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1 year and 2 weeks later

Lexi's POV

   I wake up in Colby's arms. Much has changed in the past year. Me and Colby got back to better. He helped me get through everything. I ended up having a miscarriage, I started YouTube again, I went to therapy and now my life is so much better. I get up and walk down stairs.

  "Lexi come here." Sam says before pulling me into the closet. "Help." He says. "With? and why are we in the closet?" I ask. "I'm going to propose, I need your help planning, also we're in the closet because we need privacy." He says. "Can we go get starbucks?" I ask. "Umm sure but will you help me?" He asks. I nod happily and go upstairs to change. I take off my shirt and pants. I grab a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and put them on. "Why don't you change in the bathroom?" Colby asks walking out. "Last time I had a panic attack because well... I have scars on my arms and it reminds me of them." I say. "Well they're gone and that's never happening to you again." He says walking up and kissing me. "I know, I love you but I have to put on a shirt and go." I say

   "Wow didn't know we were a one night stand." He says jokingly. "Have been for 11 months now." I say joking. "Yes but our 12 months is in 2 days." He says smiling. I smile and kiss him before putting on my crop top. "Gotta go me and Sam have plans." I say smiling. "Okay, love you be safe." He says as I walk out the door. "I love that girl." I hear him whisper. I smile and run down the stairs. "Ready?" Sam asks. I nod and grab my purse. We leave and go to starbucks then target. "Okay so I was thinking maybe I take her on a scavenger hunt and then we go back to the house and there's rose petals and fairy lights in the living room and BOOM pop the question." He says. "Idea, take her to the movies. Me and Colby meet you guys there and you leave her with us after the movie, then we go around and get the keys to the hunt after the movie and so that way you have time to set stuff up and it leads us back to the house and then BOOM you pop the question then we all get drunk to celebrate." I say. Sam smiles and nod. I can tell he's excited. We get our supplies and check the time, it's 2. "Wowie I woke up late, can I film this?" He nods.

    I pull out my camera. "Whats up guys, I'm currently trying to help my best friend Sam propose to my other best friend Kat." I say. I point the camera at him. "What's the plan?" I ask. "Okay so, we're goin to go on a double date to the movies, half way through I'm going to leave and go drop off answers and hints to my friends as like a scavenger hunt type thing, it's going to lead them back to the house and I'm going to have rose petals and fairy lights in the living room and then I'm going to pop the question...hopefully she says yes." He says smiling. We go in and and get the stuff, we then go out and make the notes on flash cards. "Okay so, park, sephora, Kevins, the beach, then the house?" I ask. He nods. 

    We go to the house and I do my make up while Colby gets dressed. "So its a scavenger hunt for her?" He asks. I nod. "Well you have your license now so I can come back with Sam so it doesn't look sus and then help him get ready." He says. "Sounds good." I say smiling. After about an hour we go leave, current time is 4. I have never been so excited in my life. She drives with Sam in his car and Colby rides with me in my car. We get out and go into the movies. Half way through Sam walks out then back in. "Babe I hate to do this but me and Colby have to go."  He says. "Why?" She asks. "Our editor is having problems and this video has to be up tomorrow and we have to get on a phone meeting for the book dropping." He says. "Oh okay, I love you be safe." She says. "Love you." I say to Colby then they leave.

   After the movie we start walking back to my car and I see the card on my wind shield. "Shit can you see if thats a parking ticket." I ask. "Yeah, were we not supposed to park here?" She asks. I shrug. She grabs it and reads it. "Go to where we first said 'i love you' hint; the grass is poopier on the other side." She says laughing. "Do you know whats happening?" She asks smiling. I smile. "No idea." We get in the car and I st up the tripod and we go to the park. We go to the bench and it's taped down. "Good job beautiful you finally remembered, now go to the place I love to spoil you the most. hint: you're both wearing it, So sephora I think." She says smiling and laughing. We go to spehora. The lady hands her the card. "You figured it out, go to ----- he'll have a hint, if you need one now it's where you and Jordan last met. SO we have to go to Kevins." She says laughing. We get back in the car and go. "Oh hey what you doin here?" He asks acting shocked. "Give us the card." She says laughing. "Only if I can tag along." He smiles. "Okay okay." I say. He hands her the card. "Good job you found it yet again, now go to the place we first kissed hint: the place the sunset is most beautiful." She says. "SO the beach, can I please know whats happening?" She asks. We shake our heads and leave. "You did it! Now come back home and try to find the last hint. ps, im thirsty." She says. We go home and she looks in the fridge for a note, its taped to a water. "Well job my love, you found me, come in the living room i have a big favor to ask you." She says

   "Is this a prank?" She asks. "No now please go." I say excitedly as I record and follow her. we get to the living room and flower petals are every where. Theres a candle lit and dim fairy lights. He starts playing A thousand years by Christina Perri. "Katrina Stewart" He starts as he gets on one knee. "I have loved you since the day that I have met you, you made me a better man and you have made my life like heaven, I love you so much. Will you marry me?." He says. She starts crying and nodding. "Yes, yes of course." He puts the ring on her finger and then stands up hugging and kissing her. I look over at colby and he smiles. I start crying. " Aww lexi." Kat says hugging me. "I'm so exicited!" I say happily. "When we gonna start planning the wedding?" Kevin asks. We all laugh. We go into the kitchen and start doing shots and playing drinking games before going to bed. I love these people so much.

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