes back in with a bag of alcohol. I check the time and see it's already 5. "Hey I'm leaving." Jordan says walking out of her room. "Your dressed like your going on a date." Colby says. "I am." She says smiling. "Details later?" Tara asks. She nods and walks out. I get up and go to Mike. "Balcony?" I ask. He nods and grabs a bottle of whiskey. "We'll be back in  later." He says and we go outside.

   "Whats wrong?" I ask. He takes a sip of whiskey. "I don't even know anymore." He says. "Is it about Jordan?"  I ask. "Is it that obvious?" He asks. "Kinda, after you picked her up from prom it seemed liked you caught feelings." I say. "Lexi it's just weird because I." He get's cut off by Sam walking out. "We want pizza." He says like a child. "Then get pizza." I say smiling. "Okay!" He says excitedly and runs inside. "Now, why is it weird?" I ask as I look at him and smile. "Lexi when we started hanging out I kind of." He get's cut off by Colby walking out.  "When the pizza get's here can you guys go downstairs for it?" He asks. I nod. "Okay please continue." I say. He stands up. "I probably shouldn't." He says walking in. I sigh and stand up. I walk inside. "I'm not gonna stop bothering you until you tell me what you were gonna say." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He pushes it off. "It's better if you don't know." He says walking into the kitchen. Aryia gives me a confused look. I shrug. 

     "Pizzas here." Sam says. "I'll get it." Mike says. he walks out and I run after him. We get on the elevator. "Seriously." He says sighing. "Just tell me Mike, it can't be that bad." I say. "Fine, I'll tell you later."He says. We get the pizza and start to go back up but then the elevator stops. "Mike." I say scared. "It's okay." He says We hit the call button but no one answers. I start freaking out. "Call Colby and tell him to go to the office." He says. I quickly get on my phone and face time him. "Colby send help, like literally the elevators stuck." I say. "Oh shit." He says standing up. "Is the pizza okay?" Jake asks. The elevator starts going down fast but stops. "What the fuck." Colby says. I start crying cause im a little bitch. 

   "Okay i'mm gonna call 911." He says hanging up. I sit down with Mike. "Please tell me now." I say scared. "Lexi I liked you." He says. "What?" I ask confused. "Yeah, and now I like your sister." He says. "You could've told me you didn't need to hide it." I say. "I didn't know how you would react and it scared me." He says. "Mike it's fine, it's not that big of a deal." I say smiling. "Thank god you feel that way." He says smiling. "I'm hungry." I say. We both look at the pizza and smile. Mike opens the box and we both grab a slice. My phone starts ringing and I answer it. "Hey so they said it could take up to an hour to get you guys out." He says. "Ok." I say with my mouth full. "Are you eating the pizza?" He asks. "Ummm no?" I say. "Oh my goodness, you guys get stuck in an elevator so you eat the pizza, what's next your gonna start watching Netflix." Colby says as Mikes phone starts playing the intro to The Office. He starts laughing.

       "Hey you said it was gonna be awhile." Mike says. I smile and roll my eyes. I get a text from Ryan but ignore it. "Who texted you?" Mike asks pausing his show. "Ryan." I say. "Why is a guy texting you?" Colby asks. "Colby he's just a friend." I say. "Isn't he the one that gave you pills? He also was the random guy who gave you alcohol when we lived at the trap house." he says. "Colby I don't wanna fight while I'm stuck on an elevator, when we get off we can talk about it." I say sighing. "K whatever bye." He says before hanging up. I look over and see Mike looking at me with wide eyes. "Someones salty." He says smiling. "You know what we should do, we should have a party tonight." I say. "Dude yes! I need to get my mind off of shit anyway." He says. 

*30 minutes later* (I low key said that in the voice of the fish dude off spongebob)

   We finally get out of the elevator and go into the apartment. "While you guys eat we're gonna go get party supplies." I say as we set down the pizza. Mike grabs his keys. "We need to talk first." Colby says getting up. "I'll wait in the car." Mike says walking out. We go into the hallway. "Why was Ryan texting you?" He asks. "Because we're friends." I say confused. "Lexi I don't like you talking to him." He says. "Colby I'm not doing this, I'm aloud to have friends." I say. "Yeah but I don't trust him." He says. "Colby you don't even know him!" I say getting annoyed. "I'm not just gonna cut him off." I say. "Lexi come on." He says crossing his arms. "No okay I promise nothing is gonna happen." I say calmly. "Whatever." He says walking into my apartment.

   I sigh and go to Mikes car. "You good?" He asks. "Colby's in a mood." I say rolling my eyes. "He's just jealous." He says. I sigh. We leave and go to the store grabbing food and drinks before going to the liquor store. I sit in the car while Mike runs in. I got through my contacts inviting people. I FaceTime Colby. "What?" He asks obviously annoyed. "Stop being salty I love you." I say with a small smile. "I love you too." He says sighing. "Where are you?" He asks. "Mike ran into the liquor store real quick we should be back soon. "Well is it okay if Jaylin comes?" He asks. "Colby did you seriously just fucking ask if that bitch can come to my house?" I ask as Mike gets in the car. Mike gives me a confused look. "Lexi we're just friends." He says mocking me. "You slept with Jaylin while we were still together and she lied about being pregnant." I say pissed off. "How do I know you and Ryan didn't sleep together the night of the bridge?" He asks. "Hey Colby that's a dick move." Sam says. "We didn't he was talking to me! Why the fuck are you acting like this? You know I don't like talking about the bridge and you even agreed not to fucking bring it up." I say. "You know what I'm fucking going home, if you need me you can text me or come over but besides that I don't wanna talk to you today." He says and hangs up. "What the fuck is wrong with him?" Mike asks. I shrug and just put my phone down.

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