Trip to the mall

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Lexis pov
"Blake get away!" I yell trying to push past him. "Come on slut." He pushed me down and I knew what was gonna happen.
*end of nightmare*

Colby's pov
I woke up to Lexi screaming. "What's wrong?!?" I shoot up looking at her. "N-nothing." She starts to get up. "Can I go talk to sam?" She asks. "Yea sure." I say confused. She leaves and goes to Sam's room. Aaron runs in my room. "Daddy Colby." Aaron yells. "Only Brendon calls me daddy!" I yell laughing. "So why'd u and Lexi cuddle last night." Aaron asks smirking. Next thing I kno Corey is running up the stairs. "U and Lexi cuddled?" I look at him and he's carrying Devin. "She was just scared okay nothing personal." I say blushing. "OH MY GOD COLBYS FINALLY GONNA GET A GIRLFRIEND!" Aaron yells. "Shut up no I'm not." I say putting my face in my hands. "Ur gonna get laiddddd!" Corey yelled. "Omg no no no now get out before I strip in front of u all." I say frustrated. "Ooo don't threaten me with a good time." Aaron says getting up. I throw a pillow at him then he walks out.
Lexi's pov
I walk into Sam's room and see him sitting on his floor in front of the camera. I sneak up behind him and yell his name. He gets scared and jumps. "Shit u scared me" He says laughing. Everyone runs in and looks at me while I'm rolling around laughing. "We thought you were dying!" Aaron yells. "The only one dying here is me she just gave me a heart attack." Sam said holding his chest. "I'm sorry" I say laughing. "Hey umm I really do need to talk to sam tho so.." I didn't have to say anything else and they all left shutting the door. "So what's up ?" Sam asks looking at me. "You see all your guys fans dream of dating u except me I always wished we could just be friends." I say my cheeks red with embarrassment. "Well were al best friends now hah but who do u like." He asks. "Umm c-Colby." I say looking up at him. "Aww didn't u two cuddle last night also." He says. "I don't know what to do please don't tell anyone." I say embarrassed. "It's Okay ur secret is safe with me." He says. I get up and walk out. I rundown stares and everyone is filming. That's when it hits me. "What time is it?!" I yell. "1:27" someone yells. "Colby can I borrow your phone I need to call someone." I ask. "Yeah" he hands me it. I dial the number for my school. "Hello it's Alexis Marie  I'm sorry I won't be able to come into school for a few days." I say "Okay is it personal family or doctor?" The lady asks. "Personal thanks goodbye."I say and hang up. "Wait how old are you?"
Colby says. "17 I'll be 18 in like 3 days." I say. "So ur a senior?" He asks. "Yea but I'm probably gonna drop out soon." I say carelessly. "Wait what but there's only like a month left!" He says confused. "There's only 3 weeks plus not like I'm going to college I don't care I'm just gonna find a job save up and move out."  I say. "No!" Everyone yells and runs towards me. "No what?" I ask confused. "Ur not moving out" Elton says. "Ur gonna date Colby eventually get married and stay here forever unless u have kids then ur gonna be our neighbors and come over all the time." Aaron said. My face turned red. "Oh shit u like Colby." Corey says. "No I don't" I say turning even redder. "Colby likes u to" Aaron says. "Aaron I weren't supposed to tell her!" Colby yells. "Umm I'm gonna go upstairs now...Aaron come with." I say "oh um ok" Aaron says and walks with me upstairs. "Does he really like me?" I ask. "Yea." He says I start blushing. "U like him to don't u." Aaron says. "Yea a lot to be honest." I say putting my head down shy. I look at Aaron and he's smiling. "Go ask him on a date." Aaron says happily. "Haha nope bye." I say and walk down stairs. "Hey are you ready?" Sam asks. "For what?" I say confused. "Well no matter how good u look in our hoodies u need clothes bed makeup hair stuff and just all ur girly things." Colby says walking round the corner  and grabbing his keys.  "Well I kinda can't leave." I say. Colby looks at me confusingly. "Why not?" Sam asks. "I don't have pants on." I say and giggle. "Oh yea here Kat dropped these leggings off." Sam says tossing me a pair of leggings. "I don't think I'll fit in these." I say looking at them. "They look your size." Colby says. "No I'm to fat to wear leggings." I say but quickly cover my mouth embarrassed. "What! Your skinny as hell!" Sam and Colby yell at the same time. "Whatever" I say and walk into the bathroom. I see myself in the mirror and see my legs. All I can see is him touching my skin. It's almost like I can feel him. I start panicking and crying. I slide down the wall and try to breathe. "Hey are you okay it's taking a little while." Sam asks through the door. I don't answer I just start sobbing. "Lexi!" Sam yells. He tries opening the door but I locked it. "Colby something's wrong with her!" Sam yells next thing I know Colby is banging on the door. I get up facing the wall quickly putting on the leggings.  I wipe away my tears and unlock the door. I walk out and the look at me worriedly. "Are you okay?" Sam asks. "Yea." I say and nod my head. "Wrists." Colby says. I roll my eyes and pull up my sleeves as soon as I do everyone walks in. "Holy" they all say at once. "Okay your good we can go now." Colby says. "Colby she's not okay she's cutting !" Corey yells. "There old" I say quickly pulling them down embarrassed. "They look fresh." Aaron says. "Listen she did then last night it's okay I had a talk with her." Colby says. "Omg Girl u look fab in leggings." Devin says walking in. "Thanks." I say and laugh. "You do look really good" Colby says blushing. "Hey you should come with." Colby says to Devin. "You know I never pass up on shopping." She says and grabs her purse. "Let's go." We race to Colby's car and me and Colby tied. Me and Devin sit in the back and Colby and Sam sit up front. And now we're off to the mall.

Authors note
Soooo I kno this didn't update the other day but it's bc my phones messed up soooooo yea but I'm gonna post again tonight or tomorrow peace

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