Far From Okay

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Lexi's POV

    I wake up and go out into the living room. "Hey we're about to go to the store wanna come with?" Colby asks. I shake my head. "Okay well Kat's going to come over so you're not alone." Mike says. Colby gives me a kiss and tells me he loves me. Him, Mike and Jordan leave. I take a shower and get ready for the day when I hear my door open. I feel my heart drop. I crack the door and see Kat in my fridge. I feel a wave of relive. "You scared the shit out of me." I say as I walk out of the bathroom. "Sorry." She says as she grabs a water and walks over and sits on the couch." I sit next to her. "Where's Sam?" I ask curious. She gives me a worried work. "You can't get mad at me." She says. "Kat what's going on?" I ask scared. "He didn't wanna come over because he already told the police and was scared you'd be mad." She says very fast. "Seriously?" I ask pissed off. "How long ago?" I ask. "About an hour or 2." She says. I pull out my phone and call Colby. 

    "How long till your home?" I ask obviously mad. "Not much longer probably bout 5-10 minutes." He says. "Great that might be enough time for you to save Sam." I say pissed off. "Scratch that we're in the car now." He says. "I love you please don't go to jail or hurt sam." He says jokingly. "I'll try not to love you too bye." I say before hanging up. "Lexi I'm so sorry." She says. "Stay here I need to go talk to Sam." I say standing up. I go to his apartment and knock on his door. "Who is it?" He yells from the other side. I open the door. "You went behind my back!" I yell as I shut the door. "Hello to you too Lexi." He says shutting his cabinet and turning towards me. He leans against his counter.

    "How could you do this Sam?" I ask furious. "Lexi I'm trying to help." He says. "I don't need your help!" I yell. "Okay Lexi you need to calm down." He stops and looks at his phone. "Kat said someone slide something under your door." He says confused. "I'll take care of it, I'm sorry for yelling at you." I say still pissed. I walk out of his apartment with my head down. "Hello." A familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Blake. "Please just leave me alone I promise I won't tell anyone." I say scared "It's too late for that Lexi." He says getting in my face. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and scream. I look down to see a knife. "Lexi?" I hear kat say as she opens my door. He pulls his knife out of me and I fall to the floor. I can't move or talk. "Lexi!" Kat yells running towards me. "Help somebody help please!" She yells. 

    Sam runs out and gets down where we are. "Lexi it's going to be okay." He says as he applies pressure to my stomach. "Go call 911." He tells Kat. I look at him. "I-I'm scared." I try to say. "No no you're okay, your going to be okay." He says with tears in his eyes. The elevator opens and I hear yelling and crying. "Someone get Jordan out of here she doesn't need to see this." Sam yells. I see Colby run over as I fight to stay awake.  "What the fuck happened!" He yells. "I don't know she walked out and I heard a scream then Kat start screaming for help." Sam says. "Baby listen to me you have to stay awake okay." He says his voice shaking and tears falling from his eyes. I look back and see Mike holding Jordan as she tries to fight past him. Kat takes her into the apartment. Mike comes over. "R-remember what you promised." I say slowly. "Lexi your going to be okay." He says. "Remember?" I ask. "I promise I'll take care of her." He says as I start to get a bitter taste in my mouth and I can barely breath. "Shh it's okay just stay awake." Colby says. I feel my eyes start to close. "Lexi stay awake." Sam says. My eyes close and everything stops.

Sam's POV

      "No! Lexi!" Colby yells. He shakes her. "Lexi wake the fuck up!" He yells. He starts crying. I feel for her pulse. "Her pulse is weak." I say. Jake comes running around the corner. "Holy shit please tell me this is a prank." He says. "Does it look like a fucking prank?" Mike asks. "Oh my god." He says. I still apply pressure to her wound but i'm shaking and scared. The paramedics come running in. They do what they need to before taking her away. I scoot towards the wall and lean against it. I feel my hands shaking and look at them. There covered in blood. I feel my breathing pick up and my chest feels like it's caving in. "Sam?" Mike says looking at me. I look up at him. "I have blood all over me, theres blood all over, I can't breath. Mike whats happening I can't fucking breath." I say as I'm crying and trying to catch my breath. "Just calm down okay, every things going to be okay." He says. "It's my fault, I went to the police a-and kat told me someone slid something under her door so I told her, I should've come out with her." I say sobbing. He gets down in front of me. "Sam this isn't any of your fault you need to calm down just breath."

        I get up running to the bathroom and puking. I then go to the sink scrubbing my hands. "Sam, the bloods off." Mike says but I keep scrubbing. "Sam!" He says loudly. "We need to go to the hospital." He says. "Okay, okay I-I need to umm I need to do something." I say unable to think. "Change your shirt then we can go." He says handing me a shirt. I nod. What the fuck is going on?

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