Its Official

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Lexis POV
   I get everything clean and put away. Jake sits on my couch. "So like you're technically gonna be a mom dude." He says. "Kind of but not really." I say shrugging. "Does this make Colby a dad?" He asks. "Jake you always seemed stoned maybe you shouldn't be here." I say jokingly. I run to the bathroom real quick and do my business. As I'm washing my hands I hear a knock. "I'll get it!" Jake says. "No!" I yell drying them off running out but it's too late. Jake opens the doors to reveal the social worker. "Hi is Lexi here?" She asks. "She sure is." He says moving away from the door letting her in. "Lexi?" She asks walking up to me. "Yes hi it's nice to meet you." I say politely shaking her hand. "Hi I'm Charlotte we spoke over the phone." She says. I nod. "This is a nice place." She says looking around. "Would you like to look around?" I ask. She nods. She goes into my room then Jordan's. Jordan and Colby have their hoods on and are acting like their in a music video while making up fake raps. Colby stops and takes off his hood. "Umm hi I'm Colby." He says shaking her hand.

   "Hi I'm Charlotte." She says shaking his hand. "I'm going to check and make sure you have enough food for a week." She says. She follows me to the kitchen. This is literally exactly like a wellness check. "Everything looks good would you like to sign the papers now?" She asks. I nod and we sit at the couch. I sign what I need to. "Quick question, will there be anyone serving as a father figure?" She asks. "Oh well I have a lot of friends that love Lexi and view her as a sister but I think Colby is more like the father figure." I say. "Yes I could see they have a ....special relationship." She says smiling. I nod and fake laugh a little. "Well that's all, you shouldn't be expecting a visit from us anytime unless we get a call." She says smiling. I nod and walk her to the door. I quickly shut it. Colby comes running out of the room and up to me. "I didn't mess anything up did I?" He asks. I shake my head. "It's official! She's now my responsibility." I say excitedly. "Fuck yeah!" He says picking me up and spinning us around. "Everyone will be here soon then we can tell them." He says happily. I nod. I go into Jordan's room and see her sitting on her bed looking at a picture. I walk over and sit by her. I look at the picture and see it's her, her mom and Derick. I look over and see she's sad. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't they want me?" She asks. The sound of her voice breaking just breaks my heart. "Listen they are so fucking stupid okay, you deserved way better parents." I say hugging her. I look over and see Colby and mike standing in the doorway giving me a sad look. "I've always tried my best to be good enough for them but it never fucking worked." She says sobbing into my shoulder. "You were more than good enough for them sweetie, I know what it's like to feel this way but look at the bright side, you're now legally my child and you never have to try to be something your not around me." I say. She looks up at me with hope in her eyes. "It's official?" She asks. I nod my head smiling. She quickly hugs me. "Fuck yeah! You're already the best legal mom ever." She says making me smile.

   We get up and go out to the living room and see everyone's here. "So what's the news?" Kat asks. "It's official!" I say excitedly. "Oh my god!" She says clapping her hands excitedly. "it's our first official sister/daughter human!" Jake says making everyone laugh. "I can't wait to do an exposed episode with you!" Kevin says. "Kevin she just got here and you're already thinking about exposing her?" Mike says jokingly. "Well we all need your phone number now, ya know just for parenting things." Reggie says. "I can text it to all of you." Mike says getting on his phone. "Wait what why do you have it?" Sam asks. "Because first of all I met her yesterday and second of all I'm her favorite." He says smiling at her. "My heart just exploded." She whispers to me making me laugh. "How do you know your her favorite?" Jake asks. "Because I'm her lock screen." He says making her face turn bright red. "Okay umm I can explain that." She says as everyone looks at her. Mike is obviously trying not to smile or burst out laughing. "Okay then explain." He says. "Umm so like umm fuck." She says nervously. "Who doesn't wanna wake up to Mike like technically she gets to everyday!" Reggie says jokingly. "Well that's not exactly it but ok." She says smiling and sitting down. I sit by Colby and and she sits by me and Mike. "Wow she's even sitting by him!" Jake says pointing at her. Mike puts his arm around her. "Well duh I'm her favorite." He says sarcastically. "Okay I'm her favorite so y'all can fuck off." I say flipping all of them off. "Lexi is definitely my favorite." She says smiling at me. Mike, Jake, and Sam flip me off. "Did anyone order the pizza?" I ask. "I did, it should be here soon." Sam says. "What movie are we watching?" Jake asks. "How about a scary movie?" Reggie asks. "Yes!" Almost everyone says. "You guys are gonna give me nightmares." Kat says crossing her arms. "Well you're staying the night with me so you'll be okay." Sam says giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You see that, that's called love and attention, maybe you should give it to me sometime." I say jokingly. "If you don't shut the fuck up." He says jokingly. "See theirs the cute lovely couple." Mike says pointing at Sam and Kat. "Then there's the 'I love you bitch, I'll beat your ass hoe' type of couple." He says pointing at me and Colby. "I love you bitch." I say looking up at him. "I ain't ever gonna stop loving you bitch." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I still can't get over the fact my sister is dating Colby Brock." Jordan says smiling making us laugh.

     Sam goes down and gets the pizza. When he gets back everyone goes over and gets some except me. "Lexi come get pizza." Kevin says. "Not hungry right now!" I say calmly. Everyone comes back over and I turn on Insidious. "Fuck yeah!" Jordan says excitedly. I cuddle up to Colby as the movie plays. We decide ones not good enough so we watch all of them. I look over and see Jordan asleep with her head on Mike. "Mike did you know my sister fell asleep on you?" I ask smiling. "I kinda figured, she hadn't moved in awhile." He says smiling. I'm so happy these people came into my life. I can't wait to make more memories.

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